be social! One of the most important aspects of college is a well-developed social life. The great thing about college is that it offers everything for everyone - no matter what your interests are. Before you barrel through 4 or more years of college and into the real world, get out and meet some people. Who knows? You might have a good time in the process. It doesn't hurt to be a well-rounded individual, either. Some of the most popular clubs and organizations on campus include the following:
Go Greek! Say what you will about Greeks or their organizations, but one thing has held through the many years since the inception of the Greek system: friendship and a unique bond most clubs or organizations can't provide. Being in a fraternity or sorority will give you an atmosphere which provides the opportunity for lifelong friends, as well as leadership, and giving back to the community. Ask any Greek if they have enjoyed being in their fraternity or sorority, and they undoubtedly will say "yes".
- Did you know...
- Joan Lunden was a member of the Delta Gamma sorority while at Sac State? She was known back then as Joanie Blunden, before she became the star of "Good Morning, America".
- also see:
- facts and myths about Greek life
- CSUS Greek Pages
- Green Thunder Since it's inception a couple of years ago, students were finally given a forum to support the athletic program at Sac State. Whether it's a big Causeway Classic promotion or going out and supporting the hoops team, this is a group that is having a lot of fun and growing every year.
- also see:
- Green Thunder Home Page
- ASI Being the capital of California, this seems to pop out in a logical manner. In ASI, you'll have the opportunity to give back to the school in a way you couldn't before through school government. ASI's slogan is "students first", and anyone can get involved with student government.
- also see:
- ASI Home Page
- State Hornet/KSSU Maybe an open forum is a good place to express yourself. Journalism and Communication Studies majors can find great experience and a lot of fun in producing their own radio show or writing their own column. It looks great on a resume, as well!
- also see:
- State Hornet Home Page
- KSSU Home Page
- Ski Club One of the largest and most popular groups on campus is the Ski Club. Skiiers and Boarders go up to the mountains regularly (for obvious reasons) and have a hell of a lot of fun in the process. It's great to live 45 minutes from the slopes!
- also see:
- Ski Club Home Page
- Honorary Fraternities/Organizations If you're not really into the Greek scene at Sac State, try and join a club that is focused on your area of concentration. At the very least, it will look great on your resume, and you're very likely to establish great contacts for once you graduate.
- IM Sports/Club Sports If you played some sports in high school and miss it a bit, try geting on an IM team, or maybe join one of the many clubs on campus that play regularly. Most (if not all) club teams at Sac State play Pac-10 schools such as Cal and Stanford, too.
- also see:
- Peak Adventures
- CSUS Marching and Basketball Bands. Now that these teams are starting to win, the more they win, the more trips the band gets to go on. Plus the Marching Band has the single highest GPA of any student group on campus. It is a great way to meet new people, make music, party, and network. And no not everyone is a band geek. For more information, their website is at:
- The Dorms If you're a freshman and are hesitant to jump into any clubs on campus, stay in the dorms for a year. Whether you're 18 or a senior, chances are you'll be living with others your age. The room and board may leave a little to be desired, but chances are you'll make friends that will be around for many years to come.
- also see:
- the Dorm Survival Guide
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