Feel free to discuss about school life and about our beloved alma mater
Entry for November 2, 2006
Feel free to discuss on this blog anything related to our school.
2006-11-03 02:29:29 GMT
Comments (30 total)
St John's College Jaffna is one of the leading schools in Jaffna. I had the privilege of attending this school in the seventies.It only made me what I am today. I am very grateful to my alma mater.
--Mano Selvanayagam
2006-11-08 20:56:45 GMT
I totally agree with Mano.Our school can still be rated as one of the leading schools in the north.
--Chandran Rajakulendran
2006-11-10 02:29:44 GMT
I had the pleasure of studying in this great instituition in the fifties.Sweet memories keep flooding back.I miss my wonderful days in this school.
--Selvendran Selvadurai
2006-11-24 04:09:43 GMT
I had the JOY of studying at SJC Jaffna during the 70's.I think it is still and will be the greatest Educational Institution mankind has ever known.The friendships we made were great and for a life time.We were taught to be tolerant and respectful of other peoles decisions.I will fail if I dont the mentions the camaradrie and friends the girls acorss the walls.
--Preman Rajadurai
2006-12-01 05:36:42 GMT
I am proud to be a Johnian & certainly we are keeping our crest on HIGH. I left St.John's in 1979 to further my education @ University of Peradeniya. The foundation (THE SKILLS) of my house (Life) was definitely built on the Solid ROCK because of The St.(Saint) John's College,Jaffna.The knowledge, the skills & the sportsmanship that I mastered @ St.John's help me to outshine & outperform with flying colours in whatever I undertake. I thank GOD for my mentors @ St.John's, especially Mr.Pooranampillai for producing HUMAN BEING/S who can handle any obstacles without breaking down.
-Samuel Selvendran Selvarasa-
--Samuel Selvendran Selvarasa
<mailto:samuel.selvarasa@cra.gc.ca OR samjandi@yahoo.com>
2007-01-14 20:21:27 GMT
I studied in St John's from 1956 to 1966 My Guru,Guide was My class teacher and principal C.E Anandarajan He gave us good decipline alone with education
I live in Auckland Newzealand
I have Two sons and two grand sons and two Grand daughters
My Brother Sivanesan who was living in London passed away on the 10th of January 2007 at the age of 62
I am giving some of my class mates
Dr.C.C Ananthajeya
2007-02-07 00:56:56 GMT
I am proud of the school, Principal, Teachers and my fellow classmates for the unforgetable time in my life form 1960 to 1974. I wish to ask my class mates of the batch of 1973 and 1974 to contact me with pictures to create an album with a short history of you. Best wishes to each and every one. R. Thillairajan (Thillai)
2007-05-27 17:56:24 GMT
Great to participate in this forum. While we praise St john's for the great education that it provided for us, I always think that the extra stuff that we did that helped me to stand up in life. The Prize giving, the sports meet, the boarders day, A/L Union dinner etc - all contributed towards our education. Best school in the world!
--B S Sinniah
2007-06-22 19:29:22 GMT
I am happy to hear from C.Selvanesan one of my classmates at St John's college, Jaffna. I am on Sydney for the past 19 years with the University of Technology, Sydney. I met Dr Sathiyendrakumar (Perth), Mahilrajan (Canberra) and Sukumaran (Sydney), Balaratnarajah (Canberra), Indrakumar (Sydney), Nalliah (Sydney), Jegatheeswaran (Syndey), Dr. Vethanayagam (NSW), Dr. S.R. Mather (Sydney), Janakan (Syndey). I wish to know whereabout of my other classmates. You could visit my website to see my details: http://www.eng.uts.edu.au/~ravir. My email is R.Ravindra@uts.edu.au
Where are others, namely Dr. Anandajaya, Dr Nithiyanathan, Dr. Zahir, Rajendra, Jeyakumar, Srikumar, Dr. Sahayanathan, Dr. Black, Naganathan. I know that Manivasagam died in 1983 riots. Any others in my class please contact me and I am happy to meet. I have three sons, 27 (electrical engineer), 23 (accountant, currently in England playing cricket with St Ives Cricket club at Cambridgeshire) and 20 (3rd year accounting student). My wife is Dr Sushila (earlier Miss Sinnaduary_ studied at Vembadi and Colombo Medical College (1978 batch), now practicing in Sydney. I met Thuraisamy master in Mebourne. I also met Thavaragalingam master in Toronto about 5 years back. I am looking forward to have contact with all my classmates. Best wishes to all.
--Dr R Sri Ravindrarajah
2007-07-02 13:55:19 GMT
I am very proud to say that I am a Johnion, I studied from 1962 to 1974 at this great institution.
some of my Classmates are:
Charles Rohan
2007-10-30 02:20:48 GMT
We Old boys of 73 (That was our last year of school)are very proud to write this note. our favourite teacher was Mr.Sriharan who was our chemistry teacher in A/L classes. please email to get more details of johnians studied around the year 1973.
2007-10-30 03:58:40 GMT
2007-10-30 04:03:28 GMT
What can I say? Studying at SJC was the most wonderful thing ever happened to me. I Thank GOD for that.The memories are ever lasting.
(Student of SJC from 1961 through to 1974)

