Some Really Old Stuff

15 August

The 4th annual golf outing has come and gone. It was a grueling day. The course was drought stricken (this made for some long drives) and the temp was over 90 deg. We had a total of 27 players, 14 of them brothers. Thanks to everyone who drove the distance to play. Freaks came from NJ, Philly, NY, CT & WI. Some of the freaks who attended were Dick (Mike) Treacy, Reger, Chewy, Pro, Wildman, Quag, Fidel Castner, Sleepy, Skip, Pettica, Wiik, Turbo and a bunch of good ol' boys from the scummit and surrounding areas. Greg Schank was unable to attend because he broke his arm trying to hurdle a wood pile. Of course, he did not think is was broken until he woke up the next morning. Jonesy waffled his way out of the tournament. He spent too much time on the tamporine at John K's the night before.

Here are some of the results; Dick Treacy and Turbo took 2nd place for low team score, Fidel Castner won longest drive, a mere 360 yards in the fairway, this, his only shot which went straight - he shot a 110. Reger won the Eddy the Eagle award, he shot a course record 132. Next year he will open the tournament with a pink bouffant hat with flowers on his head. The low score of the day was an 80 by a former Clarks Scummiteer.

By the way, several people had not heard of the web address. Would it be possible for the brotherhood to publish it in the next letter sent to the alumni?

Gotta go. Ginsu 407.

11, August 97

Dear Bill:

Excellent job on the Homepage! Getting some strange reactions from Singaporeans when I show them the picture of the house. Please don't put Screwball's picture up - I don't want to get thrown out of the country for inciting a national emergency...

Wondering if anyone from the class of '82 is out there? This is the 15th reunion, and I'm tempted to make the very long trip from Asia back to the hills of Bloomsburg. I'm still in touch with various brothers from that year - Fenton, Tony V., Leo, Ferdinand, Cardy, and others, and will be checking with them to see if they're making the trip. Also, if anyone from any of the classes from the late 70's and early 80's (damn I feel old) is planning on going back I'd be glad to know.

Always a pleasure to read Uncle Screwball's messages - Screwy how are ya! Blood type still the same?

As I've heard I've become a bit invisible the past few years, a quick update: left Boston in '92 and moved to Singapore with my current company, Periphonics (voice processing computers). Been travelling heavily around Asia and Australia/NZ for the past 4+ years. Believe me it's not as glamorous as it sounds. On the personal side, not married or even close - me, Jonesy, and Hash Hanchak, and Leo are still upholding the time honored DP traditions of drinking and chasing women, occasionally fat ones (no pictures). I have to say there are certain pleasures of the East that I would highly recommend (Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia)! Looks like I'll be back in the U.S. in the spring, but I'm not sure where yet.

Hope to hear from some of you old bastards out there, and maybe see a few at Homecoming!
Best Regards, Mike. Later,
Moorsie 277

Michael R. Moors
Group Director, Asia/Pacific
Periphonics Corporation

6 August

Bill, it was nice to run into you in New Hope. Crawdaddy is throwing a party Sat. Aug. 16th. Call me if you need any info. Also Please post my E-mail address.


2 August, 97
What's up?
What's the status with the house? What actions are being taken after the "incident" as well?

23 July, 1997

Bill, Thought I would drop a line to say "Congrats" on the success of the Delta Pi web page.

I also wanted to update you on some news. My wife and I recently had a baby girl (Kaleigh Mac) and have moved back to Philadelphia from NH. I took a job in the Dept. of Neurology at Jefferson down at 11th and Chestnut - so if anyone is downtown feel free to come by.

I am looking forward to seeing more brothers/alumn now that I am back in town. In fact, I just ran into Tom "Rabbit" Henninger who is an administrator at a nursing home in Lansdale.

Galen, Sarge, Balloon, Moff, Twit, Cecco, and a few others are planning on going to the Bloomsburg-Kutztown football game this Fall at Kutztown (they usually go to the West Chester game but it's at Bloom this year). Anyway, if anyone is interested in going please get in touch. It should be fun.

Keep up the good work on the website and best wishes to you and your family.

hank riordan 322 24th

21, July, 1997

Hey Billy, and all other Freaks. How's the heat? Great to find this page, I was at the house(and Harry's and Russells and other watering holes) over the weekend and they turned me on to the page. Still retired but will be coming out soon, sucks but the bills keep mounting. Let me know if it's not to late for the golf tourney. I've been playing and smoking my brains out on a regular basis and think I'm ready. Talk to you soon

Jones'y 358.

