How is Everyone?
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Dr. Sid Baker
Lee Black
Jerome Brown
Jerry Carden
Bruce Castleberry
Brian Chappell
John Collier
David Colvard
John R. Crook
Alf Cruz
Dave Davis
Blake Diamond
George Dinsmore
Jetson Homepage
Shawn Dordon
Donnie Downs
Mickey Dunnavant
Larry Dunn
Carl Espy
Eric Griggs
Griggs Homepage
Lance Harper
Tony Harris
Dan Harsch
Ty Harvey
J.E. Hawthorne
Ronald Head
Shawn Headley
Mike Henby
Dan Hilley
Erich Howard
Blaine Johnson
Gary Jones
Rick Kelsey
Bruce Killough
Jeff Kirkland
Brian Lanahan
Phil Laprad
John Lawhorn
Eric Locklar
Dr. Jim Lima
Bill Marrs
(Fester) Paul Martin
Billy Mietus
Joe Milam
Jason Ping
Paul Powell
Tim Rach
Scott Sanders
Devin Schaff
Heath Sellers
Adam Shores
Jason Shores
Tom Sickman
Dr. Donald Simmons
Hardie Sims
Fred Sington
Chris Smith
Steve Smith
Brandon Spears
Randy Stephens
Andrew Tarver
Tim Tew
Gary Thomas
David Van Buskirk
Terry Weaver
Tommy White
Nick Wolf
Mike Woodham
Dave Wyly
Tim Yandell
Our Friends of the Fraternity E-Mail List
Terrica Hood Carlisle
Kristen Crawford
Elizabeth Downs
Donna (Dasher) Glass
Jenny (Girdner) Biggs
Kerri Johnson
(Booda) Melissa Persch
Diana Schauer
Julie (Wright)Hilley

This site is a member of National Group Rides And Designated Drivers' "Link Around the World"
to help spread the word about the dangers of drunken driving.
You too can show your concern by copying and pasting this link into your web site and JOINING! This organization was founded by Sigma Pi Orchid Girl, Kristen Crawford. It is a great cause and the alumni club supports GRADD and everything it is trying to accomplish.
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