CALL FOR WRITERS If you're interested in writing a column or article for, then by all means, let us know. We'd be happy to publish it. Just as long as you follow a few guide rules:
- Make sure it has something to do with Sac State.
- Nothing racist, stupid, or insensitive to our readers. You can voice your opinion, as long as you don't make stupid comments. We won't publish it.
- If you're going to rant and rave about something, make a solid argument. As Jim Rome would say, "have a take and don't suck".
That's it. Just keep it clean and we'll give you free reign. Of course, everything will be edited for content by us, and you will not be published if we don't care for it (but we'll let you know why). Just e-mail it in at, and we'll do the rest.
And as far as money goes? Sorry, NO SOUP FOR YOU!
All articles become the property of once they are sent to us.
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