
the best job on earth!

I work at a place called Timber-lee Christian Center in the summers. It is a rewarding and wonderful experiece. Many lives are touched and many lives are saved. It's amazing what the power of people working together for God can do. Hopefully this page will be able to tell you a lot of about this camp eventually, It's going to take some time to get all fo the information on here, but soon, it will be a great link! I promise. I'm trying to figure all of this stuff out yet.

Okay for starters Timber-lee is in East Troy, Wisconsin. There is a Family Camp and a Youth Camp. I work in Family Camp, so will be more knoweldgeable about that, but I can tell you lots about the youth camp. Timber-Lee is open year round. After the summer there are activities all year for children, teens and adults to come and enjoy the wonders of God. It's never ending.

Some of the many activities at camp include, horseback riding, canoeing, fishing (we practice CPR there: catch photograph and release), hiking, a petting farm, leather shop (you go in and design you leather, ie. keychains, bookmarks, and for the more ambitious belts, bible covers, and saddles and much more), the nature center which has everything from snakes, to hedgehogs, to chinchillas, to turtle doves..., there's swimming, a waterslide, a climbing tower (like on American Gladiaors), an archery range..... And then there's mini-golf, volleyball, basketball, general stores, and much more. It's a great place for people of all ages, trust me, you can't be board unless you sit inside all day and make it boring. These activities are open to both Family Camp and the Youth Camp. Youth Camp has priority most weeks, but there are times when Family Camp will have priority, such as on our program weeks.

There are three Family Camp program weeks over the summer. This is a time when families come to spend the whole week together and have many special activites planned out for them. There is also a speaker brought in for the week for the adults to listen to. While the adults are in their meeting, the family camps staff provides bible/activity times for the children in respective age groups. (I normally take the 8-9 year olds or 10-11 year olds) Other activities included in this week are a Sunday cookout, Pancake breakfast, a chicken dinner, beach games, hayrides, bonfire/sing-a-longs, fun run/walk, times for archery, softball and soccer, nature talks but the nature staff about out snakes, a starwalk, and much much more. These weeks are truly incredible, meet lots of wonderful people and even create some friends for life. I love the time I get to spend with my kids that week, cause out of the blue you'll have 8 or 9 little children trying to have all of your attention all of the time, and for someone who is basically an only child, that's the most wonderful thing!

Youth camp is jam packed with fun and excitement. All of the same activities, but they have an added bonus for the week, they have surprise hours where they have to opportunity to play some really creative games. They have a program meeting every morning and evening, filled with song, laugher, bible lessons, and a terrific speaker, a different one ever week. Some evenings there is a game called wolf pack offered to the campers. Your cabin becomes a pack of beta wolves, and you go out into the dark being able to only howel or make clapping noises to find your way to the alpha wolf. You must rely on your ears to find the alpha wolf. The alpha wolf will howl every now and then and your goal is to find the alpha wolf. It's not an easy task, but it's loads of fun, and establishes communication between all memebers of the cabin in a non-verbal way. Youth camp also has the advantage of "THE PIT" it's a low ropes and challenge course. It makes the cabin work together to figure out solutions to a problem. And the only way to solve the problem is to work together or you will never succeed. It's a great way to bring unity to a group and creates a very strong bond between the campers. They will learn lessons for a life time.

While all of these activities sound like the loads of fun that they are, remember everythign is devoted to God. "In everything to glorify God" That's the motto and one that will last forever. So whether you notice or not, you are learning about our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ every moment of the day, and you may not even notice. It's wonderful, and so many lives are saved because of the loving and committed relationship between the staff memebers. This is passes down to the campers, and creates a summer of worship to God. Simply amazing!

Well this isn't as detailed as I will eventually get, I just have no more time to type right now. I hope that this gives you some kind of idea about Timber-lee, and maybe someday I'll see you there.

If you want to check out their web page use this link Timber-Lee .

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