September 8, 1999
Well life has been pretty uneventful since I got back. The trip was a little longer, and a
little more eventful than expected, so I'm winding down.
Or that's what I'd like everybody to believe. The winding down bit. The fact is, I'm sitting
around, doing nothing, and feeling crap about it. I still can't seem to get up the energy to do
much of anything. I'm crabby and the only person I'm nice to is Scott. And I wonder if a lot of
that isn't because I'm just so grateful that he's being so good about all of this.
Tonight I walked down to the milk bar to buy some sour cream for the dinner, then as I
walked down a side street heading for the train station to meet Scott (his ride has found a
girlfriend so no more ride home) I saw something wierd. A yellow panel van painted with
black splotches was rumbling up the street, loud music pumping - but this wasn't the unusual
bit. Standing up through the sun roof was a man, in a black wetsuit with shiny red splotches,
wearing a big devil face mask (I don't know, scary, big nose, horns etc) waving a pitchfork
and dancing to the music.
To my knowledge it is not mardi gras time, nor halloween (not even an Australian thing
anyway) or any other festival I could think of. Seems to me, someone or somebodies just got
the devil in them and went out to stir up some fun.
I think we should all raise our inner pitch forks to that!

Dave Matthews Band
Live at Luther College
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