|rebel4ce| |hEiErO| |Jonah Park| |Pop n Fresh|
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Last revised: | January 16, 2002 | Page best viewed with Internet Explorer |
I think the cutest couple in the world is my mother and father. I never realized how much I could enjoy life watching them argue over how to cook a certain dish, as if it were really important in the long run of our lives. They are beautiful. |
I have this vivid memory when I was a small kid back in the Philippines. I was eating fish with my family when I accidentally swallowed "tinik" (a fish bone).
I ran to the sink and I was crying because the discomfort just felt so bad. I was gagging. I was gargling. I was struggling. I just wanted the tinik
to be out of my throat. I don't remember how it finally came out, but it did. The other day, I was eating fish. During my barrage of eating, I accidentally swallowed tinik. It hurt. It felt bad. But I just drank water, and moved on. I didn't struggle. I ust moved on. Later on, I fell asleep in the car. I'll probably never remember this sequence in my life. Not 2 years down the road. Not 20. I don't think grown-ups are allowed to choke and cry because of tinik. |
I hate to do this, but could you please sign my guestbook just to show me some love. I like to keep up with who the heck actually reads this stuff. Thank you. |
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View the guestbook [SIGN the guestbook] Sign that shiz. |
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A test result speaks an era of turmoil. Everyday, as we become older, we learn how small we are compared to this universe. I'm not even talking about physical mass, but our scientific power is really weak because we have the ability of reason. Scientists say that REASONING is what makes us human. Reason makes us weak and ignorant to our hidden realities. Ironic because we think reasoning equals introspection, but most of the time it tells us to take a step back, instead of moving forward. Ever been sick? The moment you realize you ARE sick, your health gets even worse. We have the mind-strength to prevail, but reason tells us that we shouldn't. |
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Staff Development Workshop
WHO AM I? I am a poet, artist, thinker, writer, playwright, filmmaker, HTML coder, brother, son, leader, friend who believes in changing the world. I have a pipe dream of becoming a rock star; Just so I don't have to grow up. WHO ARE YOU? |
I bought new kicks yesterday. (see photo) Old school, leather running shoe made by fila.. ![]() strapped with fat laces, worn with the TONGUE hanging out... and my saliva. Damn right, I SPIT game. - 4.26.01 |
I seem to notice that the scariest places in a house are the bedroom and bathroom.
The silence we hear right at the moment we shut off our lights to lay in bed and dream is chilling. Ever get scared that the bed would start shaking? From when we are kids and being scared of what's under the bed to the possibility of waking up to an earthquake, the bedroom is an intimidating place. Ever get a chill that once you stare right into the mirror of the bathroom that you'll see another reflection, other than yours, seeing you? Ever get scared to close your eyes in the shower for fear of opening them and finding something appear in the mist of hot water? Maybe it isn't what's outside that we are truly affraid of? Our fears are internalized insecurities. We wouldn't be scared of anything unless we were given a reason to be scared of it. Also, the bathroom and bedroom are very intimate places. At night, we lie in bed and dream. In the bathroom, we stare at ourselves in the mirror. Maybe we're scared to see a truth within us, more so than a falsehood outside. |
A lot of discussion I heard during my ASA classes and Filipino American conferences involved the term "Americanized". I've used it, over and over again to describe those migrants who adapt to "American" society. I can see the relevance.
It's very interesting though, that in these discussions the term is often used to describe the children of first generation im-migrants, who usually are born in the United States. In this case, isn't the term "Americanized" a bit redundant? I can't really see how a child, being reared in the US could not be considered American, especially if his/her entire life has been spent in this culture. This is YOUR country people. Don't let the establishment tell you it's not. |
Kinda interesting the masochistic things we do to diversify our physical looks. Today, I fried my hair again just to lighten it a shade. Piercings, tats, starvation, hairspray, makeup, barbells: they all add up to a culture of self-mutilation. Ouch.
- 4.27.01 | "The opposite of war isn't peace. It's CREATION!" - La Vie Boheme, RENT, ACT I |
Sometimes I catch myself staring in my rearview when I drive. It's dangerous. What's behind is only a point of reference. I should keep my focus on what's ahead. GOODBYE |
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STRAIGHT UP. A plate full of corned beef with onions and tomato over rice sounds, smells, feels so damn good right now. Then, get some of that sunny side up type of eggs and ketchup. (If it's scrambled, I want Tobasco with that ketchup.) Maybe one or two pieces of longanisa. FINISH IT OFF, with some taho. Food is the true bridge to my natural sensations. I'll never get enough. |
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ANOTHER REQUEST: Please return often to see updates. I am dedicated to adding thoughts and scenes for your imagination everyday, and it would suck if I'm the only one reading. CTRL-D to Bookmark this page. |
i have been an asthmatic since I was three or four. i have been on medication everyday of my life since then, or so I believe. i am a chemical dependent. |
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We're being taken hostage.
Taken for granted. Often times, we never fail to regret. Yet, we suffer as the world's most passive commodities. I remember a few years back when I was yelling out against sweatshops. it is only a flashback, a footnote to today's irony, when I wear my $10 Nike fisherman's hat. It's the only type of headgear I can wear with the current state of my hair. We are the dumbest commodities. I pumped gas today, and followed the directions. Luckily I am a literate person. If not, maybe I would've pressed the 92 button, instead of my desired cheapest gas (@ 1.91). Clever these business people are. They know that America is embedded with a capitalist culture: more gain with less effort. I guess they figured we'd be too lazy to READ the directions so we would go with the cool little pictures. We're the easiest commodities. Gas don't come cheap. Electricity don't come cheap. Education don't come cheap. HEALTH CARE don't come cheap. Food don't come cheap. And WE have it EASY. (I'm serious.) China is a threat. A threat to our well being. (Under our breath: who's gonna make our damn clothes if we bomb them?) We've made commodities of ourselves. The shame. |
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Some of the best naps happen in the car.![]() ![]() I remember one time when I was a small kid in New York when I went with my dad to pick up his friend from the airport. When we were coming back, it got a little bit hot so we turned on the air conditioning. It was probably at my request. Then I positioned myself right in the middle of the backseat so I could get a direct path to the air vent. Then I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was freezing. The cold air was blasting on my rested and slumbered body. I was shivering. I bet you I got sick. How come our most simple decisions breed the worst ramifications? |
![]() This isn't something all perverted. I happened to be in my friend's backyard and there were bras on a bush drying in the sun. Submit and join the online craze. It's kinda like the Man Show's "Girls on Trampolines" skit, but I don't find this perverted. A bra is an undergarment. It's on a bush. It's completely desexualized. It's drying in the sun, on a frickin bush. Submit your pictures now. |
I missed mass last week because I was in Davis and had to run to UC Berkeley's PCN. Not a valid excuse, but that's my story and I won't detract from it. So I found my Davis/Fremont friend sitting in the car right next to me when I parked, so we strolled over to church together. I already knew my ex's family was inside because I saw thier family van. It's a guesing game whether she'd be there with him. Sometimes she doesn't attend with her mother and father. When I got in, I realized she was there. I listened to the homily, and it was talking about Jesus and his appearance to Simon Peter, Thomas, and some other fellas. It focused on Jesus asking Peter if he loved him. Jesus asked three times. From some of my readings, three is a Westernized block number. As 4 or 7 may be a significant block number in non-Western cultures. The homily was given by the Deacon who confirmed me. I appreciated his talk because he wasn't lecturing about being saved or about being bad Christians, but rahter he took the reading and applied it to everyday life. Throughout the mass, I made my own personal person studies and, as always, found interesting things. There are people out there, like me, who are hesitatnt to turn around when giving peace. When we do turn around, we get surprised when we make eye contact and then there is an akward pause before we extend our hands. Then there was this young lady who looked rather tall. But when I saw her walking down the aisle to get communion, I noticed she was wearing 5-inch high heels. Now, as I was in back studying people, I noticed my ex's dyed hair. And though I honestly feel either of us could give a damn about each other, I was thinking in my head, "Why the hell did you dye your hair?" Then, when she stood to get communion, I noticed that the shirt she was wearing was rather translucent in respect to her bra. I hope people don't think she's like THAT, cuz she's not. The children and babies at church are so cute. Period. QUOTE OF THE DAY: "To really love Jesus, we must love our neighbors." - Deacon. |
![]() MASS TRANSIT what if i could use my words as a superhighway of fluid motion for your travelling enjoyment, as a means of vacation from the everyday stresses of our grown up lives? as a path less travelled, so cool, like frost, discovering ourselves within ourselves by ourselves. what if. ![]() |
I finally got my chance to sit behind a "sports car" steering wheel and drive it with a 5-speed. I didn't get to drive above 45, but the feeling of being in a sports car with a stick shift was just so satisfying, I could've been in a parking lot playing with the first to gears, and I still would've been happy.
