The people I call friends!
This page is dedicated to all of my friends. They are the reason I am who I am today. They make me smile. They make me laugh. They make me happy. They make me want to continue on during the rough times and sing for joy during the great times. In all, they are a part of me because they are always with me. This one is for each of you because you mean so much to me!
Ryan is one of the nicest, most sincere people I have ever met. He loves to run, rollerblade, and play tennis. One of these days he'll find the perfect woman ... he deserves only the best!
Mr. Markus is the sweetest guy in town! He has always been a strong (and tall) shoulder for me to lean on. When things get rough, Mark is right there to catch me. He taught me how to play pool and how to frown when I am sad. He let me know it's ok to be me, that the smile shouldn't be there to fool everyone. Mark is a great friend; he always will be.

Miss Tracy is "The Woman." She is in the Army at the moment, but as soon as she gets back, we will hit the clubs and strut our stuff. She took more dance lessons then I did (I never thought it was possible!) Some would call Tracy a bit crazy, but I love the girl! We're crazy together! Tracy is a dedicated person. She puts her heart into everything she beleives in, including her friends. She is a real person, in the sense that she is not afraid to show you what she stands for. I love her for the great person that she is and the wonderful rolemodel she is towards others. If she wants something, she'll find a way to get it, even if that means 4 years in the Army! Update: She just got engaged in December, 1998.

Miss Crystal is one of my four roomies at CMU. She puts up with my silly jokes and my lobster trap. She's even been brave enough to withstand the singing in my Jeep for 2 and a half hours on the ride home. Crystal is a humorous girl. Once, she put a donkey in Miss Julie's bed! One of these days we're going to get her to come dancing with us. You ought to see her dancing in the hallway! How do you like her workout moves? :) Send her mail by clicking on her picture!
Miss Kaye: My 5th roommate. Born in: Plattsburg, NY. She is a military brat who has lived in Michigan, Texas, Italy, and England. Having 4 brothers and 2 sisters, Kaye has grown to be quite "buff." Her favorite activity is socializing. Her friends down the hall love to see her smiling face. Sometimes, we want to see it so badly, we have to pull her out of the computer lab at all hours of the night. She is addicted to the internet and my swedish fish. Click on her picture if you'd like to send her some mail!
Mr. Timothy. Where, oh where, do I start with Tim? Perhaps at the breakdancing in the hotel when he was about 4 feet shorter? No ... maybe at the grease pole that he once climbed for $20 only to spend more because he had to buy new clothes. Nah, how about the years and years I have spent camping with him? You choose. The last year has definetly been the best. Tim is my guardian angel. I ran into him during Spring Break at Myrtel Beach, quite unexpectedly. My first trip to the Canadian bars ... Tim was there, unexpectedly. He is the greatest guy anyone could ever dream of knowing. He'll add a touch of excitement to your life. That is, if you can get ahold of him...
Miss Julianna has a unique bond with my life. Our lives always seem to be taking the same turn of events at the same time: boyfriends we were practically married to, boyfriends with a love of european sports cars, tennis, leaving the boyfriends after +4 years, meeting new people, wondering if we would ever get back together with the ex's... Juli is a great friend to hang out with on the girls night out! Update: Julianna got engaged this year, too!
Mr. Matthew Bodine. (No, that isn't his real name) Matt, too, has an interesting tie to my life. Matt is Tony's best friend. Matt and Tony nicknamed me "Leggs," and shortly after I started seeing Tony. Tony seems to travel a lot because of his musical talents, thus Matt and I have spent a great deal of time together. Matt taught me how to play ping pong when Tony went to Europe. He comforted me when Tony left my life. Matt periodically comes and goes in my life, but in my heart I know he is a friend that is just a phone call away.
Mr. Ibrahim. Abe. Ibe. You may know him as something else. He seems to know everyone under the sun. Abe has blessed WMU with his musical presence. He is an extremely involved individual, but he too is only a phone call away when you need him. He is a dedicated pal, dedicated to every club at WMU and to his friends. He's got a great girlfriend, Karen. Someday, you will see this man's name up in lights!
PANDA BEAR! This girl has been my best friend since kindergarten! She used to sit on the A square and I would sit on the C so that we could surround cutie pie Brian. We saw our first concert together when we were 5. We would split a swedish fish if we only had a penny when we went into the corner store. We danced on the front porch until the guys next door gave us magnets. Then Amanda moved away. Boo-Hoo. We've kept in touch all these years. Amanda introduces me to some of her friends every now and then. She has great boat parties. She is an awesome dancer at the clubs. Amanda is an all-around simply smashing person!
Crystal, Heather, and Julie are splendid roomies. These ladies could make the grinch grin with one of their mischievious little tricks. From squirt guns to water balloons, we are determined to attack the unsuspecting victom. Crystal can protect us with her karate moves. Heather can dazzle us with her jazzy leaps and moves. Julie can impress you with her sign language skills. She can even teach you the Hustle! Perhaps you would like to join one of our swing lessons in the hallway? Or maybe an endless game of UNO? But, beware, we play ruthlessly!
These are my roomies from my first year at CMU. Miss Michelle, Miss Betsy, and Miss Michele. They were a lot of fun to live with. Some crazy weekend, they got me to eat babyfood! UCK! We pawned it off on another friend as some great stuff and he didn't find it quite so funny. They helped me survive the first year away from home. We had a great birthday celebration. Betsy made me some ice cream! They even got me a goofy hat that I love to wear.

"Girls, They just want to have fun!" We had a contest to see how many people we could cram onto a small futon during our PJ party! Watched the movies ... painted the nails ... laughed ... and cried. The girls of Larzelere are the best friends anyone could dream of having!

My roomies and I had a cookout in September to celebrate Labor Day! Julie knew better then to let me near the grill, so I took the pictures! Our burgers and corn were magnificent. We basked in the sun rays for the day, avoiding the homework and having fun on the river.
Todd and Tim might as well be my big brothers. We have grown up together. We used to go to Frankfurt to watch our dads hang glide off of the Sleeping Bear Dunes. We've been to Chattanooga, TN and Wixom. I suppose that is where my love of camping was fostered. Every weekend in the summer we would make the long trek up north and play at the beach and roast marshmallows at night over the campfire. From celebrating Todd's birthday in the car to singing songs over our CBs, we've spent a lot of time together over the years.
How can I not love this girl? Tracy and I have spent a lot of time together, from high school dances to organizing band festivals. Here, we are taking our last pictures as high school girls. Prom '96 was a ton of fun, from our dates to the music we always had smiles plastered on our faces. Tracy has experienced the world with me. We've seen the sights of New York, New York and the Gaurds at the Tower of London. We've caught a glimpse of the Royal Jewels and Princess Di. We've experienced life to the fullest, from Hyde Park, the Castle of Warwick, and the London Bridge to Central Park, the Statue of Liberty, and Broadway!
Our second year at CMU, we decorated a gingerbread house! We packed it full with yummy candy!
This was the second year of roommates at CMU. We had a great time playing tricks on each other. The best was when I dumped water into the vent on the door and it poured into Crystal's pants!
Nicole joined us in our Larzy home this year! She is an awesome person. She loves Elmo, wrestling, and being the weather girl for CMU!
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