8 June,

The golf outing is at Summit Hills, in Clarks Summit, PA. Why don't some of you freaks from NJ and Philly make a trip up for the day. Clarks Summit is a central location for many people, including myself, I live in Rochester, NY, a 3 hr drive.

So what happens with the house on July 1st, do we lose it. What are we planning on doing to fix it up before then. Is anyone planning on making a trip to Bloom before 7/1. I am free the last weekend in June (I believe June 28). I own a sledge hammer and an axe. Why don't we plan a spontaneous trip to Bloom & fix our house. I know I plan on attending a few more homecomings and picnics. Any response?

5 June, 1997

Just to let all know the site of the Golf Outing has changed, give Ginsu or Chewy a call for updates. It was a blast last year, hope to see a bunch of freaks in August.

Just a quick observation.... Dreams really can come true..... Screwball is an athletic director! I bet the football jerseys are tie died in that school district !

20 May 1997

Here is the invitation for the Golf Outing. I hope some brothers new, old and in between will join the uncoordinated idiots we are on the golf course.

You don't have be a golfer to play, we do need caddies. After the golf outing Randy Faller will be having an all night party at his house, if you need a place to stay call Mark Pronitis.

May 14,

I was glad to see that the information I sent made it to the site. Keep up the steller job----257 merits in your pledge manual. Bill please post the following update:

Greatings from Skrewball King, # 257, of the 18th pledge class.

I am currently working for the Morrisville School District as their Athletic Director and Business Department Chairman. Thats Right--- Athletic Director. I figure if Hank Riorden can become some type of Brain Doctor, I sure as hell can become an Athletic Director. I married Karin (Squid) Suttmann-King back in 1989. She is a Theta Tau Sister so watch the Theta titty jokes ( she monitors our page as well as takes my mail)

I am seaking the e-mail addresses of: the whole 18th pledge class, Bill Hower, Wiesal, Zip-a-Dee Dudash, Mush,Tommy Kiesling, Iceman, Bill Lesho, RT,Cowboy, Jim Snyder,Dipippo, Bob Bolus, and Sputnik. If anyone has a current address or E-mail address please forward them to me.

Just got news that Charles (Chuckles) Smith 19th pledge class is getting married at the end of June. I've bet a few bro's that this is just a front for his homosexual feelings for Doc Warren.

That's all for now!

Love and Kisses ------ 257

May 1,

Kick ass Bill, updating the board regularly I see.

For all concerned - or anyone that cares . . .

1. I'm moving from Atlanta, GA to Central Connecticut on May 19 (any brothers in the area?) -- Connecticut appears to be about as big as the trip from Apt. Q to Ma Neufer's on a Kamakize Night!

2. I'm going to Ginsu's golf outing (Gink, are you sending the $50 directly to me?) - Let's all go and make the groundskeeper thrilled

Also . . Talked to Hank Riordan lately - he and his wife just had a baby girl and are soon moving into the Philly area

Quag -- you forgot the 5th rule;

Make fun of them in the morning when they walk home down the driveway of the House


Skip - 459

April 30,

Great Idea. I got the address from Quag (Jeff Reiterman). Did you really make this Web page or did you have to get it from the Beta Sig house. If only Dean Norton could see us now. We need Weasel to send us some good updates. I don't think we could lose our charter for something he writes now.

Mark Pronitis and I am hosting a golf freak show in Scranton, PA, Saturday, August 9, 1997. Cost is only a measly $50. Spend the day with a bunch of freaks and drink and drive fast on the golf course. If you're interested in playing email me.

Jeff Gensiejewski
Ginsu 407

April 29,

Hey Billy, you really are updating this. Great. Let me know if any of you freaks are in Pittsburgh or Western, PA. I would like to get in touch. I'm married(my wife is a Chi Smegma) with a 1 year old boy Sean Jeffrey.
And alway remember Weas's four rules of women
1) Get them while they are young
2) Treat them bad
3) Tell them nothing
4) Take them nowhere

Fraternally Yours
Quag 421

April 28,

Bill, I was in the first pledge class, probably 1967. I not aware of any pledge numbers from those days. I would assume there is list of all Delti Pi brothers from day 1.

April 29,

Karin came home last night so happy to see the Delta Pi webpage and to share with me the NEWS. 257 Merits for taking the bull by the horns. Bill, I currently do not have an e-mail address but will use Karin as my currier until I get hooked up. Bill just a quick thought-- can the University publish our website address in the Quarterly. I would think that this may be a great way of spreading the word.