The pleasure we get from fulfilling our stupid, silly, quirky goals is unmatched by any forced goal. For some it's straight A's. For others it's perfecting a method of giving a proper fade (haircut.) Why are we raised on imagination, only to detach ourselves away in an effort to become more adultlike? Where is the rule that being an adult meant not being a kid? Why can't we dream with no inhibitions? There are too many times that we do not accomplish our goals for the soul reason that we didn't give ourselves the chance to imagine then. - 04.30.01 |
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- If you want to sound off on my comments, either email me sign the guestbook. Thank you. - AND ALSO: Since I received a comment about me being bitter towards the world, I would like to reiterate that I am merely writing about snapshots of life and thought. I am a happy-go-lucky muther grubber. =) |
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I was randomly taking pictures of my friend's car which he will be trading away because he's landed a beautfiul specimen of automotive prowess. (Lexus IS 300)
When I opened this picture in photoshop I discovered another enlightening moment. This is a revelation of all people, not my friend, not myself, but of all people: We are reflections of our material goods. Though, as reflections, those are only virtual images of reality. Somewhere beyond our reflection lies a truth about ourselves. |
#5 A Long Walk
(Jill Scott, Andre Harris) You�re here / I�m pleased / I really dig your company / Your style, your smile, your peace mentality / Lord have mercy on me / I was blind but now I see / What a king supposed to be / Baby I feel free come on and go with me Chorus Let�s take a long walk around the park after dark / Find a spot for us to spark / Conversation, verbal elation, stimulation / Share our situations, temptations, education, Relaxations, elevations / Maybe we can talk about Surah 31:18 Your background ain�t squeaky clean / Shit, sometimes we all gotta swim upstream / You ain�t no saint / We all are sinners but you put your good foot down to make your soul the winner / I respect that / Man you�re so phat and you�re all that plus supreme / Then, you�re humble / Man I�m numb yo with the feelin� / I can feel everything that you bring Chorus Let�s take a long walk around the park after dark / Find a spot for us to spark / Conversation, verbal elation, stimulation / Share our situations, temptations, education, Relaxations, elevations / Maybe we can talk about Revelations 3:17 Bridge Or maybe we can see a movie or maybe we can see a play on Saturday or maybe we can roll a tree and feel the breeze and listen to a symphony or maybe chill and just be or maybe / Maybe we can take a cruise and listen to The Roots or maybe eat some passion fruit or maybe cry to the blues or maybe we can just be silent Come on Come on Chorus Let�s take a long walk around the park after dark / Find a spot for us to spark / Conversation, verbal elation, stimulation / Share our situations, temptations, education, Relaxations, elevations / Maybe we can talk about Psalms in entirety 2x Bridge Chorus Let�s take a long walk around the park after dark / Find a spot for us to spark / Conversation, verbal elation, stimulation / Share our situations, temptations, education, Relaxations, elevations / Maybe baby maybe we can save the nation Come on Come on |
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Sexy Jill Scott
I'll be the first to say it. Jill Scott is not one of those musical artists who you see on MTV and go, "TADOW". She has no eye-candy appeal like Miss Beyonce of Destiny's Child. But damn, she's defined sexiness in her song "A Long Walk" (Lyrics provided).
- 5.02.01 |
If you would like to be linked to from my site, please contact me via the guestbook. Anyone down for a link conglomeration for us to all get higher hits? Tell me. Want to be linked onto a webring? Go here. ==> X <==
Maybe I'm getting old, but I don't like the vibe I get in AOL chat rooms. I hate ASL. Damnit, I'm not trying to pick up on every person I IM. Sometimes I just wanna talk.
I figure, if I was still 18, or 17, as I was when I started IRCing, I might be having more fun now, but I'm not. I'm 22 and sometimes I just want to talk and find people to vibe with. YOU WANT MY PIC? If I'm too ugly for you to talk to, that's cool. I'm sure you're too stupid to interest me anyway. I just need you to sign my guestbook. =P Don't mean to hate. I just can't participate. - 5.3.01 |
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.. and that's all. I don't know what it is with pretty girls, but how come so many of them seem to have nothing in their heads but various combinations of matching make-up?
(BTW. I don't think all good looking people are like this. I am merely making an observation of the shallowness that comes from focusing on physical beauty versus soulful, spiritual, metaphysical enrichment. ONE LOVE.) |
Why do people like to drive the wrong way?
Ever notice at gas stations when a sign says ONE WAY, and people still go the wrong way? I hate that. I am not a big conformist, but certain rules just make sense. Traffic lights. crosswalks. DO NOT ENTER signs. ONE WAY signs. They make sense. Yet people love to drive like idiots. - 05.07.01 |
I was painting the other day. I was with a couple of friends.
One of them goes to the Academy of Art and we all know the guy has heaps of artistic ability. The other just wanted to paint.
