Pictures of me, friends, family, etc
Graduation:-June 2, 1995
I'm standing outside the Prince George Secondary School, holding my two bursaries, and my graduation picture...Taken June 2, 1995, approx. 15:00 hrs.
Guess Who?
As a kid I was a bit of a tomboy, ok.....a lot of one, and this is a pretty typical photo...Nope, no barbies for this kiddo...I liked tonka trucks, and tree forts...
My 'Sister's' Wedding
This was taken last summer (I'm ashamed to say that I don't recall the date). There is a little story behind this, because I am not actually blood relations to the bride. However, as a teenager I was involved in Big Brother's/Big Sisters....I became very close to my Big Sister, who in many ways is like a surrogate mother to me, and I became pretty much one of their rather large family. The bride is my ex-Big Sister's daughter, who is roughly my age. Congatulations Leah!
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