The Iota Omicron chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon was
founded on May 18, 1963. From that time into the present, some 824 TKE brothers have stood
strong through much adversity. One of our greatest challenges came on the early morning of
February 29, 1996, when the TKE house burned to the ground. Through this trying time, TKE
members stood robust and proved how strong the fraternity really is. A brand new house now
stands at 1238 Main Street here in Whitewater, Wisconsin. The unexpected lows of our
chapter has not affected our membership, whereas we have gained many new members since
that time. There are currently over 50 outstanding TKE devotees on the university campus
with our rush season just around the corner. We are looking to recruit many fine new
members to continue the prestigious TKE tradition.
We want to thank all our Alumni for their very
generous donations and helping make Homecoming a great success. We hope to see everyone
again next year.