I notice a lot of times when we begin to paint, we load our brushes with paint. As well, when we learn new techniques, we add them. At times, our first paintings are an eclectic mix of all we possibly know about art. Once we practice more, we start getting pickier as we become acquainted with certain styles. We dilute the techniques and focus on just a few. We simplify our presentation. By the time we are comfortable with our artform, we develop pictures of mass simplicity. I hear a lot of people say the genious work is making something very difficult look very easy. LIFE. |
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She gazes at amazement as the lyrical rhythms deposit from my mouth from my heart delivering euphoric spaces in our mainframe. I am the voice commanding attention. She is the ear to rejoice with fixed concetration. We are the fresh air hidden in a smokey room and bad breath caused by excessive beer tipping. And we're slipping. into a being of seeing lives through our eyes, not through our experiences but theirs. we dare to embark on a journey of understanding, when we couldn't comprehend at first. the cafe is lit, with spiritual upliftment, with seas of righteousness and plight-lessness exchange verbs for a true vibration of elevation. and I be, as she sees. one. the connection. -5.18.01 |
I concocted the courage to post on the Okayplayer.com freestyle webpage. That was the first time.
It was about three years ago when I first read any of MY poetry outloud, in front of an audience. (Filipino Heritage Week, 1998) I read with my partner in rhyme, Lisa. (She's leaving the area soon. I guess life won't change much, as we talk on AIM more than we do in person. Friends drift. Friends remain... precious. GOOD LUCK, Lisa! Have fun in the snow. =P) I was a nervous wreck. I had never intended my rhymes to be heard much less performed. I was a writer for therapeutic sake. The pen and paper (and keyboard) are my peace. Not my fame. Yet, as a writer (or feeler as I am more comfortable in idenitifying myself with,) I have to take the next steps. I need to throw myself in the face of possible ridicule, just so I can write better... Just so I can live better. I am truly afraid of not facing my fears. I am afraid of my comfort. I feel like a stagnant being. So I posted. And luckily, people liked it. - 5.19.01 |
on the television I saw, troops of white men singing a song of monkeys in zamboanga. that was me they were singing of. that was me who they hated. that was me who got mad, at what I heard. wouldn't you? on the radio I heard, the local caller say that us monkeys don't deserve to stay, that us monkeys were born this way, that us monkeys couldn't be half white as he, even if me pray 25 times a day. I almost pissed in my pants, from the anger that burned deep inside my eyes, causing tears of frustration, I hate you muther fucker! I hate you as much as you hate me! wouldn't you? somewhere I read, that we shouldn't be proud, that we're just about civics and mindless, thoughtless cultural nights that we just try so hard to relive a life that doesn't belong to us, that our futile attempts to rekindle our experiences, as children caught between two worlds, were worthless, that we are only brown, monkey ass filipino babies. and I didn't get mad, because a filipino had wrote it. why not? -r4 5.19.01 |
The seaon for season finales has arrived. And I have partaken with pure guilty pleasure.
Just a few months ago, when I was jobless and pretty much a loser at home with nothing to do, I had the television to worry about. Nowadays, I'm back to my old form: wrestling.. and a variety of other stuff. Well, since I have no MTV at the moment and Survivor 2 is done, the other stuff consists mainly of Dawson's Creek, Friends, and a hint of the Sopranos once in a while. So the season ended for Friends with Rachael being pregnant with Chandler's baby, and Monica and Joey running off to California to star in a movie. J/K. To make this non-linear story take a sharp left turn, I have made the realization that I have attachment issues. The people who know me are probably laughing because they've already known this for a while now. I have too. But on the real, I have attachment issues. I have only been watching Dawson's Creek since last September. The first episode I ever watched was called, "The Longest Day". This is the episode where all the friendships blew up because Pasey, Dawson's best guy friend, hooked up with Joey, Dawson's REAL best friend and soulmate. (YES, Joey's a girl.") So anyway, I had never been a fan of these teenybop shows much, but this particular episode grabbed me. Dawson has had attachment issues, especially with Joey. Pasey fell in love with his boy's best friend, soulmate, and first love. I thought that was jacked. I hella felt for Dawson. I have attachment issues too. After catching up with the rest of the show (all of the first 3 season's worth of episodes), I was all ready for this past season. It was a slight disappointment as I wasn't feeling the Senior Year theme much. I think the writers lost the chemistry between all of the main cast because they were off doing individual things throughout the season. I think that was the strength of the earlier seasons: the interaction between each of the cast members; the relationships they made with each other. There wasn't much cohesion this past season. There hasn't been a personal attachment to the relationship between the whole cast. The last few episodes have been good. The season finale defines the strength of emotions the cast potentially can portray. The storyline revolves around Dawson's last day in Creekside. Obviously everyone's sad as they're lives are about to go through a total upheaval. The chemistry between Joey and Dawson shines in this episode. They went through brief moments of reminiscing and the energy of the drama continually kept rising before climaxing at the end with a deja vu-like final scene which mirrored the end of season one. Yet, with the kisses of the final scene, somehow the viewers are supposed to expect an imminent end because for the first time, Dawson really said no to Joey. This past season focused on Dawson's growth as a teenager and away from Joey. The premise is good. The execution was bad. I don't think many people were feeling the Dawson-Gretchen story. Dawson's greatest passion is his filmmaking. His next greatest passion is his relationship with Joey. His film craft is an extended metaphor of his relationship with Joey. But in the end, we are reminded that this show is supposed to be about this guy named Dawson and his life as a teen. It may be the shows fault for building Joey up so high. Dawson is an incomplete character without Joey in his life, whether he is chasing, or being chased, or being best friends, or hating each other. So, this past season was supposed to move past the attachment of the two characters. It hasn't worked. Not for me at least. I still was dedicated to watching my show. But many times, I was frustrated with the lack of drama. This show should be called Dawson's Joey. The other characters are only interesting when Dawson and Joey are weaving through loads of drama. That is how I am attached. I can come away from the Joey/Dawson focused episodes with high emotions. I think it is because I lack a constant person in my life. I lost a best friend before I got into college, and it was hard to find another one. I have numerous close friends, and some who may be my best friends, but if someone asked me for a constant, I couldn't really give one. I miss that. That is what I built up to. I have attachment problems. - 5.25.01 |
Anyone else have some qualms about the new Pearl harbor movie that should be coming out today? I heard a radio ad this morning saying that Pearl Harbor is the "biggest" day in the histroy of the United States.
Go figure. Do you know that the war with the most American casualities is the Civil War? It's kinda obvious. The two sides were both American. I would think that the start or end of that war might qualify as the most important date in American history. You count the holidays that came from the Revolution period. The United States were born out of this revolution. You'd think that this is more important than a war we did not necessarily have to be in. Sure. I understand that being attacked on our own turf is quite disturbing, but I wouldn't think the Iraqis who get bombed two or three times a year (by us) don't claim each bombing as a national holiday. We can attack others. But how dare they attack us. We can have our spies in China and Russia. But how dare they spy on us. When World War II began, the United States citizens did not want to go through another war. But somehow, the government wanted to be in a war. (Don't ask me why, but the government is always looking for a country to pick a fight with.) The only way to be brought into war was to be provoked. So despite knowing that Japan had plans on bombing Hawaii, the military slept. Somehow, the Japanese people are supposed to be the savages here. Do you remember the Japanese AMERICAN incarceration camps? I think there was something called Japanaphobia. Were those American citizens of Japanese descent flying those airplanes? No I'm afraid that with the glamourization of the event through a movie will rekindle and/or add fuel to the fire of the fear of Asian people. To make things worse, this is a Jerry Bruckheimer movie! Anyone seen the realism of any of his movies? They are great action movies, but as far as depicting any sense of authenticity, I would have to say they are lacking in that department. But like all things. I am talking out of my ass since I haven't seen the movie yet. But when I do, I'll report back. |
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I've been meaning to report that I have chopped off the potential cornrows.
