Mastering the Japanese language can be quite a
large and complex task even for the native spreaker. But as a traveller
in a foreign country we are required to have command of some basic phrases
that will aid us in communicating with the community.
Each phrase below is first listed in English
and the pronounciation in Japanese (using Roman characters) is placed across
from it.
"The pronounciation is relatively simple.
There is no strong stress or distinct intonation in declarative sentences.
The image above presents scripts in two different formats and their pronounciation
in roman characters. Questions (which usually end with ka) should be pronounced
with a rising intonation at the end, much as in English. Since most of us
cannot read Japanese I will omit writing each phrase in Japanese script
as well."
Good Morning |
Ohayo gozaimasu |
Good Afternoon / Eveninng |
Kon-nichiwa / Kombanwa |
How are you? |
Ikaga desuka? |
I'm well, thank you |
Genki desu |
Nice to meet you |
O-ai dekite ureshii desu |
Goodbye |
Sayonara |
Good Night |
Oyasuminasai |
Yes / No |
Hai / Iie |
What / Why |
Nani / Nande |
What is this? |
Kore wa nan desuka? |
What happened? |
Nani |
Where are we now? |
Ima dono atari desho? |
What is the price? |
Nedan wa ikura desuka? |
What is the time? |
Ima nanji desuka? |
May I come in? |
Haitte iidesuka? |
Excuse Me |
Sumimasen |
Thank you very much |
Arigato gozaimashita |
You're welcome |
Do itashimashite |
Will you do me a favor? |
Chotto onegai ga aru no desuga? |
I see |
Naruhodo |
It can't be true! |
Masaka! |
You're kidding! |
Jodan desho! |
How interesting! |
Omoshiroi desu ne! |
What is a good way to get to Tokyo? |
Tokyo e iku niwa nani ga benri desuka? |
Does this train stop at Ikuta? |
Kono densha wa Ikuta ni tomarimasuka? |
Please give me a ticket to Ikuta? |
Ikuta maade no kipu-o ijiemai kudasia? |
Which platform do I go to? |
Homu wa doko desuka? |
Where is the bus stop? |
Bus-de wa doko desuka? |
Where is the restroom? |
Poire wa doko desuka? |
Where is the police station? |
Kei satsu cho wa doko desuka? |
Where is the bank? |
Ginko wa doko desuka? |
Where is the hospital? |
Byoyin wa doko desuka? |
Where is a good restaurant? |
Oisii mise wa doko desuka? |
Where is a good bar? |
Bar wa doko desuka? |
Do you have any specials? |
Speciaru arimasuka? |