Next Camp
Next Camp will be located at the Michel Jr. High, in Biloxi MS, like before. Camp times and directions are listed below:
May 17, 1997
Sign in : 10:00am
May 18, 1997
Sign out: 1:00pm
Take I-10 to Biloxi. Then take I-110 South to Highway 90 West.
(Gulfport exit) Travel through seveal lights. Once you get to
White Avenue, start looking for a Seashore Methodist Assembly
sign on the left, make a right turn at the sign. Travel through
the parking lot and continue till stop sign, and school is ahead
on the left.
Everyone intrested are welcome to come. Please notify a director so we can prepare for your visit. All corps members are expected to stay over night with the corps, even local members. Camp Fee is $25.00.