You have reached Kevin's Webpage - I'm just as shocked as you
NEW and FINALLY Improved!!!!
There are millions of webpages in existence. This is one of them. The odds of you randomly ending up here are about the same as me winning the Nicaraguan lottery (if they even have a lottery). So if you're here, there is one of five conclusions:
1) You know me and are coming here to humor me and say you've been to my webpage.
2) You're here to see pictures of me and some of the people I know
3) You're here to witness and participate in the soon to be world famous Question of the Day page! Updated a long long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away
4) You're here to get help to every question that has kept you up at night at the Magic Answer Page!
5) You're here for free pornography, which, unfortunately, is not hooked up yet. Sorry! Of course, if you want to send pictures to help create this page, who am I to say no?
The Girlfriend Aptitude Test (VERY early stages)
Are you looking for links to other people's pages? WHY??? Everything you need is right here! But just in case you're feeling adventuresome and want to visit somewhere else, here are a few places you can start
My former roommate Mike’s homepage, a great way to waste time
Another former roommate, Gordon’s page- plenty of information about playing the bass.
Send me an email and tell me what you think!
The number of shoddy products Krusty has endorsed: