We meet on Thursdays in room 201 B at 7-9 PM for the main club night.
On Fridays we meet in Mod 2 for a workshop starting at 12PM till 1 PM.
There are 3 rooms at the weekly club meeting. The Basic room is desiged for the students who are in lower quarters and aren't familiar with neither the anatomy nor the neurology of the body( 5th quarter and below ).
The Intermediate room is for the students who are above 5th quarter and they are comfortable with there knowledge of anatomy and neurology. This room will mainly cover the basic SOT procedures and the integration of these procedures in all the categories.
The Advanced room is for the students who want to learn more than the basics and wish to take the club certification exam. The room covers the basic procedures, advanced procedures, and advanced concepts. It also covers CMRT, Cranial ROM, some sutural techniques, and extremities. This room is for the student who wants to learn how to apply SOT in a clinical setting. A knowledge of some basic orthopedics and neurological examinations is recomended.