Last Updated 06 Nov 2003 by Frank Kuschnereit
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Hello. My mother was Caroline Habermehl. Her father was William Habermehl (b. 12 Apr 87). He was the son of II Wilhelm, and was born on July 24, 1883 and died in ? . He married Linnean Sauder. They had seven children namely Harvey, Jeremiah, Barbara, Catherine, Caroline, Moses and William.
If you have any Habermehl info please contact me at kuschnereit@hotmail.comNote: I am also interested in researching the Kuschnereit , Layman, Felski and Panke families.
Misc Links:
The Habermehl Genealogy Home Page
The Habermehl Cemetary in Texas
Fernanda Foertter writes:
Hi, just saw your genealogy page This is off on a tangent but:
Adam Wegfahrt married Margaret Habermehl
They had:
Jacob Wegfahrt
Henry Wegfahrt
Lizzie Wegfahrt
Anna Wegfahrt
Lizzie Wegfahrt married Willie (Wilhelm) Foertter
They had 4 other of which produced children Lincoln Herny Foertter (Henry apparently after her brother)
Linconln married Gloria and had Gregory and Joyce.
Greg is my hubby.
So apparently, we are long...far off....twist and a really distant way. :)
Thought that was kindda neat. If you have any info on Wilhelm Foertter we'd appreciate it. His name was originally Vetter, but you know how they butchered names back then. They are apparently from Hidelberg Germany. His sister Ida taught at Gilford (Aurora, CA) in 1911. Fernanda Foertter
[Update from Brenda Kropf] Just an update for you: Daryl William Kropf (s/o Stephen Lloyd Kropf and Brenda Coghlan) married Aimee Leigh Wagner (adopted daughter of Craig Wagner and daughter of Carol Diefenbacher) on August 23, 2003. They have a daughter, Aubrey Grace Kropf b 25 Feb 2001. Brenda B Kropf Kitchener ON [email from Kim Wells]
Hi Frank. I just viewed your Habermehl history online. I am almost certain that we are related, I have been searching and searching for some that you have. Let me tell you where I come in, and maybe I can be of some assistance in this later generation. My Mother is Denise Habermehl, daughter of Cecil Harry Habermehl, who is the son of Henry Charles Habermehl, whose wife was Blanche Horlock, that died in 1909, that was buried in Canada, and then married Henrietta. Henry Charles father was Charles Habermehl (born 1832/1833 in Germany), and mother Catherine (born 1839), their children were John, Henry Charles, Charles, Helena, Daniel, Simon, & Levina (Lavina). Another brother was Conrad born in 1829, Conrad married Maria (Muriel?), and had the following children: Charles,Elizabeth,Maria,John,Theodore,Catherine,Sophia,& Fredrick. I have alot of who they married and their children also. We just don't know who Charles and Conrad's parents are, we do know that they are from Germany though. If you could help us out. Do you know if they had any other brothers or sisters? My mother does remember visting the Habermehl Post Office as a child. Also have you heard of the book "Twigs,Branches & Roots", it was written by Fred Habermehl. It is part of the Waterloo Habermehl Family History? I have sent him e-mails, and also a regular letter to his address, with some money to purchase his book, with no avail. Someone had e-mailed me that there was made mention of Conrad and Charles to Waterloo County, in 1856, to the area of Hanover, Ontario. Also do you know where I may purchase the book you mentioned "A History of Bentinck Township"? I am very interested. THANKS again for your help. You don't know how many hours of searching and searching, and the sleep I have lost working on this family history. I hope you will respond to my e-mail. I have felt like there is some deep family secret, cause there are not too many that I have wrote to that have answered me back. Or relatives will tell me, that nobody kept records back then...Oh well. I am glad to have what you have entered on the internet. Thanks again for your time. Sincerely,
Kim Wells
Kim Wells
2455 E. Broadway #102
Mesa, Arizona 85204
From an early draft of "Twigs,Branches & Roots", written by Fred Habermehl. :
1 Introduction (11 Jan 86 updated 3 May 87 updated Jun 27 87)
While the history of the Canadian Habermehl family has been traced only to Storndof,
Germany in
the early nineteenth century, the following encyclopedia information will be of interest to
members of the family.
Habermehl, Josue
Josue Habermehl was a German metal worker of the sixteenth century, In 1565 he was
working at
the court off William V of Bavaria. In 1577 he settled in Ratisbon (Regensburg). A "universal
geodesic astronomical instrument" has been preserved in the department of mathematical physics
in Dresden which bears the Latin inscription "Josue Habermehl Me Fecit in Civitate Ratis Bonne"
(Encyclopedia Universal). This
inscription confirms the spelling of the name which is still used by
this part of the family.
Habermehl, Erasmus (or Habermel)
Another craftsman, Erasmus Habermehl was born in 1538. He became court instrument
for Kaiser Rudolf II in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1594, where he crafted astronomical
instruments for Typcho Brache who was the court astronomer. He was also instrument maker for
Franciscus de Padovanis von Forli, dukes of Rosenburg in Wittingau. His instruments are said to
be characterized by beautiful form, sparse decoration and clean workmanship and are represented
in instrument collections at Vienna, Prague, Hamburg, Munich and Nuremberg. In 1593 he
married Susanna Solis. He died in Prague on November 15, 1606. In the museum at Greenwich,
England there is an astrolabe made by him. His name, in that exhibit, is spelled without the
penultimate "h". (see Who's Who in
Science 1968).
