Well, here it is...finally... my guestbook.... If you haven't signed it, then please do.... But I'm not about to resort to futile begging, so just hurry up and sign it, eh..:) Saranna

Justin Grieves - 10/31/99 13:39:40
Approximate age: 20 Something...
Gender (or whatever): Still Deciding
School, etc: CMCC (UNBC Grad 99)
The meaning of life..: I'm still looking, but if anyone finds out...publish it!

Great looking page, looks like you've found a new calling! Photo's, links, the whole Nine Yard's, I'm rather impressed. Keep smilin' and remember that anytime you feel like an inexplicable enigma wrapped in a paradox tied by a conundrum charading as a 64 dollar question, its time to seek professional help! Lots of Luv,

Mariana - 09/17/99 00:44:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Bay/5151
My Email:marianam24@hotmail.com
Approximate age: 24
Gender (or whatever): female

Hi there...I love your homepage, keep up the great work and visit my page when you have time, and don,t forget to sign my guestbook...Thanks!!!

Daniel - 07/07/99 09:51:16
My Email:dcolussi@hotmail.com
Approximate age: 24
Gender (or whatever): male
School, etc: not in school
The meaning of life..: what you make of it

Hi from Prince Rupert B.C. cool site. Keep up the good work Daniel

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - 01/12/99 02:41:52
Approximate age: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Gender (or whatever): male/female..both? lemme look...GIRL!
School, etc: elementary school graduate..had to quit school to work on the farm at age 10
Other fave. homepages.: www.malestrippers.com
The meaning of life..: milking cows is fun!

milk. yumm.

gerald - 01/12/99 02:38:44
My Email:andy98@hotmail.com
Approximate age: 18
Gender (or whatever): male
School, etc: Georgetown University
Other fave. homepages.: this one is definitely my favorite!
The meaning of life..: finding hot sexy girls like you on the web

i love redheads

kenneth cole (yes, my dad makes shoes) - 01/12/99 02:37:53
My Email:andy98@hotmail.com
Approximate age: 21
Gender (or whatever): male
School, etc: UNC (chapel hill)
Other fave. homepages.: this one is definitely my favorite!
The meaning of life..: finding hot sexy girls like you on the web

please post more pictures! you're absolutely gorgeous. i love redheads

david - 01/12/99 02:37:05
My Email:andy98@hotmail.com
Approximate age: 19
Gender (or whatever): male
School, etc: Brown University (RI)
Other fave. homepages.: this one is definitely my favorite!
The meaning of life..: finding hot sexy girls like you on the web

please post more pictures! you're absolutely gorgeous. i love redheads

ronald - 01/12/99 02:36:45
My Email:andy98@hotmail.com
Approximate age: 19
Gender (or whatever): male
School, etc: Brown University (RI)
Other fave. homepages.: this one is definitely my favorite!
The meaning of life..: finding hot sexy girls like you on the web

please post more pictures! you're absolutely gorgeous. i love redheads

andrew - 01/12/99 02:35:38
My Email:andy98@hotmail.com
Approximate age: 19
Gender (or whatever): male
School, etc: Brown University (RI)
Other fave. homepages.: this one is definitely my favorite!
The meaning of life..: finding hot sexy girls like you on the web

please post more pictures! you're absolutely gorgeous. i love redheads

Julie - 12/16/98 23:36:53
My Email:j_croot@cariboo.bc.ca
Approximate age: 21
School, etc: UCC
Other fave. homepages.: chickssuck.shutdown.com, nerve.com
The meaning of life..: ooey gooey oreo sundaes

Hey S. good page:) You need more pics, though:)

Heather aka Dreamangel - 12/16/98 06:31:39
My URL:/SouthBeach/Palms/2980
My Email:dreamie_angel@yahoo.com
Approximate age: 21
Gender (or whatever): female!
School, etc: college!!
The meaning of life..: sleep..its gotta be sleep..thats the most important thing!

wow...its been awhile since ive been here...
ummmmm...the homepage i listed in the other entry is no longer mine
so...go to http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/2980
i swear..i change it like every month..according to the season :P
hey saranna..have a great Christmas, eh?
I'll call ya up to go to the movies or something someday :) *hugs*

10/14/98 07:33:48
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Heather aka Dreamangel - 09/23/98 20:36:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/2980
My Email:dreamie_angel@yahoo.com
Approximate age: 21'ish
Gender (or whatever): Grrl
School, etc: college..like duh
Other fave. homepages.: http://www.talker.com/NA - took me forever to design too:p
The meaning of life..: oh wow...a toughy..ummm...food...yeah...gotta be food

hey hey there i told ya id check out this here place someday...though i do believe you havent signed my guestbook yet:P hehehe..talk to ya later!

Jason (aka L.T.) - 08/21/98 09:34:04
My Email:??????????????
Approximate age: 21????
Gender (or whatever): mail
The meaning of life..: hmmm????SEX!!!!

eat me!

Nomad - 04/14/98 18:36:34
My Email:nomad40@hotmail.com
Approximate age: Twentysomething
Gender (or whatever): Male
School, etc: School Of Life
Other fave. homepages.: Startrek, RENT page, theatre pages, etc.......
The meaning of life..: 42 of course.....

Webspace, the FINAL frontier. This is the website of the cosmic joker. Her mission, to explore strange new humor, to seek out new comrades and new hotlinks. To boldly joke where NO ONE has joked before.

Wolfette - 03/21/98 00:03:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/wolfette
My Email:wolfette@wolf-web.com
Approximate age: I'm not telling!
Gender (or whatever): whatever
School, etc: nope
Other fave. homepages.: http://www.freespace.virgin.net/stuart.yorkston/dreamscaper.html
The meaning of life..: 42

Cool page, love the jokes, keep up the good work.

Saranna Benham-Parker - 02/13/98 10:53:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/5978
My Email:benhs000@unbc.ca
Approximate age: 19
Gender (or whatever): Uhhhhh..female
School, etc: University of Northern BC
Other fave. homepages.: Ummmm, mine
The meaning of life..: No idea...

Hey its my page....What am I supposed to say???

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