Born in New Haven, CT (1973)

Lived in Gabon, Africa (1973 - 1980)

Lived in Paris, France (1980 - 1983)

Lived in Lozère, France (1983 - 1987)

Lived in Avon, Connecticut (1987 - 1993)

     - attended High School at Avon Old Farms School, Avon, CT

     - attended the University of Connecticut (department of Engineering) for two years

Currently living in Lowell, Massachusetts (1997 - Present)

     - Senior year in Electrical Engineering at UMass Lowell

     - intern at Raytheon

All in all, I have traveled to and lived in the following counrties: Gabon (Africa), France, the United States of America, Monaco, Switzerland, England, Canada, Haiti, Jamaica, Portugal, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia.