PA Intercollegiate Band Commission - Delta Alpha will contribute money over the next 4 years to help PA ICB commission a piece for the 60th Anniversary in 2007.

The Lebanon Valley College Music Department

Dr. Moorman-Stahlman performs soon!

L - Lutz; MC - Miller Chapel; Z - Zimmerman; * - denotes that a sister will be performing; AM - Alisha Miller; ALP - Amy Panetta; JR - Jennifer Rovito; KB - Kate Bright; LF - Larissa Fabian; LAL - Leigh Ann Lawhorne; SS - Shanalyn Sweigart; LS - Lindsey Strauss; MW - Marne Wessner, RD - Rebecca Douglass, KF Kate Fahey, SM - Sara Morrison, SB Sam Baas, SD Sarah Degnitz, JL Jess Liberati, JW Jamie Webber

Click HERE if you would like to see a list of dates in which our Advisor, Dr. Moorman-Stahlman, will be performing.

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