Welcome to my windy paradise....Hmmmm, I only just started, and I'm lying already...I mean school is nowhere near to being considered paradise...
However, this page is also home to the Dolphin and Snooker Joke Express....so read on and enjoy..
Plus....Many grrrreeeaaat links...
I received my B.Sc in Wildlife Biology from the University of Northern British Columbia, in May 2002. I am now studying Microbiology and Genetics related material at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver......I am 25, and my hobbies include the Internet, arts and crafts, and photography.
I also run a jokes list, which you can be added to by e-mailing me at the address shown... However be warned... I send out jokes that I find funny, and if you're offended by slightly perverted humour, or humour at your expense, don't subscribe.....This isn't to say that all my jokes that I send out to everyone are all twisted. I find a mix of jokes on the net, and I will foward them on if I feel so inclined...Of course, if you join the list, and find that it isn't to your liking, you can have your name removed. i don't have time to send out emails every day, so if you normally avoid joke email lines, then I have the list for you!!
However, the list keeps me tuned into the lighter side of life, throughout all the stresses of university life...I mean between taking four courses at the university, and trying to have the occasional life of my own, my life can be described as downright hectic....So, if anyone wants to complain about university/college life, or just wants to compare sob stories, I'm all ears....no not literally...
Ok, here they are (well the one's that I have scanned so far), but in my photoalbum you will find pictures from various memorable occasions...:)
Here are all of my pages...
My favourite links can be accessed here. The search pages that I have here are great places to start looking for information on the web. I have all the links you will ever need...well I hope I do :). My main JOKE PAGE is the link that you want if you are checking my joke selection.:) THE ACTUAL JOKE EXPRESS PAGE CAN BE ACESSED HERE. WARNING: THESE SITES ARE STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION, SO PLEASE BE PATIENT, I PROMISE TO FINISH THEM EVENTUALLY :).
Please email me and tell me if you liked my homepage.
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