Miss Julie's World!

This page is dedicated to Miss Julie. Julie inspires me. She loves to give to others, most often putting others before herself. She is always smiling and encouraging me to be a better person. She is a wonderful friend and roommate.
Julie and I were Top 5 Finalists
Freshman of the Year!

But don't let that fool you ... we still love to have fun!

Julie has a charming personality. I love spending time with her. I have even driven clear across the state just to spend a few nights at her house so I could show her how important she is to me. Not to mention that she has a wonderful, supportive family and her cows are fun to play with too! This is her sister. Janelle is a cutie! She is a ton of fun to spend time with, not to mention a great beauty consultant!

Julie and I love the outdoors. Combine that with our love of goofing off together and you get two crazy women! This past fall, we took a hike down a trail near CMU. The water and trees were magnificent to view. We had a ton of fun posing for an entire roll of pictures!
We stopped by the pond to take a break on the steps and the bridge! Posing nicely, of course!
We had to take a break at the end of our hike to recover from all of the laughing! As life continues on for both of us, I hope we can remain the best of friends. I don't ever want to let go of our friendship! Who else is going to teach me how to cook???
Julie loves making a mess with holiday candy...
and taking time to smell the pretty flowers...
Julie spent a few weeks up at Beaver Island during the summer of 1998. She had a great time catching snakes and watching the sunsets at the beach.

We got together over the summer and had a camping trip in Mt. Pleasant. We carried our gear into the park and set up camp with the snakes and mosquitos!
Julie is so cute when she works out! We were working out our mouths on this night....at least we got a little exercise!
Julie continues to be the greatest friend anyone could ask for. She is constant motivation to be a better person!

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