I am not going to write too much today because I am unsure that the technology here at Morrisville's Internet Lab is at 100%. We have been rewiring our intenet lab in preparation of expanding up to three seperate 25 machine labs. At that time I'll receive my internet e-mail address.

So, For now I'll leave you with some timeless BSC jokes-

What is the first thing a pixie sister does in the morning ------?
She walks home.

What is the first thing a Lambda Alpha Mu sister does in the morning------?
She wakes up wishing she was a pixie sister.

What is the first thing a SPUD brother does in the morning------?
He walks home from Doc Warrens bedroom.

Love and Kisses 257

Please E-Mail Karin letting her know if this got through.

April 28,

Billy Wat -
Good to see you guys on line!
I heard from Theta Tau & Delta Pi on the same day - - - okay, what's up? Who needs money? :-)

I've been instructed by #257 that his first e-mail to you needs to be "carefully constructed" in a manner worthy of his typing skills.....

But, being that I'm the one with the functioning e-mail address I will respond - I think the DP site looks great! If you need any help with it let me know. I do quite a bit of work with the web and might be able to contribute.

Take it easy!

PS - how do we post on the bulletin board?

April 28,

I had been informed about this Alumni letter that has been sent. However, I have not received anything in ages , pretty much since I graduated in '91. I have no problem " Doing my part "but when you have no idea as to what is going on, it is hard to do. So Just for the record here is all my info :

John (Bo)Belaski
(address & phone deleted for 'Net safety)
471 38th pledge class
Self Employed (I own a Snap-on Tools Franchise)

I would be more than happy to help but getting everything second hand just does'nt sit well .Please add me to the Alumni list, It would be greatly appreciated
Fraternally Yours
P.S. The Bloomsburg building inspector has been handing us that same list of repairs and improvements since the day we moved in.

April 25,

Good to Hear from Delta Pi
What a surprise to hear that Delta Pi has put up a web site. Quite an ambitious project and I will look forward to watching it grow. Good to see that Delta Pi has survived all these years. I have many fond memories of my years at Bloomsburg and of Delta Pi.

I graduated in '69, so if any of the original brothers are reading this, drop me a note. I've been living in Brockport, NY for over 25 years now. Ran an off-campus bar (SUNY @ Brockport) for a number of years in the 70's but settled down and have been at Eastman Kodak in Rochesterfor a long time now. Married with 4 kids, with a daughter at Seton Hall.

April 21,

I concure it's about time a bunch of freaks got on the net. Buy the way, what was with that timely letter letting us know about the picnic a week and half before the picnic!! Especially when it's "begging for bucks time" I know you've heard it before but GET YOU SHIT TOGETHER! Last time I talked to the house the picnic was either 4/24 or the first week in May, then I get a letter for the 19th.

Oh well, how was it? Some one let me know. e-mail me at

Dismal forever
Love & Kisses Quag 421

April 13,

Dear Fellow Family Liner ,
It is about time someone has got there act together ! I have'nt seen a newsletter or any type of correspondense for ever . I would love to know what is going on ?

I have moved to Atlanta (suburbs) and have been put of touch .
John Belaski (Bo)

Please get back to me . I would love any Info at all .
Hear from you soon

April 12, henry.riordan@Dartmouth.EDU

Hey, what's happening? Heard there was a website from Skip Kinney so I logged on. Great idea. Hope it works out and I will continue to watch for developments.

I know you don't need it, but if you want my advice, get yourself a cheap scanner (you can get an HP ScanJet II for about $300) and digitize some old pictures of the house (back when it had windows and doors) and as many social events as you can get your hands on. If you could get some of Woody's old pictures that would be great. In short, try to keep the text limited, don't ask for donations and make it grpahics intensive. You know what kind of attention span most of the brothers (including me) have.

Good luck with the web site and I will hoepfully be sending you some news very shortly regarding imnpending birth of our baby girl who is due next week. No way I'm sending her to Bloomsburg to get molested by guys like us. Also, we are probably relocating to either the Philly or Boston area shrotly and hopefully will see more alumn etc.

Hope things are well with you and family. Keep in touch.

April 10,

It's hard to believe that a bunch of freaks actually have a web page.
This is great!
Important info:
Paul "Aknod" Lewis
#482, 39th Pledge Class
graduated Dec., '90
currently employed at The Pfaltzgraff Company
When is the spring picnic?

April 11, Gene G. Kinney, Ph.D. -- Home Page

Great Job -- I was wondering if anyone would start a web page.

Let me know if there is any way in which I can lend support, I'm currently an asst. Prof. at Emory University down in Atlanta, GA
My best, Skip Kinney - 459

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