Habermehl, Erasmus
About 1610 another Erasmus Habermehl was placed in charge of musical instruments at the
Court in Prague and became the est known violin maker of the seventeenth century, though none
of his instruments has survived. (see Encyclopedia
of Violin-Makers vol I Paul Hamlyn London)
Two books have come to my attention. The first whose author is Lawrence Habermehl is
Morality in the Modern World and
subtitled "Ethical Dimensions of Contemporary Human
Problems". It was published in 1976 by Dickenson Publishing (ISBN-O-8221-0176-9) The
second is by G. Habermehl. It is entitled Venemous Animals and Their Toxins and has been
translated into English and published by Springer-Verlag (ISBN-3-540-10780-0).
Who's Who in the World yields the name of Gerhard Georg Konrad Habermehl an organic chemist born in 1931, Seligenstadt Hessen Germany.
There is a peak in Antarctica that bears the name Habermehl Peak. A response from the
Polar Research Institute of the University of Cambridge addressed to Mrs. S. Howell of the
English family who forwarded a copy to me includes the following information. "It was
discovered by a German Antarctic Expedition led by Alfred Ritscher in 1938-39 aboard
Schwabenland. The name is from the
Director of the German Weather Service at the time. As
Dronning Land is part of Norway's Antarctic territory the Norwegian form Habernehltoppen is
preferred to the English translation 'Habermehl Peak'."
There was a Habermehl Post Office near Hanover Ontario listed in old volumes of postal
directories. It was so named because Mrs Habermehl operated the office. (see A History of
Bentinck Township) The post office formed part of a small village but it has
disappeared. The
school still stands although it has been converted into a home with the peak of the porch roof
covering the stone bearing the original name. The lake nearby still retains the name "Habermehl
There are a number of references to the district of Habermehl in book published in 1978
under the
auspices of the Bentinck Township Council entitled A History of Bentinck Township. This
describes the early history of Habermehl, the Habermehl school, post office, churches, industry
and farm forum.
A book by H. J. Habermehl, lent to me by Dirk Habermehl of Coburg, Ontario, a descendent of the Dutch branch of the family is entitled Het Geslacht Habermehl in Nederland. It provides some interesting historical references to the name under of variety of spellings.
1297, Rudolf Habermelver in Bazel
1366, Wijgand Hebermul in Grunberg
1467, Contz Heybermel and Henne Hebermel "der Alte und der Junge" in Brauerschwend, Kr. Alsfeld.
1495, Heinz Welcker named Habermeel, born about 1495 and married in 1555 or 1556, burger of Treysa near Marburg, Kr. Ziegenhain.
1506, Wolfgang Habermelber of Kolmar
1538, Erasmus Habermehl, born in 1538 and married on November 6, 1606, the instrument maker for King Rudolf II and for Tycho Brahe.
1551, Heinrich Habermehl in Stuttgart
1559, Tobias Habermehl, Marienburg, Saksen
1573, Heinz and Hen Hewermehl, Wallenrod
1576, Josua Habermehl, Dresden.
This book also provides an interesting description of the area around Lauterbach which is just
few miles from Storndorf, and of the linen manufacturing for which this area was noted. It gives a
description of the Habermehl shield which depicts the hills of the area, three sprigs of oats from
which the name comes and the shuttle representing the industry of the region. I Habermehl,
Johannes (Johan, John) (1 Sept. 86)
The original member of this family to settle in Canada was named Johannes Habermehl. He
from the village of Storndorf, near Alsfeld in Germany. He was married to Lizzie Zinn. In 1856
they emigrated via New York to the Baden area in Ontario probably directly to Wellesly. Family
tradition indicates that the two elder sons emigrated first with the rest of the family following
later. There appear to have been some members of the Zinn family there, or else others came at
the same time. Family stories do not indicate that there were additional family members either in
Canada or the United States although others with the same and variant spellings of the name
appear both in the census records of this region and in American lists and records. For example
the 1861 census records refer to a Lutero Hafermehl and a Charles Habermel. Care must be taken
with interpreting the spelling of surnames, for the census takers were notorious for misspelling the
names particularly of immigrants whose English was obviously poor.
The record of the 1930 family reunion reads as follows:
"In 1856 John Habermehl and his wife formerly Miss Lizzie Zinn came to Canada from
Germany. The trip was made by sailing ship to New York and thence by train to Canada and
settled in Baden."It was some two years after they had come to Canada that John Habermehl was
killed when he fell from a wagon as his team ran away".
There were four children in this family namely II Henry, II John, II Elizabeth and II Wilhelm.
1930 notebook refers to the children of I Johan as John of Wallace, Henry of Wellesley, William
of Wilmot and Lizzie of Stratford.
In the census of 1861 Henry Zinn is recorded as a farmer of 40 years of age living on
concession 2
lot 13 Wellesley Township. He has 59 acres of land with 44 acres under cultivation. He is
Lutheran and his wife Catherine is 36 years old. They have five children, George(11 years),
Henry(9 years), Maria(7 years), Magdalena(4 years), and John(2 years). In the census records for
North Easthope in 1871, Henry Zinn is 50 years old and his wife Catherine is 45 years old. Their
children are George (21), Henry (19), Mary (17), Margaret (14), John (11) and Elizabeth (5). In
St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery near Amulree is the grave of a Heinreich Zinn who died on July 12
1887 at the age of 50 years, 8 months and 11 days. If this is the same person he would have been
born on November 1, 1837.
In the census of 1861 Elizabeth Habermehl is recorded as living with the family of Henry
She was 50 years of age, a widow and designated a servant. Also living there is Wilhelm
Habermehl, 14 years of age and designated a servant.
