Subscription Info and Stats
The Dolphin and Snooker Joke Express was setup by my friend Glenn (aka Snooker) and I (aka Dolphin) in 1995, and has been built up from the 15 or so members to the current 42 members over the past few years. The list originally was just made up of a few fellow students that we associated with. However the word of mouth, or should I say e-mail is a powerful tool, and it didn't take long before I had no idea who most of the people were anymore. My goal was to spread humour to those that were willing to listen, and hopefully bring about a smile or two (or many) around the globe...
To all of you members who have been here for the entire time, I thank you, and to all the newer members, I welcome you humbly.
To subscribe to the jokes list, send an e-mail to with only the word 'subscribe' in the body of the letter.
To un-subscribe from the jokes list, send an e-mail to with only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body of the letter.
The subject body must be left blank (aside from the aforementioned commands). If you have an automatic signature file simply place the word end on a separate line at the end of your subject body. This will cause the software to ignore any text following the subscribe/unsubscribe commands.
I am always on the lookout for new material, so if you have a good joke please mail it to . And if the joke/story is really good, well, then I may just post it on here, with your name...:) So lets keep the jokes a-rockin'...
Most Moving Story of the Year
I was sent this story on my joke-express, but it is a little different from the usual line of stories, etc that I receive. I found it to be a very heart warming story that really makes us consider the ways in which we affect the people around us. Click HERE to access the story!
Thanks goes out to Jason for sending me this little piece of 'creative thinking'. I had to read it a couple of times before it really sunk in though. So to give your mind a creative boost, just point and click!
Attitude is Everything
Thanks goes out to John for sending me this story. I found it to have a great deal of depth, although some people may not think so. But if you're willing to listen with an open mind to a slightly unusual take on life, then you might like this as much as I did.