Deep Breath

Deep Breath

11 November 1996
St Kilda East

OK, I've taken a deep breath. I think I've thought this through well enough, I'm ready. My life tends not to be exceptionally interesting, but stuff seems to happen to me. I am often accosted by strangers who are lost, want to talk, or are crazy. I always seem to be at the intersection during the split second when *the* accident happens, or gazing into the distance and my eyes pull into focus people having sex in a public place, or someone stealing from a store.

I also have a lot of trouble coping with day to day life. Events and occurrences seem to overwhelm me, and I am frequently housebound as a result. Yet in a way I see myself as a bumbling kind of misfit. I'm clumsy and awkward, unfailingly quiet and reserved. I do however, have a keen eye for detail, so I tend to see from afar all sorts of interesting things that happen in the people world.

This seems to be turning into a bio.

Responded to a call-back for some work until Christmas on Friday. A friend and I went in to see what all the fuss was about. It turns out that we worked for this company this time last year on a particular project, and they wanted us back to pick up where we left off. Cool, so we spoke, and caught up with some other people who also worked with us, and I was to expect a call today. Duh, duuuh. So I rang them. "Oh, yeah. Really busy in here today, I'm going to get to the roster this afternoon."

The 'phone rings at twenty to ten this evening, its Sarah, she worked there this afternoon after contacting them about her hours. Hmmmm, I'm feeling kinda out of the loop here. Then she goes on to tell me that they gave her a full weeks work! F**K. Now I'm going to feel strange about calling. I always feel inept at these times. Like I missed a cue, or failed to take note, or my shoes were all wrong. Somehow something feels awry and I'm on the outer.

Ho hum, glum glum. New car is going like a rocket. Scott insisted it was dirty (after three days! go figure) so we trouped over to *carlovers* to pay money to use their hose, water and soap. [men, keep figuring ;)] This is at 11:50pm mind you, so how he knows its dirty is beyond me. I just sat in the car and pondered the phenomenon of this sloth of a guy, who sleeps every night at 11:30pm - No exceptions - up and biting his finger nails over whether or not the mobile is clean. At midnight!

Spent way too much money food shopping. Haven't been for a couple of weeks, getting down to a sliver of stinky blue cheese left over from Christmas '95, a jar of pickled onions (Where'd they come from?), and some broken macaroni. I've been wracked with phobia about the supermarket, so I just didn't go. Scott didn't really notice, until this morning when his cereal ran out. Oh and the milk was lumpy.

For a first journal entry this is pretty lame. But come back, I am interesting.
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