- Hornets to Unleash 30-foot high Hornet
and Hot Dog Cannon in 1999 season
- by John Gladding
- columnist
- August 27, 1999
- In the latest effort to beef up the athletic program, Sacramento
State athletics marketing director Solomon Fulp has a tall order
on his hands.
- 30 feet tall, to be exact.
- Come this fall, students, alumni, and college football fans
will be greeted by a giant 30-foot tall inflatable hornet at
home games and on campus. Herky the Hornet, Sac State's official
school mascot, will have a new look this football season.
- Sac State's new inflatable hornet will be one of many ways
Fulp will be trying to put more fans in the stands. Fulp has
also gotten a hold of a brand new hot dog launcher, similar to
the ones seen at Sacramento Kings games, which has the ability
to launch hot dogs, t-shirts, or sponsor coupons up to 350 feet
in to the stands.
- According to the Sacramento Business Journal, Fulp is trying
to raise the attendance at football games from 9,000 to 11,000.
A few years ago, attendance was only at 2,000.
- Fulp will also be giving out thousands of tickets to area
Long's Drugs, Mountain Mike's Pizza, and United Parcel Service,
in an effort to get as many fans in the gate as possible.
- The inflatable hornet and hot dog cannon only adds excitement
to the anticipation of what looks to be a great football season.
With the return of star running back Charles Roberts and the
highly anticipated debut of Ricky Ray, Sac State's new quarterback.
- Sac State's first game is September 4.
also see:
- Sac
State's Official Hornet Athletics Page -