Mon, 27 Apr 1998
From: Steven J. Hull

News from the treasurer. The spring Picnic on Saturday April 18th was a success.

We have three bands, a 200 pound pig, and between 500 and 700 people. With about twenty alumni. The party was a great success.

OK, the house is now painted a grayish blue with a reddish trim. The paint helped to make the house less of the eye sore it was in the past. The house painting job cost were about 1500.00 dollars in total. Which we don't really have. But the painting really needed to be done. We are in the process (This week) of putting up Soffit under the second floor porch.

In the way of bills and such.. We are doing ok getting but could always use a couple dollars in the bank. Any money basically left over after the bills for this school year will be put into little fix up jobs like replacing exterior wood outside of apartament Q. The money to pay for the paint was LOANED (wich we need to pay back) to Delta Pi by an alumni. And so any checks sent up soon would be going to pay off the 1200.00 owed.

Here are a few things needed; that if you happen to have them lying around and want to get rid of them...
lawn mower
push brooms
yard tools

The executive board consists of
Pres: Timothy Karamis 582
Vice: Mike Jacobsen 566
Tres: Steve Hull 578
Relations: Timothy Cataldi 593
House mangers Mike Muncer 591 and Greg young 590
Social: Tony Devitt 576

Steven J. Hull-578

Delta Pi is once again recognized by Bloomsburg!

Bloomsburg University fraternity brothers are trying to fix code violations at the old Crag Mansion ,but they are running out of time, Town Council was told Monday.

"They've got a lot of work ahead of them," said chief code officer Dean VonBlohn, "Everything we found had a deadline."

VonBlohn in March took the unusual step of hiring an outside electrical inspector at $45 an hour so he could document potential life-threatening problems at the house.

That inspection turned up nothing life-threatening, but many things that need fixing, he said.

The house must be licensed by the town because three or more unrelated people live there. New licenses are issued in July.

If most problems remain uncorrected by July 1, the town could decide not to issue a license. That would effectively put it out of business as a fraternity house, because no more than two unrelated people could live there.

There are so many violations, VonBlohn said, "it's like tearing down a house and building a new house in a month."

VonBlohn pointed out that the house is still structurally sound, and the fraternity brothers have tried to fix as many things as they could.

They have replaced doors and windows, and did as much electrical work as they could do on their own, he said.

Mayor Dan Bauman, noting past problems at the house, sounded a hard line when he said, "I certainly, as one member of the coucil, will hold their feet to the fire."
by Hugh Lessig Delta Pi Alumnus.

here at Bloomsburg University, and Delta Pi and the Crag are still going strong. THIS PAST SEMESTER WAS OUR FIRST SINCE PAYING OFF THE HOUSE LAST SPRING. We had twenty eight brothers living in the Crag with an active brotherhood of thirty eight. Once again the building inspector was on our backs about getting the house up to code so we did a few projects to help improve the standard of living at the best house in Bloomsburg. While many of the projects were of a smaller scale, we did finally take care of a problem that needed to get done.

    A brand new integrated fire and smoke detection system was installed last semester. In case you didn't know, our old system didn't work to well and went off whenever it felt like it. The code enforcer informed us that this was the first thing that needed to be addressed. The system is fully integrated throughout each apartment and hallway, with beeping alarms in each room and fire buzzers in the first, second, and third floor hallways. If you think that this sounds like it cost some cash, you're right. The best estimate we received was for a little over five grand! It was imperative that we did this so we had to cough up the cash.

    Some of the small scale projects we managed to put together also helped out the house. The hot water heater decided to take a piss all over the boiler room on more than a few occasions. We had a new one installed at the beginning of last semester. A section of apartments F's ceiling became a permanent centerpiece on the coffee table of the two brother's who lived there. The rest of the ceiling was ripped out and then re-sheetrocked, spackled, sanded and painted. We cleaned out the pit in the basement and purchased an industrial strength sump pump. The building inspector made a complaint about the fire escape so we scraped and repainted it to make him happy. many of the door frames and doors around the house were rebuilt or replaced. The window frame in apartment Q was torn out and rebuilt as was the one in the crack room. These are just some of the things we have done to make this place a little more livable. You alumni know what this place is like to live in.

    Some of you are probably saying to yourselves "why the hell are they telling me all this?" Well I'll tell you. The things that are wrong with this house didn't happen overnight. As of this past summer, the building inspector handed us a list of 78 violations at this property. We managed to take care of a substantial amount of these violation last semester but we ran out of funds to keep going. The inspector made it abundantly clear to us that he wanted one major project done to the house per semester. This house has put up with the wear and tear of fraternity life for twenty years, and it has taken its toll. I'm not saying were not willing to accept the responsibility of getting this house back into shape, but we could use a little help. I know some of you think that the active brothers are always bothering the alumni for money and you're probably right, but we're not asking for money for the hell of it. We need some extra funds to keep this place going. This is your house as much as it is ours and I would hope that you would like to see it here for another twenty years. I know I would. So if you could make any type of contribution to the fraternity's plans for the future it would be greatly appreciated. Any sum of money helps, whether it's $20 or $200, it all goes to the future of this place so please do whatever's within your means. We thank all of the alumni who have sent money in the past and hope you will continue your contributions in the future. As for the alumni who haven't please consider doing so. It would really help.

    It's really tough reaching many of the Delta Pi alumni. Some haven't been heard from in a while. We have an outdated list of the full 500+ brother's of Delta Pi with an additional list of some recent graduates who do keep in contact. If you do receive this letter please pass the word to those who might not have. It would help considerably if some of the alumni would call or write the house to let us know how you guys are doing and what you've been up to. All of us up here at The Crag appreciate your time and hopefully your contributions.

Thank you,
Mike Vitali 552