I have only been collecting for a little while but my collection is growing fast!

I am always looking for ways to get ones that I don't have! If you have anything please let me know! Thanks a lot!

I am not just a collector, I am a pezaddict! So far my collection consists of:

The Muppets:
Fozzie,Piggy, Kermit, Gonzo

The Flintstones:
Fred, Barney, Dino, Pebbles

Looney Toones:
Taz, Sylvester, Daffy, Tweety, Speedy, Yosemite Sam, Bugs Bunny

Garfield,Garfield smiling, Garfield with hat, Nermal, Arlene

Happy & Angry all

Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pluto

She-Saur,Fly-Saur, He-Saur,I-Saur

Batman, Wonder Woman, Incredible Hulk, Spiderman

Snoopy, Lucy, Woodstock, Charlie Brown

Santa, Snowman, Chick, Lamb, Bunny, skull, Pumpkin, Witch, Hearts

PEZ things:
Boy,Girl, Clown, Panda, trucks, regular, whistle, watch, clip

Darth Vader, 3cpo, Storm Trooper, Yoda, Chewy

Penguin, Clown, Rhino, Parrot, Panda, Donkey, Lion.

Tom and Jerry:
Tom, Jerry, Spike, and Jerry's cousin, Droopy with body part

Body Parts!:
caveman, hockey player, nurse, armor, skeleton, archer, red dress, maid.

Pink Panther:
Pink Panther, ant, anteater, detective

Icee bear, scrooge, road runner!

Couple stupid bride and groom ones that I am going to throw out...

Links to other sites on the Web

this is where I edit my pages...file manager

Let me know what you think!

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