
1st May 2002


A simulation and modeling project-using ARENA by Rockwell Software. Developed a model of the post office at the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ and produced alternative systems that help alleviate the problems and issues that the current system faces. Analysis was completed using Input and Output analysis to ascertain distributions for each and statistical analysis to obtain a good understanding of the results.


19th April 2002


Web development for the office of Room and Course Scheduling at the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Developed the login page that verifies a user attempting to make changes to course, room and special event data. Forms and structure developed using ASP and SQL statements that connect to a database holding user data (name, pin, phone#, etc.)  Allows user to submit data as well as request data in the case that they forget their pin. This project is currently in progress and more features are currently in development.


Room and Course Scheduling at the University of Arizona




25th February 2000

Currently I am involved in a project involving the implementation of Javascript and SQL at the Office of Curriculum and Registration in the University of Arizona. It involves development and troubleshooting of a web-based interface knows as UAFormLink, which allows departments within the university to make requests for addition, deletion and updating of courses. The system requires inclusion of all valid course data, such as syllabus, work hours, course dependencies, etc.

The project features:

- Menu based environment for user

- Access and handling of campus informational databases

-Process of requests through the campus database system after validity is verified

- Routing between databases of each department

- Interactive response to user at the time of processing

- E-mail notification of status to all departments involved.

The project also involves documentation and upgrading of old coding material, that can be updated for use, more efficiently in the new system. The project is moving along quite successfully and more information can be accessed at the following website.

University of Arizona FormLink

Dimuthu Tilakaratne