Yes. I have taken it as a learning experience regarding my attachment issues. Sometimes we build things up to great expectations, but often are hit with roadblocks. And instead of dwelling on them, we should move on. Sometimes that means taking a step back to regroup.
Yesterday was the culmination of two months worth of trips to Richmond. My friends and I were asked to teach the waltz part of my friend's cousin's cotillion. And yesterday, came the big day.
I didn't know any of the dancers before we started teaching, but a few short weeks always have the potential of creating lifelong memories. This was the first cotillion I took part in planning and creating, though I have participated before. So, if any of you catch this: I'm glad I had the chance to teach you and get to know you.. and especially party with you afterwards. You truly made us proud. =) What do I do now? Saturday afternoon's won't be the same. =P -5.28.01 |
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I have to give it up to parents for numerous things. Among them, the inevitable experience of having to let go. Imaging taking care of a person for so many years, and then having to realize that they no longer need you for much of the care you set out to supply. I guess this is the attachment issue again. I remember that one of the phrases that stinged the most when my "ex" and I broke up was when she described how she was having fun, despite the situation we were in, despite slow dancing with another guy, despite knowing how much it tore me up that she was where she was. (a prom) I guess I realized at that moment that I was no longer needed. Imagine being the one person who could really make her smile.. the one person who could really could make her laugh.. the one person who could help her have fun at any given moment. (Maybe I wasn't this person, but I at least convinced myself I was.) Then imagine the feeling when you realize you weren't anymore. CHANGE SUBJECT and then it changed. I almost cried in traffic this afternoon imagining a conversation I could have with my friend. I was saying how if the wind started blowing in a different direction, how I would be okay.. how we would be the same. And in the back of my mind, I knew we wouldn't. It's just the way of nature. I guess the tears were itching to get out because they knew I was lying to myself.. as I tried to believe that I would be okay. They probably knew that there was nothing I could or would do about it either. Wind is wind. We can't stop it. And I wouldn't want to. Sometimes it becomes time to let others enjoy the world... the world as I saw and felt it. It was phenomenal. |
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I called up four different friends tonight, and they all had the same thing to do. Six months ago, I'd be right there with them.
It sucks playing second fiddle to time and distance. (Time and distance = one entity. Don't pick on me about grammar.) Time and distance: the two elements initiating a forgotten face. Maybe this is why I didn't want to leave Davis until August of this year. I knew I needed more time to adjust and gradually move myself out of the scene. I think I have been moved in a passive way. Of course it isn't on purpose, but as I said before, time and distance do wonders for a short memory. Friends don't ever want to forget friends, and I won't say I have been forgotten. Rather, let's phrase it as hindsight. This seems like some pitiful, ego driven vent. Maybe it is. But I spent four years building up connections, friendships, and a name for myself, only to be just another pleasant memory in the distant past. In heathen terms: it sucks. BUT ALL IN ALL. These are my own personal issues. Maybe it's just up to me to let go, instead of holding onto a part of my life which is obviously far behind me, despite the short timeframe it has taken to change. - 6.8.01 |
This has been a rather emotional week.
Tough decisions. Harsh realizations. Melancholy roads. "Can it be, that it was all so simple then?" I am an asshole. | The Next Page is coming. |
I'm fucking depressed. |
You would think that sitting in the middle of a deserted field would make you lonely.
Is it ironic that when the whole world is crashing down on you, you feel your loneliest? |
So, thank you for enduring my melodramatic-mysterious disappearing act. I found no inspiration to write or think deeply. Maybe it's cuz I had no hot chick to dig or indulge in. Well, now I do, and I am typing. Go figure.
We all go through our moments. Thanks to those who gave a positive word.. sister, cousin, friends. I get depressed when I'm bored. But now, I'm NOT bored. Check this out: THE KITCHEN. It's on open mic. I'll put up a review after it's done. |
Feel appreciated?
I've always went around saying that gifts and awards were excess baggage for me. But hey, who's gonna lie? I'm not: I love getting shit. Shut up. So do you. So, I was sitting at dinner with my coworkers tonight and one of them mentioned something about not being appreciated by the opposite sex. On my drive home, I thought about it and really understood that one of the reasons I don't have a lady on my side is that no one seems to really appreciate me for whatever things I want appreciated. FINE. I'm happy a girl may like me because I'm nice or whatever the reason. But I'm picky damnit. I am an aspiring visual and verbal artist. Can you give me some love? I am a financially struggling - surviving onle because i live at home non-profit counselor. Respect my dedication. I'm super quirky. Love me for it. I'll love you back. - 7.18.01 |
July 31st has been the designated deadline for me to find a girlfriend this summer.
If I'm not currently involved by then, I've decided not to get married and just become a 40 year olf FONZ. (Arthur Fonzarelli - Happy Days, for the uncultured.) BUT, I am taking sign ups for "My Best Friend's Wedding" type of pacts like.. "if we're both unmarried at 28/30/35/80.. let's agree to get married to each other." Sign my guestbook if you wanna sign up. HAHAHAh |
Awaken For years I've slept in a vault of fear and dealt with insecurities, and now I have awakened to the sunbeams of her radiance that paints my skin. From her laughter and genuine smile to the soothing character of her voice floating briskly in my meditation, I have been annointed. She represents personal growth and innocent understanding, she makes me want to be a better person. she makes me want to shout out adorations with no rehearsing. she is the spontanaity which my soul's been lacking. She is the sweet morning dew glistening on my forehead on an early spring morning. my bright eyes. I realize. I awake. - 7.14.01 |
"I don't want you to be the guy in the PG-13 movie everyone's *really* hoping makes it happen. I want you to be like the guy in the rated R movie, you know, the guy you're not sure whether or not you like yet. You're not sure where he's coming from. Okay? You're a bad man. You're a bad man. You're a bad man, bad man."
- Trent, Swingers |
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for."
- John Keating, Dead Poets Society |
She smiles as I untie my shoe and rant about my hypocritical fashion sense and my psuedo-radical politics. I speak of the intricacies of my rubber soles as I contemplate, OUT LOUD, of the other souls beaten into a lifestyle supporting my... STYLE. But she smiles. I stand on my soapbox and yell, and yell. I YELL! and she smiles, loving every minute of it. she calls it something... oh.. passionate. She delicately views me fighting and writing and dedicates her ears and her eyes, as my verbs and nouns rise. I speak all night, to a welcoming soul. She is my true audience. She completes my thoughts whole. And she smiles. No matter how far fetched the ideas, or impossible the dreams, she believes in the essence of my hope. She speaks when she must, with vibrance unmatched by any of my adolescent tones. So as she smiles, even when I'm full of shit. As she smiles when my claims are not legit, I live. I learn. I smile, knowing she's blessed me again. - 07.19.01 |
Practice damnit, practice.
