Welcome to the Wonderful World

This page is dedicated to the person who inspires me
with each and every move he makes.
His love of life and dedication to me
brings warmth and love to my heart.
Mr. Anthony, my new fiance, this one is for you!

Tony was a wonderful date to each and every one of my dances at Fitzgerald High School. From the interesting vehicles to the beautiful flowers, he never provided a dull moment from Sadie Hawkins '93 to Prom '96. The best part of the evenings, however, was being with him! To this day, I continue to love spending time with him!

Prom 1996 was our last dance.
I miss the evenings of eating, dancing, and laughing.

Tony has many favorites in life.
Among his passions: music, sailing, European sports cars,
and his Godson, Nicholas!

Our trip down Route 66 in 1997 took us from Chicago to LA. Tony was a great cook on the campfire. He can make some great shish-ka-bobs, but be forewarned that I can eat A LOT of them! When we made it to California, we headed south, to the border. Walking across the Mexican border, Tony managed to get lots of great deals, including one on his rainstick for Billy!

Tony's undying love of music has led him to great success with the Atomic Fireballs. He loves performing and improving upon his already fantastic musical talents. They are playing the Miss USA pageant on February 5th, 1999! Keep an eye out for "Three to Tango," as well! Click on their logo to visit them!

Tony has always been a greatly supportive person in my life. He went to parties for work with me...

and took me out at night, to see the Atomic Fireballs! They played at the Shelter in Detroit, MI. That was the best night of my entire summer. We went out with friends afterwards to eat pizza and then headed to the bar. I immensely enjoyed meeting Tony's close friends and chatting with them all night!

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