This information would indicate that she made her home with
a family member probably a younger brother, after the death of her husband and that Wilhelm
the only one remaining with her and that he was probably the youngest of the family. In the
cen-sus of 1871, however, Anna Habermehl is recorded as living in the home of Henry Habermehl
suggesting that as the family of her brother grew or perhaps he became ill, she made her home
with her son.
In the cemetery of St. Peter's Lutheran church in Wellesley there is a grave marker that is difficult to read but appears to indicate "ANNA ELIZABETHA HABERMEHL" with the information that she died 25 February 1884, age 71 years 8 months 1 day. Her birth date was therefore apparently June 24, 1812. Her husband's grave may be next to hers but if so it is unmarked.
Family tradition indicates that although they were Lutheran, the widow and son were taken in by the Jacob Ernst family. It is this kindness that brought the Mennonite influence to this part of the family.
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The following information is added in order to preserve it so that further research can be
On January 13, 1754 Johann Michael Gebhard and Catherine Habermehl were married in St.
Michael's and Zion Church in Philadelphia. (Pennsylvania Marriages prior to 1810 Vol II)
Ambrosius Habermel was witness to a wedding of Anna Conradina Lebbichin to Adam Bohle
June 2, 1757 in the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Philadelphia. (Pennsylvania German
Church Records Vol I)
On November 21, 1858, Margaret Habermehl of Waterloo was married to Adam Wegfahrt of Waterloo. (Berlin Daily Telegraph Dec 3, 1858) According to Deutche Canadier the marriage was performed by Pastor J. Holsche. They had:
Jacob Wegfahrt
Henry Wegfahrt
Lizzie Wegfahrt
Anna Wegfahrt
Lizzie Wegfahrt married Willie (Wilhelm) Foertter(Vetter?)
They had 4 other of which produced children Lincoln Herny Foertter (Henry apparently after her brother)
Linconln married Gloria and had Gregory and Joyce.
Passenger and Immigration Lists Vol II includes the following:
Ambrosius Habermehl (no age given) Philadelphia Pa. 1749
Henry Habermehl (no age given) Philadelphia Pa. 1845
John Jacob Habermehl (no age given) Philadelphia Pa. 1856
The census records of Bentinck Township for 1861 list Conrad Hobberman (32 yrs), his wife Mary and their children, George (5)
Elizabeth (3) and Mary C (1). The parents and George were born in Germany indicating that they would have emigrated about 1857. The record for 1871 lists Conrad Habermehl (42 yrs) and his wife Maria (42 yrs) and their children Charles (15), Elizabeth (12), John (8), Theodore (6), Catherine (4), Sophia (2) and Frederick (1). Here all the children down to Theodore were born in Germany indicating that the family had emigrated about 1866. I believe
that this is the same family with the census taker misunderstand-ing what he was being told,
as confusing the surname, the eldest boys name in the first census (Georg with Karl) and using
ditto marks carelessly in recording the country of birth in the second census. This appears to be
the family after whom Haber- mehl Post Office and Habermehl lake and the whole district of
Habermehl were named.
In the census record of 1881 for Bentinck Township there is a Charles Havermehl (49 yrs)
and his
wife Catherine (43 yrs). There children are John (21) whose name appears ahead of his father's as
though the farm were his, Henry (16), Lena (18), Charles (13), Daniel (10), Levina (7) and
Simon. The parents were born in Germany, John in the United States and the others in Ontario.
The census for the same township in 1871 however, indicates Charles Havermehl (38 yrs)
Catherine (32 yrs), John (11), Helena (9), Henry (6), Charles (4) and Daniel (1), with John having
been born in Ontario and the parents born in Germany. This is the only record of Simon that I
have been able to discover although we know that a Simon from that area was known as a relative
to the family in their reunion in 1930.
The Hanover cemetery has a number of headstones for Zinn family members as well as Habermehls as though the related families travelled together. A marker for Charles Habermehl indicates his death on 4 Jan 1897 aged 64 years. (i.e. born about 1833. This would make him 48 in 1881 or 49 on his next birthday as the records appear to indicate.) Another for Katherine Habermehl indicates that she died on 9 Oct 1908, aged 70 years. (i.e. born about 1838 and 43 in 1881. There are also markers as follows:
Daniel Habermehl 1869 - 1955.
Blanche, daughter of George and Anne Horlock, wife of Henry Habermehl, died Jan 17, 1909 aged 28 yrs, 11 mo, 21 dys.
Charles J. Habermehl 1868 - 194 , wife Viola O'Neil 1869 - 1949.
Sophia Habermehl wife of M.B. Bender died 26 Aug 1915 in 41 year and Martin Bender
1872 - 1945.
It is my opinion that Johannus Habermehl had more than four children although the eldest would barely be known to Wilhelm who was responsible for some of the verbal information that has come down to me. The possible family would be as follows:
Conrad was born about 1829 and appears to have emigrated directly to Canada in about 1856 if the information is correct that his children born after that date were all born in Canada.
Charles was born in 1832 in Germany and seems to have immigrated first to the U.S. in 1856, where his eldest son was born, coming to Canada before 1863, after the parents had settled in Ontario. John was born in 1835 and appears to have emigrated to Canada before the rest of the family.
Henry was born in 1837 in Germany and appears to have emigrated to the U.S. in 1845
he would have been only
eight years old and must have come with other family members.
Margaret would have been born possibly in 1840 and had arrived in Canada and was married in 1858.
Elizabeth was born in 1845 and came to Canada with her parents in 1856.
