Peach Fuzz

October 8, 1999

I am often surprised by what people will do when they are out in public, or assembled with people in a group.

I mean really, people do behave strangely. Speaking loudly to no one in particular seems to be popular. Also noted is the use of a general information session/forum type situation, to go on at length with what may as well scream.........

"Me, me, me, what about me. I don't care if I monopolise the entire 1 hour timeslot, I just want to know about me, and I don't care if no one else can get a word in because I'm going to keep talking until the minutiae of my individual situation are discussed ad tedium until I implode in a spectacular display of my own self interest."

I seem to have lost my inner poise. I nearly lost my fucking temper and screamed at the vacuous bint who perpetrated this crime today. But I didn't, I simply sat there and sighed, rolling my eyes where appropriate. Well the guy next to me thought it was funny.

I was however inspired recently by a comforting handle on just what poise is. Poise is about being ready for change of state. I like that. It lends strength to a word which I previously associated with being calm and still, rather than ready, prepared, set to go.

A much better action plan, really.

Who can separate faith from his actions, or
his belief from his occupation?

Ben Lee
Breathing Tornados

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