Is Otto not the luckiest guy? He gets to see Elissa daily.
Otto, you were nothing without Elissa, Nothing!
Describe where you would carve Elissa's name if given the opportunity and any necessary tools.
Goldstein, Cornell University
Carved Elissa's name into the front lawn. (though it was Stephanie
Mann's idea)
Spring, Some place in Canada
For Elissa I would even re-roof (is that a word) my house so that
with different tiles, I would spell out her name and profess my
love and admiration for her to all that fly above in the air!
Schoenfeld, Cornell University
I am going to propose the idea of getting the license plates
changed on my family's car to "Elissa 4-eva".
Lily Alpert, Cornell
I am going to shave Elissa's name into my boyish haircut. In addition, I would
have the Big Red Marching Band (put them to GOOD use for once)
spell it out on the football field at every halftime. In addition
to this, I would chisel "Elissa" into the side of our
gorge, so everyone, sight seers and suicide attempters alike,
will be able to bask in the glory of her name.
Cohen, Some place in California
I would carve Elissa's name in all the foods that I ate so that when I go to
eat, Elissa would always be with me.
Brito, State University at Binghamton
I would tattoo Elissa's name right onto my left butt cheek right in between
my mom's name and my past fourteen girlfriends' names. Was that
wrong? It doesn't beat the lawn, but it just might draw a laugh
or two.
Keri Ebert, Boston University and her friend Heather
Our first thought was to repaint the T(subway). That didn't work
when we realized that her name might get scratched or dirtied do
to some ungrateful Bostonians. Then in accordance with my title
as "group slut" I thought maybe I would paint Elissa's name
above my bed so all the guys in the Boston area will see it
clearly. Since I still consider myself a good girl, I decided
this wouldn't be appropriate. My final thought was inspired as I
was crossing the street and I noticed how people seem to stare at
the traffic lights. I have begun my mission to reprogram all of
the traffic lights in Boston to say I love Elissa in Morse
Brian Bank, Boston University
Mark my words, the STATUE OF LIBERTY will one day bear her name
on the silly scroll that she holds. That is my new mission in
Janine N.
Abbate, Union College
If given the choice of where I would carve Elissa's name i
would have to pick my forehead. This way, everyone I meet will
constantly be reminded of how devoted I am to Elissa and how
happy I am that she lets me be her friend.
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