BedtimeBear's Personal Domain
Everyone has a guardian angel. Your guardian angel is not a guardian only of you, but of the limitless capacity for happiness and potential for the positive that you have within you.!!
My name is Kammie ( A.K.A. BedtimeBear or Mrs.Archon-Holst)!...I am 28 years old...I am a 5'9" Leo with short auburn/chestnut hair and hazel eyes!...I weigh about 190 to 195 lbs....If you would like to see a picture of me, there is six links on the bottom of the page to a website with a pic of me on it. The ones from my wedding are my most current ones...That was in January 2004....I wear contacts or glasses, depending if I have the time in the morning to put them in or if I just feel like wearing my contacts or not....I am a very shy person!...But I am working on that...Through my friends that I met at college and through my job....I don't like talking very much until I get to know them better...I am very afraid to go up to a person and start to talk to that person!...I am a person who has very little friends but cherishes each and every one of them to the fullest of mine and their capablities!!....
My Family!:
My Immediate Family :
In my immediate family, I have a mother, Jeanette, a Father, Charles, and my only sibling, Jennifer, and her husband, Jason!!...There was a new addition to my family!..I am officially an Aunt!...My sister had her baby!...She had a beautiful baby girl...Jenn & Jason named her Azalea!...*There is also a link to a pic of her and her dad* And in fall of 2000, my sister and Jason had their second child..My nephew Christian...So I am an aunt again...My mom is a retired music teacher. My dad works at a paper products making factory back home too!...
More about Me and where I am from :
I am from a little town just outside of Plattsburgh, New York.
The town is West Chazy!...There I live on a farm!...So I guess I
could be called a " Farm Girl "!...On the farm, we have
about 14 heifers...My mom thinks of me more of a " Home Boy
", because I like to stay at home and not go to town or
anywhere very much!!.....I am also a pet lover....At my home with
my parents, we have 8 cats ( 4 of them are mine )....And living with myself is my favorite feline, Pebbles...My second oldest cat.... So we have a lot of pets....And I love all of them..... In a way, I treat my pets as if they were my own children....They are like a second family to me...
My Personality :
By My Dad!...Christine is shy when among strangers, but this changes as she becomes more outgoing!...She is very intensely interested in the things that she likes and follows them in great deal!...Christine is very good at remember great detail in her " interested topics " - but has a problem studying the
things she finds uninteresting!!.........
By My Mother : There are many sides to my daughter Christine!!...Her Grandfather ( My grandfather that I was very close too!...He was like my second father!! ) died when she was in the second grade...Grandma ( who is like my second mother ) lived with us for awhile, but when she decided she wanted to stay at her own home...She is hard of hearing and at the time was
around 74 years old, so we didn't want her to live alone.....So, from the time Christine was in the sixth grade to this day, she has lived next door with her grandma to be her companion and her " ears "....It takes a special person to give up her own life style for someone else!!....Christine loves sports!!...She is an avid State University of New York (SUNY)College at Plattsburgh Cardinal Hockey Fan and many others!!...She is very knowledgeable about all of them!!....She even keeps statistics in a notebook for the hockey games and " Former " ACT races!!.....Christine is also without a doubt a " couch potato. "....She watches too much TV, plays around with a computer, and plays all kinds of video games!!....I wish she would show as much interest in reading books as she does in reading " closed captions!!"...Christine is also an animal lover!!....Just don't ask her to clean up after them...She enjoys their company but wants someone else to do the dirty work!.....She is a real "
homeboy " ( Unless Grandma wants to go grocery shopping )....She doesn't like to travel, and doesn't even like to go to Plattsburgh ( a city close to my hometown ) to eat or shop!!...Excuse me, she will travel in a car if we're going to an ACT races!....Christine has one more love in her life!...That is
sleeping in on weekends until about 3 O'clock in the afternoon!....She loves to sleep!!....She's a joy to be around most of the time!!....

Links to other sites on the Web
The Lion King Site!!
A Great Place to Get Free E-Mail!
Another Great Place to Get Free E-Mail!
Isengard! A fun place that I like to go mudding at!
Official Website of the WWE!
And where you can find my Favorite wrestlers' profiles....Lita and Chris Benoit!
Links to Pictures of My Family and I!
A Picture of me at the Great Escape in Lake George, New York in about 1994!!
One of my senior pictures from High School in 1996!
This is a picture of me when I was at a dance in College in 1997!
This is my sister and my niece, Azalea, when she was born!
This is my mom and my niece Azalea when she was about 4 months old!
This is my niece, Azalea, and I when she was still an infant!
This is my nephew, Christian, and my sister when he was just born!
This is my nephew, Christian, when he was coming home from the hospital!
Links to Pictures of My Wedding to my Husband, Don on January 31st, 2004!!
This is our unity candle that we had at our ceremony!!
This is our first kiss as Husband and Wife!!
This is our first picture taken as Husband and Wife!
This is a picture of Don and I, with his Mother at our wedding!
This is a picture of Don and I, with my Mother and Father at our wedding!
This is a picture of our entire family, Don, Alycia, Cathrine, Justin, and I! And also our 2 maid of honors, Karen & Amy, and our best man, Paul.
This is my nephew, Christian, when he was coming home from the hospital!
This is my niece, Azalea, and I when she was still an infant!
Updated on : August 2, 2004
If you can't guess, this is My Adopted Care Bear! Hence one of my nicknames..... I have loved Care Bears since the first time that they came out when I was just a child myself.... And Bedtime Bear has always just been the bear that describes me to perfection... Even websites that I have gone to to take a Care Bear Quiz to see who you are most like, told me that I was a Bedtime Bear!! Hence the award showing.....
Bedtime Bear,
He was adopted on
September 5,2003
Here is a Care Bear that I adopted to represent my husband! He is truly a Grumpy Bear! But a great guy with a big heart!
Meet Grumpy Bear,
He was adopted on August 2nd, 2004
Here is a Care Bear that I adopted to represent my Step-daughter, Alycia! She is truly a Good-Luck Bear! She is a great kid with a big heart (which I know I should of picked Tenderheart Bear), but she also brings a lot of Good luck to this family! Always taking care of her younger siblings =)
Meet Good Luck Bear,
He was adopted on August 2nd, 2004
Here is a Care Bear that I adopted to represent my Step-daughter, Cathrine, and my Step-son, Justin! They are represented by the two young cubs because they are still learning, and they are always getting into trouble! =)
Meet Baby Hugs And Baby Tugs,
They were adopted on August 2nd, 2004
Here is a Care Bear that I adopted to represent the child that I am carrying right now.... I know that this was a picture perfect bear for him/her because he/she will bring a lot of love into our family and will be loved back so much!! He/She is my first child! =)
Meet Love-A-Lot Bear,
She was adopted on August 2nd, 2004
Here is a Care Bear that I adopted to represent my own feline, Misty! And also my love of cats in general! =)
Meet Proud Heart Cat,
She was adopted on August 2nd, 2004
Adopt your own
Care Bear at: