If you have any questions after this...... WOW!!!
1.  Full name: Jessica Marie Cecilia Springer
   2.  Nicknames: Jess, JD,  Jaz, J, Ica, Jessima
   3.  Birthplace: Waukeegan, IL
   4.  City/state: Northfield, MN (school and soon to be residence)
   5.  Birthday: 2/16/77
   6.  Sex: female
   7.  Height: 5'9/5'10
   8.  Chest: 42 D (Why you need to know this is beyond me)
   9.  Biceps:  I have two of them. One on each arm.
   10. Waist:  I also have one of these, unlike Betty Rubble.
   11. Eye color: blue/grey/green take your pick on a given day
   12. Hair color: blond
   13. What your name means: Jessica- Wealthy One
   14. High school graduation year: 1995
   15. Screen name or e-mail address:
   16. School: St. Olaf College
   17. Goals/ambitions: Sing in the Metropolitan Opera someday
   18. Pets: Shadow, cute little black cat (she's my supermodel kitty, she's skinny, and Precious an even more adorable tortise shell cat (my piglet kitty, she's fat), and Gandalf, a not so graceful black and white gentleman with a great mustasche (scared of his own Shadow {no pun intended}).
   19. Religion: Christian (Denomination: Catholic)
   20. Smoker/nonsmoker: NON-SMOKER!!!!!!!!!!
   21. ICQ #:   3929887
   22. Favorite number: 5
   23. Favorite color: Fuschia
   24. Greatest experience in your lifetime: Singing in the St. Olaf Choir
   25. Why are you on this earth:  I don't know, God knows.
   26. Who means the most to you: Everyone


    27. Croutons or bacon bits: croutons
   28. Favorite salad dressing: Bleu Cheese
   29. Favorite ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough
   30. Favorite drink: Mountain Dew
   31. Do you eat the stems of broccoli: YES!!!!
   32. Is the glass half-empty of half-full: half full
   33. Favorite Snapple flavor: Peachberry
   34. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi, Coke makes me violently ill
   35. Do you drink: Very Rarely
   36. Favorite flavor: Flavor of what???  Depends on what I"m eating.
   37. Favorite restaurant: Bistro 110 in Chicago
   38. Favorite fast food: Arby's
   39. Vegetable: Tomatoes  (I know not a veggie... how about) Mushrooms
   40. Meat: Beef


    41. What is the name of your first crush: Jimmy Doolittle
   42. Who are you currently with:   No One
   43. Are you going out with anyone:  (see above)
   44. What's the worst thing about being single: not having someone to cuddle with
   45. What's the best thing about being single: Don't have to deal with dumb guys
   46. On-line crushes: I had one, his name was Daniel (Tiger), and if you could see him, and talk to him... oh boy you'd know why.
   47. Favorite perfume/cologne: Noa, Jessica McClintock, White Gardenia
   49. When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Smile, Eyes, Hair
   50. Most romantic thing that ever happened to you:  Got a dozen rozes at work for no apparent reason, just for him to tell me he loved me.
   51. How do you characterize yourself (a hopeless romantic or non romantic:  HOPELESSLY ROMANTIC
   52. A good pick up line:  There is no good pick up line.
   53. What do you look for in the opposite sex:  #1- honesty