So last week was "The Kitchen".. the almighty open mic of interest in the past few weeks. It turned out well becuase we raised some money for our camping trip at work. Personally, I needed more practice. (John making excuses:) It was the first time I ever read in front of my homefriends and my coworkers. Everyone seems to know I write.. and have read.. but none of the aforementioned ever really witnessed it. Gotta say, I did real shitty. I was nervous. I was tired. I had no time to practice. PRACTICE! I needed practice. It was also the first time I read to any music. Thank you to ACID Hip Hop/Latin, Truc and Joey for providing the wonderful background. on a more positive note, I was able to watch coworkers and friends perform, MC, and work hard and it made me so happy to be alive. Freals. I'm blessed with good company. - 07.30.01 |
We create together, artistic masterpieces of one understanding. She lives, and I whisper. I am only a shadow in the reality of her world. We create together, elegant touch and beating hearts. She wants happiness, and I want to offer it to her. But I whisper in the midst of her overwhelming prose. I am only a fragmant, in her inspiring composition. We create together, a world where we make sense, as I watch. I am the eager wind waiting to bless the leaves of her magnetic branches. I ask her to let me flow. - 07.30.01 |
At "the kitchen", I read a poem called Carpe Diem. It was basically about how we all aspire to live spur of the moment, go with our hearts type of lives as we abide by slogans like "NO DAY BUT TODAY", but we often fall short of our spontaneity when it relates to relationships.
My friend Nikki was telling me one time how I always seem to come up with reasons to not court certain girls who I may have at least an inkling of interest in. I always seem to find faults or obstacles to rule out trying to talk to girls. Maybe I'm scared of rejection. Maybe not. It just happens. Why is there always a reason? I notice that I find the reasons to not like someone and rely on those rather than the reasons why I should try to gain her interest. Sometimes I rule out relationship possibilities because of whatever reasons. THere is always a reason NOT to. BUT THEN AGAIN, there are also many reasons that I SHOULD. Throughout college, as I have grown into my being, I have gained confidence in myself enough that I can try to create relationships with people, and rebuild if they do not work out. Yet, I still have the bad habit of building walls to potentially beautiful connections. The next step in my evolution is to ignore the reason NOT TO, but to pay attention to the reason I SHOULD. |
As I was waiting for my computer to reboot, I started doodling on this post it with a pencil. The first thing that popped up in my hand's brain was to write a girl's name. A specific girl.. anyway.. So I realized I just reverted back to my high school days of being totally googoo sprung over someone and having to just doodle random pieces with the name of the person of affection. YIKES! So, I suppose I can walk around with my head held high and say that, YES.. I have a crush. And, YES... I'm really diggin on someone. It's so funny the things we trip over when we start crushing on someone. I was talking to my friend/coworker the other day and told her I wanted to play with my crush's hair. What the...? And I know it's halfway psychological, but isn't it funny how we take every comment we share with our person of interest and find some meaning behind it.. and use it as a piece of our destiny together. BUT before you go try guessing on who it is (for the folks who know me).. just STOP! =) I won't tell you anyway. The super cheeseball in me is coming out full throttle. =\ - 8.05.01 |
Do we really say what we mean? I doubt it. I think we try to fool ourselves into believing words because our minds have problems processing them into conceptual realities.
For example, I was having a conversation with a friend once and I confidently said that I did not want a serious relationship because I did not want to settle down yet. I believed it. Damn straight. But a few seconds later, I analyzed my comment and quickly adjusted my insight and said, "I say that now, but if I meet that right girl, I know I'm gonna change my mind." We say stuff like that all the time. People are always caught complaining about the people they have feelings for or whatnot.. or that girls suck.. or boys suck.. or that we don't want to settle down.. or that we don't want anything serious.. but in reality, what is meant is that girls or boys are still a top priority in our lives, but we just can't seem to click with the right one. A lot of times we say we want to be appreciated.. just like I had posted a few days back. We want to be treated so greatly. We want to be loved like the way we deserve. But sometimes there are people to love us, staring us in the face... but we tend to not act upon it.. waiting for some random soul to pop out of nowhere to add a bit of mystery to our need to be loved. (Often times they fall far short of our expectations, but by that time we're attached and love them anyway. AND we STILL don't get loved the way we set out to be.) |
Over the past few weeks, I have been haunted by deer. Or if not haunted, at least stalked.
Two weekends ago, I spent two days camping out under the sun by Folsom Lake with some buddies. Within an hour or two of sitting in the foothills, a deer ran by with her child. It was really interesting to see the two deer just run through just barely 50 yards away from our campsite. Deer must be friendly... and a bit too comfortable with human interaction. A week or so later, I walked into a group campsite and saw two deer just chillin by the campfire area. They saw us. They chilled. We walked closer. They chilled. We walked closer. They moved. Anti-climactic huh? FINALLY, a day later, I was driving home on 680 and I saw two deer just chillin next to the freeway in the middle of the late afternoon. WHAT THE FUH.. If anyone knows what deer mean in mythology or symbolism or dreams, please hook me up with some sort of understanding. - 08.11.01 |
I ran into the ex today at the mall. We didn't say hi and we made no eye contact but this shit was the funniest.. ironic thing. CHECK IT.
My coworker and I were perusing through the mall and she pointed out Espirit. As were headed to that store, we passed by bebe, and since she had never shopped there, we slipped in for a few minutes. So, as we left and moved into Espirit, I took one of those double look deals and noticed my ex standing 40 feet right in front of me. So, I turned around, uttered a nice vulgarity (OH SHIT) and told my coworker to leave. But right as I turned around, I heard someone yell out my FULL name. It wasn't my EX's voice. It turned out to be one of my high school buddies who I hadn't seen since our graduation 5 years ago. She yelled out my name loud enough so that the whole store could see it. My ex wasn't that far away. I'm sure she heard it. She eventually walked out a few minutes later with some dood. Must've been her new boyfriend. So, now I realize I was acting like a little boy, but I just didn't need that today. I'm already trippin over my current crush, but I was going through some internal soul searching. My high school buddy is one of those few people that I actually wanted to see from high school. Funny how it ended up that I reunite with her the same time and place I have another run in with my EX. Life is such a double-edged sword. - 08.13.01 |
![]() So Mr. Ray Seclet Man wants a shout out. So, here is Ray with count 'em.. HOW MANY FLY CHICAS? Okay Ray, you are a pimp ass down under biatch! YAY! I get free lodging in Australia now! WOOHOO! FAIRDINKUM! FAIRDINKUM! FAIRDINKUM! FAIRDINKUM! FAIRDINKUM! FAIRDINKUM! |
Songs always hit you in the face with some wicked memories, huh? Well, I was driving home this evening and I started vibin to "Dreamin of You" by Selena. So, I've decided to flash back to key songs of Summer 1995.
