Well its the 20th of feb, 2004 and due to public demand I have decided to update my website (you dont need to give me that "uh huh pitying look" people did ask me honest. I heard their voices in my head yelling at me to do it. And no, im not insane **scouts honor** :P ).

Well ok truth be told, this site has been up for 7 years and well not really been updated at all (god i feel old :p ) so i thought hey what the hell, cant have people think im still into some of the crappy bands i mentioned on my previous opening page :|

**sits and thinks ** so, um where to begin. I suppose i could just recyle the last bit of text that opened my page off. No one said i couldnt cheat after all :p **thinks some more and decides cut and paste is the best option**

well most of you probably know me as Phenomenon, Damage or Krack Cocaine although more recently (well if you call the last two years recent) most people have met me as Chaotic Whisperz or perhaps Homicidal Euphoria. Some of you guys even know me as Moose (dont ask people and i wont bore u with the story :p ).

This page was set up initially because I used I got thrown into a Uni tutorial group which was full of nerds and the lovely guys that they were thought they would teach me how to programme using html. Bless them, they did try, so please dont blame them for the lack of quality on this page. Thats my fault. You see I have an identity crisis going on, i think im a peroxide blonde (god knows why as my hair couldnt be any darker than it is now :| ) and thus my brain seems to think the imaginary peroxide has infiltrated it and therefore lacks the ability absorb any useful information. Muddle through the rest of my pages at your peril :D er what i meant to say was Thanks for coming and Enjoy!