Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Lause
PhD, Assistant Professor, History
Office 310C McMicken Hall, Phone 556-1520
epartment Office: 360 McMicken (ML:0373), Cincinnati, OH 45221-0373
Phone: 513.556.2144 Fax:
Home: 1548 Blair Ave. Cincinnati OH 45207  (513) 861-2170;
e-mail MLause@cinci.rr.com

Ph.D.  University of Illinois 
at Chicago 
Dissertation  "Some Degree of Power": From Hired Hand to Union Craftsman in the Preindustrial American Printing Trades, 1778-1815  
Doctoral Major  American History to 1877  
Doctoral Minors  American Labor History 
European Social History 
European Intellectual History  
M.A. with Honors  Roosevelt University  1977 
Majors  American Labor History 
Early American History 
B.A.  University of Missouri at St. Louis  1975 

Research Areas
Antebellum American History  Civil War History  Labor History 

Contents of the Curriulum Vitae
of the c.v.
Teaching  Professional  Service  Or return to
Dossier Index

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