"Dreamin of You" - Selena
"1st of tha month" - Bone Thugs
"Kiss from a Rose" - Seal
"You are not Alone" - Michael Jackson
"Undertaker Theme Song via WWF Wrestlemania on Super Nintendo"
Once again, we can turn to our trusty television sets and see the double standards we set in our society, and somehow fully accept. Did you realize that there is a difference between a gun-slinging cowboy and a gun-slinging black dood? UH. Obviously, but you figure both are violent right?
Somehow, the ratings system for the motion picture industry has deemed that there is a difference between VIOLENCE and WESTERN VIOLENCE. If you have not yet noticed, most TV commercials for movies will show reasons for their given ratings. So, as I was sitting on my ass I saw that the new movie "American Outlaws" has a PG-13 rating. I suppose the insignificant "-13" results from their "Western Violence" disclaimer. A gun is a gun is a gun is a bullet is a gun. Whether it's a gangbanger, mafia hitman, a white upperclass suburban boy, or a damn confederate cowboy pulling the trigger, the intent is there: death to another via a shot from a bullet from a gun. Violent entertainment should be measured on the same standards... school grades are even though the education is not equal all around. (But that's a whole different WEBSITE!) Is there any logic that a movie full of guns and shooting can be considered far less "violently influential" than a damn RAP CD that cusses? Kids run around with plastic cowboy hats, plastic Indian feathers (whole 'nother website, once again), and plastic guns.. not plastic mics and miniature kangol hats. You mean to tell me that aggressive behavior like that of mimicking western shootouts isn't developmentally crippling? Scapegoats don't grow up in the west, I guess. Only heroes. - 08.17.01 |
The best song in the world is "Live Again". I found it last night and listened to it as I went to sleep. THANKS Truc for bringing that song to life. - 9.23.05 |
for Aaliyah
But may I use your death, Selfishly, But respectfully. Can I deal with my life Introspectively? You were less than a year younger Than me. But you lived much more completely, Than me. So now I see, I shall not mourn. I will celebrate. Celebrate a life Viewed through the TV And heard through CDs, And admired through My own pair of young eyes. I saw then. I still see. I�ve forgotten how to live To the highest degree. How to use my education, NAW. Fuck my bachelor�s degree, I�m talking about mental stimulation, A self-indulgent dedication To understand and express Me. Freely. You soared through your vocal Inflections, Shined in positive vibes Through your reflection. And though I can admit, I wasn�t your biggest fan, And didn�t own all your songs, I felt you. I feel you so strong, From an adolescent crush, To my retrospective hush. You are expression, And I am the silent stroke of fear And uncertainty And indecisiveness, Bonded together through a self neglecting Sea of logic. You were anointed as a princess Of Arabic elegance, Graced with harmony and beauty, And sincerity, Inspiring through your name, eternally. - 08/28/01 ... because I don't want to mourn over your death, but rather be inspired by your life. Thank you. [rest.in.peace] |
Watching Hurricane with Denzel Washington just hits me in the gut. The struggle of one man, though the cinema version may have not been historically accurate, still shines through. And I have the nerve to walk around sulking about my problems. How dare I.
"I didn't speak English. I spoke Hate." "I will not wear the clothes of a guilty man." |
so today is the beginning of the revolution where the lifeline past livened, will revolve on my axis. i've been labelled the nice guy with the keen eye, and i pay attention. but i quit. because i wanna be a dickhead hyper bed, conceited bastard attracting potentials girlfriends as I master the art of manipulation through devastation. I want to leave the girl stranded as I sneak out the back of a movie theater blasting the fm radio speaker, to meet another tweaker hottie at the end of the parking lot, oh she's so damn hot, worth cheating. she's like cliffnotes: got the gist with less pages, so she's better than the real thang, but a book is a book is a book worth keeping on the shelf, or on the bottom of a table leg to keep from tilting. i shall not finish last nor will any future female cast any spell, no matter how innocent, because I'm done with the emminent failure of niceness. i will be an asshole of pure conciseness. no more, random phone calls or beach trips or all day excursions to nowhere really significant: disregard is such a sexual stimulant. my life is for me, by me so sexy i hope you hate me, cuz years from now, you still wouldn't have left me. - r4 |
mirrored images of me, through a sea of poetry. I saw the history of a man, of a poet, of what I could have be. she used to love me the way i used to be until i deprived her of soul to perform entertainly. me was her enemy, because the brain led unchallenged by any heartbeat. simply my compositions became untamed versions of incognito diversions from the reality vibrations of my existence. ANd so I existed with extra words and extra themes and extra comments donated from the souls of those who represented love. a love of themselves, of art, of life performed through word. my inspiration informatives, not only forced me to try harder, but also run farther away from my guideline. To no fault of their own, I was the intimidated faulted lone self. I release. from the Verses and Torches and Theories and grouches and ever darling pinays, I cried inside, but I flashed verbal bling blings at those america is in the mic things. and I only wrote truth when it hurt over this girl or that girl or the other chick. i spit bullshit through my fingertips unstopped. but tonight is the first light of my new fuckin life, y'all. I hear the call from the inside. I've sat on the cross paying for my own sins, and my scripture reads as so: do unto others the way I deam poetically. let me explain phonetically: eye em no long-grrr 4 say ken. - rebel4ce |
you can't grow old in the philippines. the origin of youth and the eternal land of past energies. you can't grow old because the land is young, the people are still playing and life is yet to be conceived. we can't be senior citizens in the philippines because we've been stripped of our adolescence, no we don't need condolences, but respect our presence. you can't grow old in the philippines where my cousins wear my 1980s style shorts and tshirts of all sorts of holes and tears, you can't be old with hand-me-downs. they can't be too old with their six month old music and retrospective fashion style, buz it's fresh to them. you can't grow old to the same themes of upward mobility through a lighter skin clarity through a hidden barbarity inherited from conquerers. ferdinand you are our devil. magellan and marcos, more controversial than the US's version of eminem. you can't grow old in the philippines when they are our history, deeming us without a future. you can't grow old in a fetal nation struggling to survive in a n incubated chamber breathing the air bought from America. from America. they breathe the air of America, and shit the realms of hysteria, suffering from diptheria. how can you grow up when you breathe imported oxygen and they export misogynistic diagnostic, because my young sisters are so beautiful? you can not grow old in a house of abuse, because you lack the definition of adulthood. - 08.31.01 |