Wilhelm was born in 1848 and came to Canada with his parents in 1856.
There are some problems with this reasoning, however, and only a study of the birth
for the whole family will solve the question satisfactorily.
II Habermehl, John (Johannus) (13 Apr. 85)
The son of the original progenitor of this family was known as uncle Hannes by his nephews
great nephews and probably bore the German name Johannus. Around 1905 he was living
opposite the lane of his brother Wilhelms farm near Phillipsburg on the road to Kitchener.
Members of the family remember that he had a vicious dog and that his wife was called Ann Liz.
The family story is that he came first to Canada. He would have been born in Germany probably
in Storndorf, in the 1830's. He was married to Margaret Burnback or Barenbach and then to
Elizabeth Dursum (1856-1944) who had been previously married to Ed Theiss who had three
daughters by her first marriage, namely Georgina, Katie and Fredda who married Henry Manke.
In St. Paul's Lutheran cemetery in Gowanstown there is a headstone for Margaretha Elisabeth
Dursam 1856 - 1944, wife of John Habermehl. At some time he must have lived in Wallace
Township, perhaps later in life, because in the family accounts he is referred to as John of
Wallace. He had five children IIIJohn, IIILeonard, IIIElizabeth, IIIMary and IIISophie. A
headstone in the Zion Evangelical Lutheran cemetery in Philipsburg bears the name Johanes
Habermehl who died January 1, 1926 at age 90 years 5 months and 5 days. The wouldplace his
birth on July 27, 1835
After his death the daughter of his wife Lisbeth (b Jan. 14, 1856), by her previous marriage
alone in the same house near Phillipsburg. Her name was Georgina. The family story is that my
grandfather, Abe, knew a man named Otto Kurtz, who was looking for a wife and as a joke sent
him to call on Georgina. He stayed too late to travel back home and had to stay overnight. As a
result of this impropriety they decided they should get married and they made their home near
Fisher's Mill.
III Habermehl, John (1 Jan. 85)
There may be some confusion in names here between the names of II John and his son John.
record made at the 1930 family reunion indicates that he lived in Gownastown and that it was not
known who his wife may have been. This family may have lived in the vicinity of Neustadt,
Ontario and some are reported to have been buried in the Carrick cemetery two miles up on the
tenth concession toward Mildmay. My first idea was that II John had three children, IV Simon
who owned the farm that includes Lake Habermehl and for whom the school and Post Office
were named; (The Post Office no longer exists and the School has been converted into a home.)
IV Charles; and a daughter who lived on the road between Clifford and Neustadt. This may be
quite in error since the history of the Habermehl district refers to Conrad Habermehl rather than
to John.
There are two additional names that should be noted here. Walter Habermehl lived in
and as of December 1984 is in the Westminster Hospital in London. He is in his med seventies.
His older brother Valentine lived in Toronto and had a responsible position at Borden's. They
would appear to be the sons of IV Simon.
IV Habermehl, Charles (6 Oct. 86)
No family information is as yet available about IV Charles the son of III John but the
detail should be recorded in case it assists in future identification. In the census of 1861 for the
town of Listowel a Charles Habermehl is recorded as 25 years old, born in Germany and a
methodist. His wife Catherine is 24 and born in Ontario. She is Lutheran. Their children are
Edward (2) and Elizabeth (1).
In the census for the Township of Bentinck in 1881, there is also a Charles Havermehl who is 49 years old and his wife Catherine is 43. The younger members of the household are John (21), Henry (16), Lena (18), Charles (13), Daniel (10), Levina (7) and Simon (5).
In the cemetery in Hanover, it should be noted for the record, there is a grave marker for Charles Habermehl who died 4 January 1897, aged 64. He would have been born about 1833. There is also a marker for Katherin Habermehl who died 9 October 1908, aged 70. She would have been born about 1838.
There is in addition a marker for Daniel Habermehl 1869 - 1955, and a marker for Charles J.
Habermehl 1868 - 194 and his wife Viola O'Neil 1869 - 1949.
III Habermehl, Leonard (05 Apr. 87)
The son of II John named Leonard, (1865-1951) married Elizabeth Bender (1867-1953)(The
sister of Ed Bender who was married to Leah Brubacher. Their children were Earl who married
Vera Goldbeck with children Henry, Kenneth and Lillian; Marie who married Clayton Sobisch
with children Shirley and Carol; and Lorne who married Ruby Goldbeck with children Barbara,
Paul and Mary Ellen. This is recorded only because it appears in the 1930 information as
significant family information.)
The children of III Leonard are John, Martin, William, Susie and Fredda. In the Listowel
cemetery there is a marker for Leonard Habermehl 1865 - 1951 and his wife Elizabeth Bender
1867 - 1953.
IV Habermehl, John (13 Apr. 85)
III Leonard's son John was not married according to the record made in 1930. He died
probable in January or February, 1985. In the Listowel cemetery there is a marker for John
Habermehl 1895 - 1960 son of Leonard and Elizabeth.
IV Habermehl, Martin (14 Feb. 85)
III Leonards son Martin married Olive Shenk. In the Listowel cemetery there is a marker to
K. Schenk 1915 - 1960, wife of Martin Habermehl.
IV Habermehl, William (14 Feb. 85)
III Leonards son William was not married yet according to the record made in 1930. In the
listowel cemetery there is a marker for William E. Habermehl 1899 - 1959.
