I am Sri Lankan and I know how pathetic it could be to look at children who starve without a decent meal. Many Sri Lankan children need food and clothing. There are many orphan children in my mother land - mainly as a result of the terrorism which has ruined her. It takes special courage to look into the big and expectant eyes of a starving child. I know this because I experienced the feeling when I visited Sri Lanka last year. My brother and I send many items of clothing, a percentage of our pocket money, books and sometimes, food to these children.
Although, donating a percentage of our pocket money hurt us a bit at first, it dosen't anymore. The satisfaction we get is immense. There are millions of starving children in the world. You are urged to help at least one needy child in any country. To help the needy children in America, the Save the Children Fund has launched an excellent program. The Denny's chain of restaurants is a corporate sponsor of the Save the Children program and is aiming to collect $ 1,000,000/-. Keep up the Good Work Denny's. We know that your programs are as good as your 'All American Slams'. By the way folks, "Denny's" donate a percentage of the profit made on the 'All American Slam' to the Save The Children Fund. What a great concept.
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