Working Hard..
By Saranna Benham-Parker 


Welcome to my jokes partition.
This part of my homepage is primarily for displaying
the jokes that I find, write, am given etc
from my joke list.While I did design this site
primarily for jokes, its a little slow in coming:)

Hope everyone likes the samples that I have here.

Disclaimer: The jokes that I am sent or glean off the web
have never had a copyright on them, so if you find material that you
wrote, just let me know.

My Favourite Joke


This site has been optimised for any screen dimensions
greater than or equal to 800 by 600. Anything less will require a
bit of sideways scrolling.


Please Note:
Unnless otherwise stated NONE of the jokes, or material is known to be copyright
So do whatever you like with the material within.
Hope you all enjoy.


If you can read a pile of writing down below here then you don't have
the capabilities of java, javascript and cascading style sheets.
I wish you did have these because this site looks much better
with these sheets.
You can still find your way through the site without any problems though.

Welcome to my little, but growing, place on the web.
College Jokes

These are jokes about like in from the post-secondary point
of view

From one student to another person(are you a student?)
here are the woes and joys of our fellow classmates.

Got any personal tales to share?
Religious Humour

Disclaimer: I do occasionally go to church, and I
have my beliefs, so if you think that I am an atheist
and are mortified to find these on here then that's too bad.
Personally I thought these were highly amusing.

Hope you enjoy these.

Blonde Jokes, Redhead Jokes, Lawyer Jokes etc

Again, if these offend anybody, tough..don't read
them if you don't like them. I'm one of the above, and I will
point fun at myself just as quickly as I will of anybody else.

This is the gobbledygook section...If i put them all into
their own spots, you would be scrolling forever.
I you have more, as always, please send them to me.
So have a ball....or diss a blonde...

A Jokes With Meaning

Some of the best stories that I have been sent.

Stories that make you think...Ok so maybe you
shouldn't read these if you are studying for
a final...then again maybe you should.

If you have more like these send some to me!!
L'il Johnny/L'il Susie

One of the most popular mediums I find
are these ones. I get them sent to me a lot.

Although some get a little crude..


Hve you ever been told a joke

that just left you groaning? Well
here is my list of 'groaners'.

The Rude n' Crude n' Funny

Jokes with a deifinitely adult slant
If you are easily offended please
don't click here.

(Ie jokes referring to adult body parts.)


Isn't it great.
Before you go here, wander
with your mouse icon over
the index to get an idea of
what's on my site.