IV Habermehl, Susie (14 Feb. 85)
III Leonard's daughter IV Susie married Jake Koch. They had a son Allen and a daughter
who married Edgar Youngblut and had a daughter Carol. In the Listowel cemetery there is a
marker for Susan E. Habermehl 1902 - 1978 wife of Jacob Koch 1896 - 1985.
IV Habermehl, Fredda or Frieda (6 Oct. 86)
III Leonard's daughter Fredda married Albert Chapman. Their children were Gertrude,
and Elmer. In the Atwood cemetery there is a marker for Albert Chapman 1896 - 1977 and his
wife Frieda Habermehl 1904 - 1976.
III Habermehl, Elizabeth (1 Jan. 85)
III Elizabeth, daughter of II John married Herman Shoddy (or Schadde) who apparently died
before 1930 when this information was noted. They lived in Poole.
III Habermehl, Mary (or Marie) (14 Feb. 85)
The daughter of II John who was named III Mary, married Andrew Kipfer and they lived in Gowanstown. Their children were Barbara who married Gordon Schwindt and lived on Nith (or Nile) street in Stratford; and Lena who married Herb Schwindt.
In the old order Mennonite or Amish church cemetery near Poole there are headstones both
her and her husband that indicate that he was born in 1850 and died on Nov. 26, 1923 at 73 years
of age and that she was born on Aug. 2, 1869 and died on Apr. 29, 1948.
III Habermehl, Sophie (1 Jan. 85)
II John's daughter, III Sophie, married Martin Bender. Their children were Maggie who married Ed Kratz; Viola who married Oscar Amendt and lived in Blythe; Lydia who married Henry Schinbein and lived in Gownastown; Susie who married Whilliam Fetter and lived in Poole; and Annie who married William Forbeck and lived in Poole. It is noted too that in the Listowel cemetery there is a marker for Leonard C. Habermehl 1937 - 1967, although it is not certain which family he fits into.
II Habermehl, Heinrich (or Henry) (5 Apr. 87)
The second son of I Johann, the original immigrant to Canada, was named Heinrich. He lived
Wellesley Township and in the census of 1861 he was recorded as Lutheran, single and 23 years
of age. According to the census of 1871 he was 34 years of age and had been born in Germany.
He is known in the family accounts as Henry of Wellesley. He was probably born in 1838 in
Storndorf. His wife, Catherine Fleischauer was also born in Germany and was two years younger.
He was a carpenter by trade, probably in the town of Wellesley. At the census of 1871 they had
one child, George, who was recorded and who was three years of age. Also living with them was
Anna Habermehl 56 years of age. They had four children according to family information, namely
III George, III Henry, III William and III John.
In the census of 1881 there appears a Catherine Habermehl who seems to be a widow or at least her husband was living elsewhere that week. Her children are Henry (10), Wilhelm (8) and John (6). An Elizabeth Habermehl lives in the same household. She is 69 years old and was born in Germany. There is also a Mary (4). In the cemetery of the Lutheran church in Wellesley there is a grave marker that is almost illegible but appears to be for Heinrich Habermehl who was born in 1837 and died in 1927. This is difficult to read and should be corrected by an entry in the Berliner Journal for March 8, 1877 that records that Henry Habermehl died Feb. 20, 1877 in Wellesley from a lung infection at the age of 40 yrs 7mo and 11 days. This would place his birth on July 9, 1835.
According to information received from LLoyd Fleischauer Henry Habermehl was 27 years
when he married Catherine Fleischauer. They were married on March 12, 1865 by Rev. G.
Schmidt of Wellesley.
III Habermehl, George (2 Jan. 85): The son III George of II Henry was born about 1869 but
nothing more is Known about him.
III Habermehl, Henry (16 Feb. 85)
The son III Henry of II Henry apparently died before 1930 when the family information was
recorded and was not recorded as married. There is a marker for a Henry Habermehl in the
Wellesley St. Paul's Lutheran cemetery indicating that he died March 13, 1920 aged 49 years 11
months and 7 days. There is also the name of Eva Katherine Habermehl who died on March 25,
1918 aged 24 years 2 months and 43 days.
III Habermehl, William (16 Feb. 85)
III William, son of II Henry was married to Ida Doerbecker. In the Lutheran cemetery at
Wellesley there is a marker for William B. Habermehl 1873 - 1931 and his wife Ida Doerbecker
1874 - 1942. There is also one for Clayton Habermehl 1906 - 1936, who may have been their
son. There is also a marker for Fred Habermehl who died on Nov. 10, 1928 aged 8 years, 7
months and 18 days. This information is recorded here so that it will not be lost although it is not
known at this time if these two latter are part of this family.
III Habermehl, John (2 Jan. 85)
There is a marker in the Wellesley Lutheran cemetery for John Habermehl 1876 - 1957. It
provide dates for the son of III Henry. He lived in Rostock and never married.
II Habermehl, Ann Elizabeth (26 Feb. 85)
The daughter of I Johan was called Elizabeth after her mother. She lived in Stratford
to the family information and was married to Conrad Rhinewalt. Their children were John and
William according to 1936 information. In the North Easthope census of 1871 Conrad Reinwald
is 34 years old, Lutheran, born in Germany and a weaver by trade. His wife Lisbeth is 27 and
born in Germany. Their children are John (15), Kunigunde (12), Margaret (11), Conrad (6), John
(5), Carrie (4), Louis (3), and William (2 months, born in Feb.) In the census of 1881 for Ellice
Township Conrad Reinwald is recorded as 50 years of age. He was born in Prussia and was
Lutheran. His wife is Elizabeth. She is 36 years of age, Lutheran and there are ditto marks as if
the census taker assumed that if she was German she must have been born in Prussia. Their
children at that time were as follows: Henry 18, John 16, Conrad 14, William 10, Phillip 6,
George 3 and Edward 1. The parallel of the names given in this census with those in the family
information would indicate that this is the same family in spite of some minor discrepancies and
that therefore Elizabeth (Habermehl) Reinwald was born about 1845 and was about 11 years
when the family emigrated to Canada.