  54. One pillow or two: Two, unless it's a really big one.
   55. Have you ever gone skinny dipping: Yes.
   56. Do you ever make fun of people:  Yeah, but only as a friendly way.
   57. Favorite type of music: ALMOST EVERYTHING (except acid rock)
   58. Can you dance:  Ballroom, yes.
   59. Dream car: Anything with 4 wheels, runs great and belongs to me alone
   60. Type of car you drive now:  Mercury Sable
   61. Words or phrases you overuse:  (now that I'm in MN) Oh'fer cute!
   62. Toothpaste: Colgate Whitening with Baking soda and Peroxide
   63. Piercings or tattoos: Ears pierced
   64. Do you get along with your parents: Depends
   65. Favorite town to chill in: Northfield
   66. Adidas, Reebok or Nike: Reebok or Nike
   67. Favorite song at the moment:  I Don't Want to Miss a Thing   (Aerosmith)
   68. Favorite website:
   69. Least favorite subject in school: Any sciencey type thing
   70. Most humiliating moment: Would take to long to type.
   71. Loudest person you know: Becca Schulz
   72. Most annoying person you know:  Why would I want to list this?
   73. Craziest person you know:  Libby Rudolph, in a good way!
   74. Things I've learned from life: Don't take apart your hairdryer unless you are sure you can put it back together.
   75. Favorite quote: "It's okay to have butterflies in your stomach so long as you get them to fly in formation.
   76. Favorite Relatives: ALL OF THEM
   77. Summer memory:  4 summers working at Timber-lee
   78. Favorite TV shows: Cosby Show, Dr. Quinn MD, ER, Friends, Mad about You, Days of our Lives, Passions, Will and Grace, 7th Heaven, Three Sisters,  Fraiser, Little House on the Prairie
   79. What's on your mousepad: Malt-O-Meal
   80. In the car- ac or windows:  AC
   81. Do you believe in yourself: Sometimes
   82. Favorite game: Huggermugger, Darts (Cricket)
   83. Favorite cigarettes: I don't smoke.
   84. Favorite sounds: Any Deep Bass voice, Saxophone, Thunderstorms
   85. Favorite smell: Gardenia, Jasmine, Pine
   86. Worst feeling in the world: Panic
   87. Best feeling in the world: love
   88. Favorite thing to do on the weekend: Read a book.
   89. Favorite soundtrack: Hope Floats, City of Angels, Coyote Ugly
   90. Where do you see yourself in 10 years:  Married, and/or Perfoming
   91. First thought in the morning: NO,NO,NO, it can't be time to get up.
   92. Do you get motion sickness: yes
   93. Rollercoasters-deadly or exciting: Exciting
   94. How many rings before you answer the phone: Two, and only if my caller ID says who it is.
   95. Future son names: Cole, John, Brett, Michael (NOT MIKE), Trevor
   96. Future daughter names: Michaela (yes, MIKE), McKenna, Jazmin
   97. Are you a good friend: I certainly hope so.
   98. Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Chocolate!!!!!!!!!
   99. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No, but I still have my security blanket and always will, can't sleep without it.
   100. Thunderstorms-cool or scary: cool, unless there's a threat of a tornado
   101. If you could meet one person in the world, who would it be: I've met soo many cool people already, I don't know who else, except for Michael Landon, but he's dead, Joe Lando would be cool.
   102. What's your zodiac sign: Aquarius
   103. What do you wear to bed: Cotton ankle length nightgown
   104. Guys-if a girl ever asked for the shirt on your back, would you give it to her? not applicable
   105. Girls-would you ever ask a guy for his shirt?  which guy?  Depends.
   106. If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: Opera singer at the Met.
   107. If you could dye your hair one color, what would it  be: Red
   108. If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: Either a chain of music around my ankle, or a small flower.
  110. What's on the walls in your room: Photos of people dear to me.
   111. Pick a song that describes you or that you can relate to: Truly Madly Deeply (Savage Garden)
   112. Which do you prefer-cool ranch or nacho cheese doritos: NEITHER
   113. If you were to kill someone which method would you use? Not an option.
   114. Are you a righty, lefty or ambidextrious: Righty
   115. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Of Course
   116. If you could be one gardening tool what would it be: Don't know.
   117. What kind of a shoe would you be if you had an opinion: High Heels
   118. What's under your bed:  Usually a cat.
   119. Favorite movies:  Snow White, City of Angels, Hope Floats anything with Robin Williams
   120. Favorite beer: Not Applicable, how can you drink something that smells so rancid.
   121. Best online buddies: Too many to list
   122. What's your bedtime: S-TH 10pm,  F-Sa  whenever
   123. Do you like chain letters: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   124. What non-sport activity do you enjoy: Singing, Piano, Cards
   125. Scariest thing in your life/biggest fear: Bridges you can see through when you walk on them.
   126. About what time do you wake up on work days: 7AM
   127. About what time on weekends: when my eyes pop open
   128. Are you bored? No, just tired of typing....
   129. Do you like Hanson: WHO????
   130. Do you like the Spice Girls: Again WHO?????
   131. Tall or short: Tall.
   132. Deaf or blind: Blind
   133. Skinny or fat: Perfect for me!
   134. Preppy or skater: Preppy/ Casual
   135. Poor and Happy or Rich and Sad: poor and happy

Even More About Me...

136.  Bet Guy(s):  Phil M., John L., Dave S., Rick B.., Kalle, okay I  could go on forever here....
   137. Best girl(s): Lisa, Libby, Jill, Rebecca 
138. Fave online symbols:  =) =-) :p ;o) *LOL*  *LMAO*  *ROTFLMRO*
   139. Personal motto:  Don't have one
   140. Things that really bug you:  Lying, and people biting their nails.
   141. Fav. disney character: Dopey
   142. Fav. disney movie: Snow White
   143. Fav. thing to do on a Friday night: Hang out with Friends
   144. Fav. sports: Basketball, Football
   145. Fav. animal: CATS
   146. Fav. CD:  Marc Cohn/Marc Cohn
   147. Fav. vacation spot or fantasy: New Zealand (sooooo cool)
   149. Thing you do to cheer someone up:  Don't get me started I'm the  queen of random acts of kindness.
   150. Fav. life experience: St. Olaf Choir
   151. Fav. thing to do around the house: Cook
   152. Fav time to go on-line: Whenever I have time.
   153. Fav hour of day: Antime after noon and before 3 AM
   154. What do you feel naked without: Make-up, rings, watch, clothes
   155. Fav. magazines:  Don't have one.
   156. Is it over finally?   I don't know you tell more questions I guess it is!

GOT ANOTHER QUESTION... Put it in my guestbook and I'll answer it ASAP on this page.