"If you had 24 hrs. to spend with Elissa, what would you do?"

Brian Thiel, Binghamton University
I just wanted to reply to the question of the month by saying that I already have spent 24 hours with your girlfriend,
Elissa, and you really wouldn't want to know what goes on with us in that time. If so, I hear they are publishing our story in the Penthouse Forum in April. I'll buy you a copy if you like. Let her know that if she's interested in another night like that, I'm available.

Ronen Morris, Hebrew University
I would spend the entire time talking about Dan Brito's breasteses. Then I would kidnapp
Elissa so that we could talk about it some more. Then I would ransom her off for five minutes with Dan Brito's breasteses. ...or maybe I would...dress her up in Daniel Britos clothes and play with her breasteses. But between you and me, they are nothing compared to Dan Britos breasteses. I miss Dan Britos breasteses. I would go to disney world...the big ball in epcot reminds me of Daniel Britos breasts...

Stephanie Mann, Representing Stony Brook, Long Island
I would spend all of my 24 hours staring at
Elissa, eating brocolli and cheese, and singing her love songs. Hey, doesn't she deserve it?

Ankita Christian, Binghamton University
I personally would take elissa shopping at the J.Crew warehouse sale. I think she would have a lot of fun and best of all we would come back with tons of new clothes.

Stu Klein, Brandeis University
So, if I had twenty four hours to spend with her would talk constantly, and we all know that I can do so.

Jeffrey Allen Cohen, State University at Oswego
Well Brito, you are the man. If I would have 24 hours with her, I would let you have half of them, and I would take her shopping so she can buy me clothes. What would you do with your 12 hours?

Monika Borovska, Binghamton University
If I had 24 hours to spend with
Elissa, we would play jezz ball all night, all day long... If you like jezzball, you're gonna wanna check out this phatty phat site: Jezzball

Shari Adler, Rutgers University
If I had to spend 24 hours with
Elissa I think what we would do is either go to Woodbury Commons because every time we set out to go there we get stuck in some sort of rain or snow storm!! Or I would drive the both of us to encampment Berkshires, NY and spend the day talking about all our great memorizes and what we would do to go back to those days.

Andrea Wolinetz, Binghamton University
If I had 24 hours to spend with
Elissa I would answer all of damned annoying lesbian questions, go shopping at J.Crew and tell her how cute her and Brito are together.

Sophia Mercadante, Syracuse University
I, being the ever so lucky one, Sophia Mercadante am her roommate. Obviously, living with the one and only
Elissa Zaidel is an experience in itself. Since I already do get the privelege of spending 24 hours a day with Elissa, I really do not know how to answer this question. All I can say is that I am glad that I was the chosen one and I know that there must be many many envious people of MY living situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle Reeves, Syracuse University
Okay...since I live on
Elissa's floor, and she is not only my friend...she is roommates with Sophia...I literally DO live with her 24 hours a day! Let me tell you all that you are really missing out! Our daily activities include discussing how much we are alike (since we both always get caught in the middle of our friends), talking in the shower, eating whatever food people are eating around us, and frequently exclaiming how much we love Elissa! I'm sorry for all of you who don't get to experience this...I feel very lucky to be on her floor!

Chris McCarthy, Binghamton University
Let's see. If I had 24 hours to spend with
Elissa? Hmmm. First, we would have a Jezzball competition for the first 3 hours. Of course, she would kick butt because... well, she's Elissa. The next 5 hours would be spent having wild sex. I mean, no holds barred. The next 4 hours would be spent trying to solve the horrible odor coming from her breasts. Because, after our sexual marathon, I have discovered the rumors to be true. The next 9 hours would be spent making fun of Dan Brito. Because, that is what she does best. For the final 3 hours she would praise me because I am Number 1 and she had 12 orgasms. Forgive me Elissa!

Steven Kurtz, Colorado University
I would take her to a Snort-the-Matzah Ball competition to see how well she can suck things up her nose. That's important you know....

Ralph Preta, Binghamton University
I have such great ideas. Lets see, I would take her as far away from Binghamton as I could, sweep her off her feet and let her become one of the many I have cheated on my girlfriend with. These girls are becoming legacies in Binghamton....and just think,
Elissa could be the next one. There would be a nominal fee attached, of course, but can you put a price on infamousy? I think not. Well, I won't get into any more details...those are for Elissa and I to discuss.

Paul J. Battaglia, Binghamton University
If I had twenty-four hours with
Elissa, I would spend the first sixteen berating her as much as she abuses my roommate Daniel BriTo whom I love. Then I would wax the floor with Elissa in Jezzball because her supposed skill is doubtful, at best. For my last four hours with Elissa I would have her clean my dorm room because my roommate/her boyfriend is very messy. Then she could make me dinner (not in the microwave) and serve it to me while singing show tunes.

Erin Ferguson, Binghamton University
If I had 24 full hours to spend with the amazing and talented
Elissa Zaidel, I would utilize the time to it's fullest extent by discussing with her the proper treatment that should be administered to her zany and mentally unstable boyfriend Daniel Brito because of the high risk of his causing harm to himself or the community at large, we would probably decide to lock him up and keep him heavily drugged. =).

Lily Alpert, Cornell University
If I had 24 hours to spend with
Elissa, I would take her and Seth to Turning Stone - since I have never, ever been there.

Sarah Carolan, Binghamton University
If I had 24 hours to spend w/
Elissa... I would play My Little Ponies w/her. I am happy to be a part of your page:)

Alex Acker, Binghamton University
Fly to London, shop. Take that cool English Channel tunnel to Paris, shop.

Philip Brito, City College of New York Alumnus
I would grill
Elissa to find out what she sees in Daniel.....Sure, he has his father's good looks and brains....but, at best, he's only a mediocre racketball player.

Janine N. Abbate, Union College
So, I get an entire 24 hours, a full day to have
Elissa all to myself. I think I would like to spend the time trying to get to know Elissa a little better, ya know, find out exactly what makes her tick besides her quick wit and gift for gab and sarcasim. Next we would have to eat. Of course, was there any doubt! We all know that Elissa has to increase the spledor of her lusious bod so far be it from me to deny helping her along. Afterall, I am completely devoted to her. Lastly, I would thank Elissa for the honor and priveledge of approving me to be her friend. My life would not have been the same without her, would yours?

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