2008-02-18 14:43:50 GMT
What can I say? Studying at SJC was the most wonderful thing ever happened to me. I Thank GOD for that.The memories are ever lasting.
(Student of SJC from 1961 through to 1974)

2008-02-18 14:45:16 GMT
I am 7_ Malai SIVAKUMARAN (GCE A/L 69 Batch_Maths).
Living in Germany.
Present Job. Computer programer.
I wont to know about my friends and students.
2008-03-05 22:25:34 GMT
I remember fondly about my school days and the memory of my fiends and the good teachers we had. The school gave me the foundation for what I am today. I feel the old boys of St Johns can play a greater role on world matters too.
--Rev. Dr. R. Thillairajan
2008-05-17 04:52:28 GMT
Sorry my e-mail is wrong
thillai7@sltnet.lk or thillai70@gmail.com
2008-05-17 04:54:42 GMT
Hello my dear friends I am Dr.E.A Jeyaseelan and i was in the same class with Dr.C.C Ananthajeya,Dr.A.K.Black,S.Sathiyendrakumar,
C.Arasaratnam,C.Selvanesan,Nalliah,Jegatheeswaran,Dr. Vethanayagam, Dr. S.R. Mather, Janakan and others. I am working in Srilanka.I would really like to get in touch with you all. Please email me to drjeyam@sltnet.lk .
2008-05-31 20:00:26 GMT
I am very proud to say that I am a Johnion, I studied from 1991 to 1998 at this great institution.
Rajeswaran Janarthanan.
2008-07-11 06:46:30 GMT
Some Johnian Wisdom:

Age is the quality of mind,
If you have left your dream behind,
If hope is cold,
If you no longer look ahead,
If your ambition fires are dead,
Then you are old.

But if from life you take the best,
And in life you keep the jest,
If love you hold,
No matter how the years go by,
No matter how the birthday flly-
you are not old
The only limit to how high we can go is how far we can reach out

Turn our obstacles into opportunities

Success does not come to us, we go to it

Catching up is harder to do, lets tackle the hard job right away

Perseverance precedes excellence

Broaden our outlook with a new perspective

We'll never know our limit until we test them

Success come to those who work for it

Look for new opportunities to challenge your talents

Set backs are only temporary ,new opportunities are ahead

Turn todays' set back into tomorrows Victory

Face each day with a positive attitude

Set a goal and go for it

Greatness is achieved not with strength but with perseverance

Winners do not set limit, thay set goals

That what is excellent is hard to achieve


S-elf Confidence
S-elf Acceptance



--Samuel Selvendran Selvarasa
2008-08-13 08:15:31 GMT
I studied in St John's from 1968 to 1980
I live in Sydney, Australia
I have one daughter and a son
My Brother N.Raveendrarajan who is also living in Sydney Australia. we both captain Pargiter House and we are sports lovers. JOHNIANS ALWAYS PLAY THE GAMES.

2008-09-19 05:54:31 GMT
Iam Varathabalan living in colombo, I studied
at St.Johns college from 1965 to 1974, please contact me on my email below.
2008-09-19 06:03:09 GMT
hi Johnians I am P.Sivakumar living in colombo, I studied
at St.Johns college from 1966 to 1973, please contact me on my email below.

2008-09-19 06:06:05 GMT
Iam Pakeerathan living in Sydney, I studied
at St.Johns college from 1965 to 1974, please contact me on my email below.

2008-09-19 06:08:07 GMT
Hi Johnians I am K.Ranjakunalan living in Singapore, I studied
at St.Johns college from 1966 to 1973, please contact me on my email below.

2008-09-19 06:10:36 GMT
Iam Charles Rohan living in Sydney, I studied
at St.Johns college from 1963 to 1972, please contact me on my email below
--Charles Rohan
2008-09-19 06:12:58 GMT
Hey i was a student there from 1972 to 1980
through out i was in the the hostels from everts to fleming now i am based in colombo
T.M.Eapen m.eapen@hotmail.com
2009-01-20 17:10:40 GMT
I am P.Pratheepkanth I was a student there from 1990 to 2003.
2009-02-12 10:00:07 GMT
I am P.Pratheepkanth I was a student there from 1990 to 2003.
2009-02-12 10:00:16 GMT
I was at St. John's 1964-1972. Friends knew me as Gnanasakthy, but I was also called Arinesalingam (long story !). Lived in Colombothurai and also in Uduvil. Currently living in the US. Please do drop me a line if you recognise me.
2009-04-06 16:48:38 GMT
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