For now this is going to be just a page outlining my taste and intrest in music. But one day, If I can get good enough at coding, and don't loses intret in this section before then, It may be updated to hold some samples (Probably in MP3 Format) and other exciting thinmgs.
Musical taste
Musical recordings are a reflection on the state of the mind of the purchaser at the time of buying the recording. They reflect more that they would possibly like to imagine. Taken from Music Buying; A study by John Boyd. The above quote I read in a magazine somewhere, and although I may have misquoted it, I'm sure that everyone can understand the concept.Music for me at least is an escape form what ever I want. If I've had a bad day at work, I can come home and put on a tune to relax. If I have been told any news, what ever it is, I have the music (and volume) that will help me cope with it. You see, for me music is not just a background noise it is an integral part of my life. Which leads nicely into the next topic:
Or an escape to The top
But, I do think that I should try and give you an idea of what I do like. Music, I feel, should change your mood. It should be able to lift you to a higher plain, or take you to an inner state that you long to be in.
So, to the point then.
Or an escape to The top Links.I know that I promised some links here, But as far as music links go, I can never keep up. The best way that I have found of finding anything I want is either through the Melody Maker (But I don't think that they have a web page) or the NME.But a better place to go, and better than relying on my to try and remember to get the links right, try AltaVista or Yahoo. But of course if you fancy buying music, you could try Amazon They sell it as well as books.
Or an escape to The top Ranting.One point that I have been thinking about recently. There is a lot press coverage of events that have happened, such as the American high School shootings. They all seem to say that listening to music can control you, and make you do things that you wouldn't do normally.I have only one think to say to this. Bollocks. I agree that music is powerful, but I don't really think that it has mind altering properties. I believe that people feel a way, and get the music that goes with their feelings, not the other way round.
Your feeling down and you want music to keep you there? Protishaed, Unkle, Massive Attack amongst others are probably your listening material.
Or an escape to The top
Any views and opinions expressed here are that of the author only.
Any offence caused is accidental.