Seven Loving Sins ENVY i hear you talk about him as the perfect entity complimenting your existence, and that is why you love. i sit in the dark with silent wishes hoping that it could be me that you saw so flawlessly. I can admit to not being perfect, in the definition of such. but I think i could do a good job trying to make you feel perfect. i figure, someday that would be worth enough. but until then, i listen jealously, that I could not be desired in such a way. GREED you are my friend. but it is not enough. we spend time dancing and talking and sharing, already. but it is not enough. this is where i ask for more, just because i think we deserve more. SLOTH i sit still frozen from the high i get from your presence. i awake to think clear visions of your face and to imagine the placid vibrations of your voice. i take a *hit*. and i sit paralyzed from the psychoactive elements your nature injects into my system. immobile. GLUTTONY and then i hurt. but i take more. i hurt yet again. and i take in more. i called you on the phone just to talk, even though I said I was over you, knowing my brain was trying to convince my heart to not feel the way she did. i'm supposed to let go, but i keep talking. we keep dancing. we keep sharing moments for me to ponder while you are away. and i am a fat slob, never completely full of your essence. WRATH anger overcomes as I realize the games i play lead me to an end where dead men participate in a cycle of madness from their regrets. i get angry over my slow death. PRIDE maybe it's arrogance. maybe it's just confidence. but i know i can offer you exactly what you need. i'm just that damn good. and i'd rather keep my feelings to myself, than to allow you to reject what you truly need. LUST then i lust. yes. i lust. i lust over the thought of your lips touching mine as we become an innocently intimate bond of a kiss. i lust over our minds meeting through late night drives and weekend trips to wherever, just to be wherever together. i lust over our shared smiles and hiked miles and one of a kind connection. oh yes, i lust. - 9.6.01 |
Baseball Fever
If you haven't had the chance to watch "The Sandlot" go to Walmart and buy it. It's only $6.44 plus tax for the VHS. I doubt you need the DVD version of it. If you love the passion of loving a sport for the game, you can not miss out. The youthful enthusiasm and the innocent love for the game by the characters in the movie is purely infectious. I itch to play baseball or softball everytime I watch the movie, and that's pretty often. *|~|* I bought World Series Baseball 2K2 for the Sega Dreamcast yesterday. I normally don't buy new video games, especially if they're above $20, but the fever is running high and I just needed to. Oddly enough, the team I chose to be my franchise team is not the beloved Amazings (the New York Mets), but rather my long time arch nemesis team, the local boys, The San Francisco Giants. Have I turned my back? I doubt it. I am a true blue Mets fan, but I love the Yay. [BTW - after 4 games, bonds has 4 homers. I only have a 40 game season.] ~|*|~ I took a trip to Davis the other day and found myself playing a twilight game of homerun derby two nights in a row. We used a wiffle bat and make shift balls. I don't know what's so exhilirating about such a childlike practice, or maybe it's just that much satisfying to just act like a kid and love it. - 09.06.01 |
please don't tell me that i'm fine the way i am, that i am nice and it fits me. that's all fine and dandy, and i can proclaim grandly that I have more manners than my testosteronal side, like I'm the bruce banner hiding the hulk incredibly. inevitably, the pure thang, the sure thang, the nice guy - i'll offer you the world thang has got to pay off, right? but at last sight, I'm still travelling the world by my lonesome, and the love you have for another has grown some, even though the grass is growing brown. sometime, i'd have to frown. because my lifeline intertwines with the void of any pleasure, and i'm a warrior of logic struggling to claim his own treasure because i have manners. i am a duplication of scrambled pixels in a world of blood thirsty scanners, i'm a pawn in the technology of love, the multimedia emotional platform from above, i don't mean shit in an earth spinning opposite from my footsteps. I go against the grain. I regress. I maintain. Maintain a level of idiocy and optomistic rhetoric, that i hear so much, i get sick. the life i've been living is a falacy, and fantasy composed with hopes that the world tap danced to the human heartbeat, and instead i am an infant in a strapless carseat sitting in a crash test canopy in the plains of surrealism. you can't win when you're a nice guy. and the object of living is to win, and we get bonus points for every deadly sin we partake in. the fasad ends here, and the wool will be removed from my eyes. I can see the destiny i've been forsaken, with this aimless path i've taken, the innocence has been shaken. this is me, the new me. the true me. being an asshole so nicely. - 09.06.01 |
So, as we watch the world we once knew crumble as did the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, do we refuse to live?
Millions of thoughts and feelings have run through my mind, soul, and heart these past 7 days. Just like everyone else, I've been shocked, angered, sadenned, frustrated, hurt, and basically overwhelmed. Watching the horror unfold before my sleepy eyes, I became emotionally and mentally paralyzed. I just could not believe the monstrosity I was witnessing. I only watched the news for two or so hours that morning before my friends and I had to divert to the PS2, but the distant images of seeing a plane crash into the towers were enough to rattle me for a lifetime. I sit rather hopeless. Any response we make as a country will be negative. Will we get the revenge we seek? (It IS REVENGE. Politicians, please stop politicking.) Will the retribution be enough? We bomb them. They bomb us. Who is them? Who is us? Why did they even seek the need to commit such an act of hate against our nation? Why do we not even care? Please GOD, whoever you are... I believe that we are all children in your family with separate beliefs and masks of an understanding of you. Why do you allow such hatred to be harbored under your name? ... release us from our deep abyss of hate. Every tear, bead of sweat, wad of spit, and drop of blood we spill onto this world is drowning us. - 09.18.01 |
(I was intending to create a website of letters I write to various people real and fake. Please allow this to be an early taste of the next realm of my meditation and expression.)[fiction]
Dear ____________, The other night, my friend asked me a simple question. This is my response. I have struggled the past few weeks to decide whether or not to risk the rapport and friendship we have gradually built to express to you how highly I think of you. People have said that I should because I create excuses and refuse to express myself too often. Others have said I should not because of the likely uneasyness I would create and inevitable rejection I would have to endure. I seem to have chosen the latter option. I don't believe it is fear, because I do not fear rejection. I welcome it. I am a big boy, I can handle it. Yet, the circumstances in which I find ourselves dictate my decision. Maybe I'm exhibiting extreme patience. Maybe I really am scared, and I just don't recognize it. Nevertheless, I still find you as compelling as the moment I first noticed your physical beauty. Yes, I noticed. Who wouldn't? Who couldn't? Yet, physical attractiveness can only get you so far, and fortunately for myself and this world, you have a lot more to offer. I have claimed in the past that I could not picture myself settling for a female who could not inspire me through inquisitive thought and a strong understanding of herself and the world. Frankly, I think I would find myself bored without the proper level of mental and spiritual stimulation. I imagined this figure of strength, and found it in an unlikely face. I became attracted to a smile, a face, and the liveliness of your energy. I've become compelled to learn more of a person who cares to care and who seeks to better herself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You are the epitome of completion and balance. It has become an undaunting task finding a potential girlfriend, let alone friends, who can pick my brain and succeed. You are not only a romantic endeavor but also a mental challenge with the ability to make me ask of the validity of my own beliefs. And you do this without once conceding to ignorance and I do this without getting offended. I have not found many who I find I can learn from about living a better life and making myself a more complete person. And you were able to do this. No, not because of infantile attraction, but through the honesty and integrity of your existence. Yes, you have affected my life. I appreciate you for the person you are, and the person I can see you want to be. I believe, you will attain your wisdom and understanding, and share it with the world. Could I ever be the recipient of such blessings? I doubt I will, if I do not say a word. But should I? To answer my friend who asked me the question: Yes. She is worth it. Always, ________________ |
Within the past two weeks, I have been blessed by the presence of deer. For those who have read consistently, you will remember that I was being haunted by such deer.
