Welcome to Hello's Scratch Pad, a virtual notebook for my thoughts and words.
"Why?" you may ask. "What possible point could a homepage have?" While this
page is of little value to the average reader, to the right people this page
contains reality. To those who know me, this page contains a peek into my
world; it speaks of who I am... or rather, why I am. To myself, this
page contains years of self-discovery. The profoundly simple, the simply
Herein lies a shard of my soul, a fraction of me. The words held within
these binary pages reflect a piece of my life that often goes unspoken, unheeded,
unmentioned. Here I can express myself in ways that I often find difficult to do
in the real world. Here I can explore those facets of my reality that require
* * * * *

My Biography section is a brief introduction to my own,
personal world. Who, what, when, where, why, how much, how little.
Could anyone live without these? Friends. They're
the ones who keep us sane in this world, or at least keep us from going over
the edge one too many times.

Thoughts thunk. Cogito Ergo Sum. I think,
therefore I am. Late night ramblings in search of something... a soul, perhaps?
Or maybe for a grasp on reality...
Could any page be complete without Words? Personal
writings, poetry, short stories... random works.
And, of course, links to other sites that I frequent.
* * * * *
Please direct questions and comments to:
Original Posting: 1 January 1997
First Posting: 25 March 1999
Last Paraphrased: 31 July 2002
But I can not stop here as I have so far left to go...
-- Wire Train, "Slow Down"
Main |
Biography |
Thoughts |
Words |
Friends |