Welcome to Quinn's Life!
This page is dedicated to my wonderful friend, Mr. Quinn. Quinn and I walked into the real world together as we made our way down the stage at our graduation ceremony. From that day on, I have had a special bond with Quinn. He is a great friend and superb swing dancer!

Our friendship really started to grow during our senior year at Fitzgerald High School.
By that time, we had traveled to Boston and London with our band. Here, we are goofing around after our last band concert just before we headed off to National Coney Island with all of the guys!

Quinn has a caring personality and wonderful attitude towards life.
His dedication towards music will carry him far.
He is now performing with several groups at Western Michigan University.

Despite the fact that we attend rival schools, CMU and WMU, I had fun visiting Quinn a few weekends ago.
We went out to eat, did a little shopping, and went to the Nu Veau Room to swing dance.
I had a marvelous time taking a step back in time dancing to tunes of the Squirrel Nut Zippers!

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