I suppose they are joyful spirits, rather than vengeful poltergeists because I have seen more deer in the past 2 months than I did during my previous 22 years and 6 months of existence. You may also recall that I asked people for possible symbols or meanings deer may have in other cultures or in dreams. Since I did not receive any replies, I composed a definition for myself: In such times of horror and hateful energy, it becomes almost impossible to find the positive things. Even without the terrifying events of last week, we still often find ourselves hungry for satisfaction and suffocated from monotony, among other problems. Yet, simple treasures surround us daily. A deer is not the mystical symbol a unicorn is. They live just past our backyards in the few uninhabited patches of the hills. Yet, they are precious at every sight. Like every shooting star would be, in a night when you could see a million, each streaking flash across the sky is precious. I am blessed with many small trinkets of treasure around me. As the same with you. Yet, at times like these when roughness overcomes our delicate emotions, we always forget... ... until we are graced with deer, a shooting star, or a hug from a friend. - 09.19.01 |
Many people cross our paths and we seldom acknowledge them, and worse, we seldom remember them. Yet, at random times, they become welcome footnotes to past conversations, discussions, and events. This is for some of the people who affected me, more so than I ever did them. I am less than a footnote, but I still offer my respects.
Fundi Kiburi - This man was my TA for the first Sociology class I ever took. Sociology 3 was titled "Intro to Social Problems". We learned about educational inequalities, environmental issues, and various other typical political topics. Fundi was a middle aged African American man who claimed he was a former Black Panther and talked about his past endeavors in the civil rights movement. Naturally, I was impressed. Being that it was only my second quarter of college, everything had its eye-opening impact. This man taught me about various issues regarding captialism and our current socio-political schemes and always tended to rant. I was in the more liberal discussion section. Thank you Fundi Kiburi for welcoming me into the world of sociology. Mr. Weber - My fourth grade teacher. I had moved from New York to California in the summer before fourth grade. Being placed in a new state, a new city, a new culture was obviously a difficult transition. Yet, I excelled in my class. I think I understood double digit multiplication faster than most of the other students (because my mom helped teach me.) Nevertheless, I naturally felt out of place, being a New Yorker in a California classroom. One time, at the library, Mr. Weber told me that he could hear a New Yorker accent in my speech. I felt so proud to be acknowledged for the city I loved unconditionally for the subsequent four years. Thank you Mr. Weber for supporting me. Mrs. Webster - Although, during my latest visit at my high school, this lady had changed her name. My 5th - 8th grade English classes became very challenging. While I had prior success in writing compositions, I suddenly hit a roadblock in my writing development and I struggled greatly. Upon reaching 9th grade, I had slowly began to get more confident in my writing, but the support and encouragement Mrs. Webster gave me really impacted my overall academic success. At the end of the year, she chose me to be the editor of a mock newspaper we put together as a class. She trusted in my skills more than I did. This is life-altering. While in the previous four years I was told I was struggling, during the 9th grade year, I was told I was very good. Ever since then, I moved to Honors English and eventually fell in love with writing. Thank you Mrs. Webster, for awarding me Student of the Month and instilling in me the confidence only caring people coud and would do. Interestingly enough, I choose to become an educator, formally or informally, because I want to change the path of young lives. The people I remember are my teachers, academically and socially. The list will never end. |
Bombings, shootings, hijackings, George Dubbya... we are surrounded by things that cause us to fear dying. In religious cases, we are concerned with heaven/ paradise and hell/purgatory. We fear dying. I fear dying. It's just natural.
Yet, we often try to focus on the proactive response to not fear death or the afterlife, but just to worry on the quality of our lives at the present. I still agree and believe in this statement. Though, we have a fear much greater and more crippling. We are afraid to live. We go through painstaking routines to avoid hardships and difficult situations. Take my love life for example, I always find reasons to not reveal my feelings. When we don't live, we don't succeed. When we don't live, we don't fail. When we don't live, we don't make the mistakes to learn from and try hard to never repeat. We need our failures as much as we need our successes. Remember, the character of a person can be well behaved at good times, but is gravely tested at low points. A person who commits a hate crime at the peak of rage is not racist for the moment, he/she is RACIST. So we must live. We must struggle to live and not be afraid to be who we are. If that means making mistakes, then we must do so, or else the integrity of our existence is rarely tested. Living right prevents us from being scared to die. But being scared to live paralyzes us, indefinitely. |
True or False:
If you are a wife beating, child molesting, bigotry fueled, gun toting asshole, you can find undisputed salvation by waving an American flag at this time of desperate need. True or False: If you are a peace loving, moral teaching, value savoring, respectable human being, who despite believing in the American Dream and the ideals it sells, will never be accepted as an American by 100% of the country because of your external image. |
On Friday night, I got the chance to watch an A's game. It was the first time I've been to a major league game since 1988. Way back then, the A's were world series favorites and we were blessed with the Bash Brothers. It was actually Mark McGwire bat day, so I was able to leave with a free souvenir. It was a slow game, but the A's pulled it out 1-0. The only thing I really remember is cheering my ass off when Walt Weiss slid into home, to score the winning run.
BACK TO PRESENT DAY. So, the A's won the game 5-1. With so much happening with the world in the past two weeks, being at the game gave more mental stimulation than any normal outing. With increased security, flags flying at half staff, and all the flags waving in the stands, the game was much more than a simple athletic competition. My eyes gazed at the sky at passing lights and the patrol of an Oakland PD helicopter. But there was joy, laughter and pride in the team and in a nation (hopefully for the people and not the symbol). The definite highlight of the game was an inning long conversation with a man in front of us who brought his children and family to the game. The daughter we saw, Lauren, will enjoy her first birthday at the beginning of October. Her older sister saw her first A's game at 2 weeks old. My friends and I could tell that this man loved his kids with the enthusiasm he had to love the game and the A's. It was inspirational. These past weeks, thinking about a future for myself and any possible children seemed undesirable. But, I realize, that when I finally have kids, they will deserve the chance to watch a baseball game and smile. |
just say no to the temptations to look into your eyes, when you speak, past my eyebrows through my ears, so that your voice settles into my brain functions. just say no to the conversations of worlds opening up and thoughts being shared and aspirations of acquiring true enrichment for my soul. just say no to the endless hopes i gain at the heartbeat of our connection. because, despite the presence of some sort of existentential bond, or whatever it is, I just have to say no. - 09.24.01 No more foolish mind games or random journies in my personal fantasia. I just gotta grin and bear it. I'm not the one. No, I'm not the one. |
I was driving home, and I almost ran over a baby deer. The sibling was on the sidewalk. I almost killed my secret treasure. | When we have conversations, I fall deeper. When we have conversations, I am not even an afterthought. Asymetrical. That is why I quit. |
Today, I bought a digital voice recorder to tape my thoughts or verses when I am stuck in traffic. I do endless brainstorming when I am stuck in traffic. There is nothing else I can do. |
Single female. Able to intellectually debate the various tiers of Tupac Shakur's life. |