II Habermehl, Wilhelm (or William) (b. 26 Feb. 85 d. 1936)
The youngest son of I Johan was II Wilhelm. He was born on April 5, 1848 and according to
marriage certificate he was born in Storndorf, Germany. The record of his baptism in the
Lutheran church there has been verified. He came to Canada with his family in 1856. Only one
story of the crossing the Atlantic has come to me. The young Wilhelm who was about eight years
of age climbed up the mast of the ship. His father, partly out of fear for his safety was ready to
whip him but the sailors would not let him.
In the census of 1861 he is recorded as living with his widowed mother in the home of Henry
Zinn, who was probably his uncle. In 1873 he married Barbara Ringler(d 1920) (see Ringler family). In
the census of 1881, William Habermehl is recorded as 33 years of age and born in Germany. He
is Mennonite and a labourer. His wife Barbara is 29 years old. Their three children are Albert
(6), Abraham (4) and John (2).
The first farm that this family owned was known to the family as the "little farm", a small farm
west of the Shantz Mennonite church. The house is still in good condition, its exterior covered
with metal siding as it was around 1910, when my father first remembers it. The children
attended the school about half a mile down the road that has since been converted into a home.
My father remembers sneaking off at four years of age to go to school with his aunt Katie who
was in the senior grade, when his parents lived in this house that was still owned by the
grandfather. As things progressed economically the senior family had purchased as well a larger
farm to the east of the church, that in 1980 was owned by Enos Hunsberger. When we visited
that farm the house had been torn down but the old Kase Haus where they made and stored
cheese for market day was still standing and used as a storage shed but was still known by that
name. Every Saturday morning the sons would set out at three or four o'clock with a team and
wagon to go to the market with farm produce. The parents would take the horse and democrat
with the cheeses and other things, setting out about five o'clock to sell their produce at the
Kitchener (Berlin) market.
Mr. Barber (or Barbour) whom I met in 1984 in St. Catharines, and who was over 90 at the
told me how he remembered going to the bush along the front of this farm to look for beechnuts.
My father, Clarence, remembers the Indians camping in this bush as they migrated each
At the age of 65 they sold the farm and moved to live in a wing of the house of his son John
Centreville. Subsequently they moved to Breslau to live with their daughter Katie where they
died, she in 1920 and he in 1936 in his 89th year. They are buried in the same cemetery of the
Shantz Mennonite church. They had nine children namely: Albert, Abraham, John, Elizabeth
(Lizzie), William, Levi, Amanda (Mandy), Barbara, and Catherine (Katie).
While his background was Lutheran, it appears that after the death of his father the family
for a time with the family of William Ernst who was a Mennonite. While the older members of
the family appear to have remained Lutheran, Wilhelm became a Mennonite.
III Habermehl, Albert (13 Apr. 85)
III Albert the eldest son of II Wilhelm was born on September 30, 1874. His first wife was
(Annie) Shantz. (see Eby 6647). She died in July 1917 and is buried in St. Jacobs Mennonite
Cemetery. They had six children namely: Vera, Ada, Edna, Clayton, Erman and Ida. After his
wife's death, he married Martha Bauman who was born in 1891. They had four children, namely
Beatrice, Leonard, Alice and Doris. The family farm was on the road between Conestoga and St.
Jacovs. He died in 1964 and is buried in the Mennonite cemetery at Three Bridges. His wife
Martha died in 1965. In 1984 I visited Mr. Barber (or Barbour) in St. Catharines. He was over
ninety years of age at the time. He told me that his family had lived near Green school and that III
Albert had worked for three years. John and Willy had each worked there for one year and he
know of Abe "who was a minister". When the family was away in Toronto, III Albert ran out of
corn and put the horses on the round treadmill platform to cut some. When he shoved the corn
into the cutter it caught his hand and took it off. He ran to the uncle's place, Bert Barbour, who
took him to the doctor in Plattsville.
IV Habermehl, Vera (3May 87)
The eldest daughter of III Albert, IV Vera was born on August 4, 1905. In September 1927 she married Eli B. Bauman. She died on May 3, 1984. They lived in Elmira and had twelve children as follows:>>>Eileen Bauman was born on Oct. 4, 1928 and married Melvin Snyder (b 14 Dec 28) on Sept. 3, 1949. Their children are Eldon Eugene Snyder (b 6 Dec 50) who married Kathleen Oldford (b 8 Dec 50) on 27 Aug 83; Clarence Leroy Snyder (b 5 June 52) who married Judith Stewart (b 2 July 48) on 9 May 81 and with children Laura Katherine (b 24 Mar 82) and Melissa Anne (b Apr 83); Marlene Grace Snyder (b 16 Nov 54) who married Donald Goerz (b 27 Dec 48) on 4 Oct 75 and with children Jonathan David (b 6 Apr 79), Vanessa Dawn (b 27 Feb 81), Matthew Eric ( b 2 May 82) and Michael Andrew (b 8 Apr 84); Delford Mervin Snyder (b 12 July 57) who married Lea Ann Sutherland (b 12 Feb 58) on 29 April 78 and with children Jeremy David (b 3 May 83) and Amy Lea (b 9 Nov 84); Maurice Glen Snyder (b 12 Sept 58) who married Jennifer Loewen (b 21 Dec 60) on 22 July 78 and with children Fiona Star (b 20 Feb 81), Kyla Angelica (b 29 June 83) and whose second marriage was to April Day (b 2 Jan 65) on 14 June 85 and with a child Jayme Maurice (b 22 Feb 86); Caroyln Joy Snyder (b 27 Sept 59); Gordon Keith Snyder (b 19 June 62) who married Eleanor Pidgeon (b 18 May 62) on 20 Feb 82 and with a child Crystal Michelle (b 26 Mar 83); and Rhonda Eileen Snyder (b 26 July 64).
