Here's the question: What material objects would you sacrifice for Elissa?
E. Brito, State University at
I would sacrifice marshmallows for Elissa. And I love marshmallows.
What would you sacrifice?
Goldstein, Cornell University
And in answer to which material object I would give up for Elissa, I will say
my roommate. and I really hate my roommate.
Schoenfeld, Cornell University
I will give up my cornell card which I use to buy absolutely
everything. And you know how spendy I am.
Lily Alpert, Cornell
I will give up Zack. And you know how much I love Zack!
Zack Shankman
"Shankdog", Washington University
"Zack Shankman, commenting on why Elissa
is nearly a deity"
Elissa is the example of a perfect
human being. Though I would never give up Lily for Elissa, I would cut off any of my
extremities for her. Come on, Elissa,
how about just a little tongue?"
Sophia Mercadante,
Syracuse University
Hmmm...this is a hard one. Being her roommate I have learned that
I already have given up one of the most important things in my
life (and apparently hers)...........THE PHONE!!!!!!!!! (I am
just kidding, it is an honor to just hear Elissa's
sweet voice on the phone until all hours of the night with
Brito!!! Really.....I LOVE IT!!!!!) If given the chance I would
give up all phone rights for my roommate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lessig, Some place?
I would give up playing Basketball, Soccer, lacrosse and running
Cross country for Elissa. I also will give up my love for Steve and pass all and
much more of it to Elissa.
Paul J.
Battaglia, Binghamton University
My Second Kidney!!!
Janine N. Abbate,
Union College
For the multi talented and beautiful looking Elissa, I would sacrafice my car, a 1987
Lincoln Towncar. Know fondly to most as the "Jew Canoe"
due to its large and lengthy size. And we all know how much I
enjoy the comfort of my spacious automobile. Small price to pay
for the approval of Elissa!
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