Links Within A Chain
Here you will find links to other sites on the net. These are places that I frequent when I'm online doing who knows what.


The Fam Homepage: The never updated Family Homepage.
Bao Huong Phan: The younger of my two older sisters.
Hien Phan: My brother, more than just a site, but a tutorial to boot.
Lan Nguyen: My cousin.
Eddie Yammer: Artist extraordinaire.

Yahoo: Slowly diversifying until nothing works anymore.
Irony Games: The site for all your roleplaying needs. Well, slight exaggeration...
RolePlaying Games: A list of the RPGs that I play over the net.

PlayStation Online: The site for new things, old things, and all things PlayStation.

Your destination, it's unknown.
-- Missing Persons, "Destination Unknown"

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