>>>Harold Bauman was born on March 24, 1930 and married Gladys Horst (b 13 Mar 33) on 2 May 53 and with a son, Gary James (b 28 Feb 55) who married Sonya Hoffner (b 15 June 63) on 1 Sept 85; and Jeanette Gail (b 18 Aug 59).
>>>Buelah Bauman was born on July 2, 1933 and married Leonard Frede (b 2 May 33) on Sept 10, 1955. Their children are Kathleen Joyce (b 26 Jan 60) who married Reginald Wilson (b 27 Apr 55) and with children Jillian Renee (b 13 Aug 81) and Janine Nicole (b 9 Nov 85); and Jeffrey Michael (b 10 Mar 63) who married Norma Legge (b 29 Nov 63) on 22 Sept 84.
>>>Grace Bauman was born on December 26, 1935 and married Amose Weber (b 30 May 33) on 18 July 59. Their children are Calvin Dwight z( 21 Aug 60) who married Heather Good (20 May 59) on 12 Nov 83 and with children Nathan Daniel (b 21 Mar 86), Charlene Joy (b 12 July 63 and d 17 Jan 72) and Glen David (b 9 Feb 65).
>>>Kenneth Bauman was born on June 26, 1938 and married Ruth Arndt (b 7 May 35) on 15 Oct 66. Their children are Susan Ruth (b 13 Dec 68), Nevin Grant (b 1 Sept 70) and Colleen June (b 14 June 73).
>>>Shirley Bauman was born on August 5, 1942 and married Abram Clymer (b 19 Aug 39) on 3 Oct 64. Their children are Angela Sue (b 4 July 68) and Eric Timothy (b 7 Aug 71).
>>>Marjorie Bauman was born on August 12, 1943 and married David Metzger (b 18 Mar 43) on 12 June 65. Their children are Julianne Patricia (b 12 Apr 66), Jennifer Anne (b 15 June 69) and Juanita Lynn (b 1 Jan 72).
>>>Clifford Bauman was born on January 5, 1945 and married Isabelle Dolphin (b 16 Dec 48) on 21 Dec 67. Their children are Sheila Denise (b 22 Oct 69) and Steven Dennis (b 9 July 73).
>>>Wayne Bauman was born on February 2, 1946 and married Audry Henkelman (b 25 May 47) on 24 Aug 68. Their children are Andrea Lise (b 7 Jan 78), Janet Nicole (b 15 Oct 79) and Jessica Renee (b 20 Dec 85).
>>>Janice Bauman was born on February 3, 1947 and married David McArdle (b 15 Oct 41) on 13 July 68.
>>>Karen Bauman was born on May 25, 1948 and married John Lichty (b 29 Apr 45) on 24 May 69. Their daughter is Drist Charlene (b 25 Oct 73).
>>>Miriam Bauman was born on April 15, 1950 and married Patrick Forget (b 2 Aug 45) on 22 Aug 69. Their children are Christopher Keane (b 9 Nov 71) and Erin Marie (b Jan 74).
>>>Lowell Bauman was born on June 12, 1951 and married Elaine Bell (b 10 Oct
50) on 3 Feb
78. Their children are Sarah Rose (b 18 May 81) and Heather Jane (b 8 Nov 83).
IV Habermehl, Ada (13 Apr. 85)
The second daughter of III Albert IV Ada was born on December 17, 1906. On December 12, 1931 she married Norman Buehler. He was born in 1905, the son of Abraham Buehler and his second wife, Nancy Moyer (see the genealogy in Allan Buehler's The Pennsylvania German Dialect And The Life Of An Old Order Mennonite). They lived in St. Jacobs and had three children, as follows:
>>>Floyd Laverne was born on October 17, 1932. On September 17, 1955 he married Irma Baechler. She was born on October 15, 1934. They had five children, namely Carol Maxine (b 9 Sept 1956) who married Charles Bauman on December 31, 1983; Steven James (b 6 Dec 1957); Susan Arlene (b 12 July 1961) who married Randy Canning on June 14, 1980 and had a daughter Valerie Angela (b 26 Dec 1983); Christine Phyllis (b 9 Oct 1963); and Colin Elroy (b 16 Nov 1967).
>>>Verda Ruth was born on December 21, 1935. On September 16, 1961 she married Stanley Cook, the son of Ida and Harry Cook of Shakespeare, Ont. They have two sons namely Paul Stanley (b 28 July 1962) and Derek (b 18 June 1965).
>>>Murray James was born on April 8, 1940. He married Vera King on May 18, 1963 in Ohio. They have two children namely Rita Jeanette (b 19 May 1968) and Mark Andrew (b 15 Feb 1971).
>>>Vincent Grant was born on February 12, 1946. He married Ruth Diehl on May 16, 1969.
