I can almost forgive the existance of Sky television because of the huge number of episodes of "The Simpsons" which it shows. I like wasting the spare time not spent in front of the goggle box playing Go, an ancient Chinese board game, and bridge. I am also a member of the Cambridge University Scientific Society which arranges talks of general scientific interest. Musically, my tastes are rather varied, but my favourite band currently around is Counting Crows *, whose website, whilst very pretty and all, takes ages and ages to load. For the best of British, think Radiohead. Now I've told you that, I'd probably better reassure you all that I am not a depressive, but in fact a rather cheerful individual. I am also a big fan of Dire Straits and Pink Floyd. You can have a look at the catalogue of my CD collection. My 'Desert Island Discs' are also on this site.
When not at Cambridge, I hide away in Bath. The last few summers, I have had a nice cushy job writing software in C for IPL *, a small local firm producing real-time, safety-critical applications.
Also, living in Bath, I couldn't possibly fail to support
Rugby's former European Champions
Following the lead of the US Skipjack algorithm, the UK government wants to be able to read your encrypted e-mails. Only they want to do it by knowing everone's private key. Find out more, in particular, what to do about it.
Intel's planned introduction of the Processor
Serial Number could mean an end to privacy on-line. Do you want your
every web transaction logged and collated? Or would you rather not have
your identity broadcast to any website that asks? If it's the latter,
join the boycott
OK I think that's enough ranting now :)
And my friends with WWW involvement: