11/18/99 17:16:02
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Phillip A. Sanders - 06/19/99 17:27:03
Home State: Kansas
School: Midland
Update Information
Sean Peters - 03/05/99 01:03:17
My Email:speters@net66.com
Home State: Nebraska
School: Real World:)
Just checking out the homepage. Hope Nebraska PBL is doing well!
10/14/98 07:34:53
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Michael Peck - 09/16/98 20:56:24
My Email:michael.k.peck@jcjc.cc.ms.us
Home State: MS
School: Jones Junior College
Jerry D. Honaker - 10/30/97 21:14:11
My Email:two_can@hotmail.com
Home State: Virginia
School: Southwest Virginia Community College
As President of the Gamma Alpha Tau chapter of PBL, I would like to say that I like your web page and hope that our web page is as good. I look foreward to maybe meeting some of your members in November. If at all possible I would like to know where you g
t the PBL artwork for your web page.
Trevor Mueller - 10/23/97 22:25:34
My Email:trev@web-access.net
Home State: TX
School: HPU
Great Site Nebraska, Talk to you all on Tuesday nights in the PBL Chat Room.
Taylor Hill - 10/23/97 19:53:52
My Email:htaylor@okstate.edu
Home State: Oklahoma
School: Oklahoma State University
The page looks great! I was exploring looking for ideas for us to use! I will definitely keep yours in mind! Tasha and the rest of the team, keep up the good work!
Kim Schutts - 10/15/97 03:05:51
My Email:kschutts@uwyo.edu
Home State: Wyoming
School: University of Wyoming
Way to go Aaron! This is very nice. Keep up the good work. I am impressed! I was very happy to see all of you in the chat room this week and look forward to seeing you next week. I see Sean has been here and I look forward to seeing him join us in th
chat room too!
Keep up the good work!
Kim Schutts
PBL National Vice President
Mountain Plains Region
Sean Peters - 08/23/97 05:48:58 GMT
My Email:speters@net66.com
Home State: Nebraska
School: UNL Class of '97
I can't believe Perry is actually online! I really like the page. It is great to see Nebraska PBL online!