After the death of IV Ada on January 17, 1971 Norman Buehler married Alice Horst. He
died in
1980. Both he and IV Ada are buried in the Mennonite cemetery at Three Bridges.
IV Habermehl, Edna (13 Apr. 85)
The third daughter of III Albert is IV Edna. She was born on December 4, 1908. She is not
IV Habermehl, Clayton (13 Apr. 85)
IV Clayton, the sons of III Albert was born on September 20, 1910. His first wife's name was
Lilian and that of the second Olga Goulet. He died on May 31, 1970 and is buried in the Roman
Catholic cemetery at St. Agatha.
IV Habermehl, Erma (3 May 87)
The daughter, IV Erma, of III Albert, was born on August 27, 1913. On August 5, 1939 she married Elvin Drudge (b 20 June 1913) the son of Benjamin Drudge and they lived in Bridgeport. Their children are as follows:
>>>Keith Albert was born on August 22, 1940. On April 20, 1968 he married Laurene Mary Seifried (b 14 Sep 1942). They have two children, Timothy Robert (b 1 Aug 1970) and Tamara Lorri (b 4 Jan 1973).
>>>Dennis Robert was born on January 15, 1942. On June 25, 1971 he married Margaret Isobel Weber. They have a daughter Kristine Grace (b 19 Nov 1972).
>>>Darlene Anne was born on December 20, 1942. On July 16, 1966 she married
Brian Albert
Reiner (b 25 Mar 1943). They have two children Valerie Anne (b 11 June 1967) and Scott Albert
(b 6 Feb 1970).
IV Habermehl, Ida (3 May 87)
IV Ida the daughter of III Albert, was born on May 18, 1917. After graduation from Toronto
Bible College she moved to Chicago as part of the Mennonite inner city outreach. When the
church became self supporting, she became a social worker in the department of Welfare until her
retirement in 1982, when she became, for a few years, curator of the Brubacher house on the
campus of the University of Waterloo.
IV Habermehl, Beatrice (13 Apr 85)
IV Beatrice the daughter of III Albert was born on March 11, 1927. She attended Toronto Bible College. On March 3, 1955 she married Edward Feick (b 22 Jul 1933) and they had their home near Elora. The names of their children are as follows:
>>>Lawrence Edward was born on December 18, 1955 and died on Auguest 17, 1978.
>>>Barbara Collene was born on July 12, 1957.
>>>David Albert was born on May 11, 1960. On Aug 4, 1984 he married Joanne
IV Habermehl, Leonard (13 Apr 85)
The son of III Albert, IV Leonard was born on August 3, 1929. On January 21, 1935 he
Eileen Shoemaker (b 17 Mar 1932). They have made their home outside of Elora. They have
five children namely Brian, Bruce, Kevin, Kirby and Anita.
V Habermehl, Brian Dwight (3 May 87)
The eldest son of IV Leonard is V Brian. He was born on April 9, 1954. On November 21,
he married Norma Bernice Douglas who died May 15, 1977. They had a son Grant Douglas. On
July 21, 1978 he married Gayle Renee Frey (b 18 Feb 1960). Their children are Jeremy Brian,
Andrew Kevin and Travis James.
VI Habermehl, Grant Douglas (13 Apr 85)
The eldest son of V Brian is VI Grant who was born on April 7, 1977.
VI Habermehl, Jeremy Brian (13 Apr 85)
The second son of V Brian is VI Jeremy who was born on November 10, 1980.
VI Habermehl, Andrew Kevin (3 May 87)
The third son of V Brian is VI Andrew who was born on August 18, 1983.
VI Habermehl, Travis James (3 May 87)
The fourth son of V Brian is VI Travis who was born on April 26, 1985.
V Habermehl, Bruce Eric (13 Apr 85)
The second son of IV Leonard is V Bruce. He was born on March 10, 1956. He married
Catherine Marquardt (b 3 Mar 1959). They have two children namely Cory and Kyle.
VI Habermehl, Cory Robert (13 Apr 85)
The eldest son of V Bruce is VI Cory who was born on January 11, 1981.
VI Habermehl, Kyle Matthew (13 Apr 85)
The second son of V Bruce is VI Kyle who was born on February 28, 1983.
V Habermehl, Kevin James (13 Apr 85)
The third son of IV Leonard was Kevin James. He was born on January 21, 1958 and died in
accident on July 13, 1977.
V Habermehl, Kirby Dean (13 Apr 85)
The fourth son of IV Leonard is V Kirby. He was born on July 12, 1968.
V Habermehl, Anita Denise (13 Apr 85)
The daughter of IV Leonard is V Anita Denise who was born on April 4, 1970.
IV Habermehl, Alice (13 Apr 85)
IV Alice, daughter of III Albert was born on November 9, 1930. On September 6, 1952 she married Ralph Weber ( 20 May 1928). They made their home outside of Elmira. They have seven children whose names are as follows:
>>>Roger Leroy was born on 14 Aug 1953. On 29 Sept 1979 he married Darlene Brubacher (b 15 Jan 1957) and they have two children Christa Dawn (b 26 Sep 1981) and Ryan Chad (18 Apr 1984).
>>>Yvonne Mae was born on 10 Sept 1954. On 12 May 1979 she married Allen Detweiler and they have three children, Benjamin Allen (b 28 Feb 1981), Nathan Andrew ( 23 Apr 1982) and Andra Christine (4 Dec 1984).
>>>Ross Owen was born on 28 Dec 1955. On 23 July 1983 he married Vernelda Elizabeth.
>>>Steven Ralph was born on 18 July 1957. His wife's name is Carol Louise.
>>>Darrel Evan was born on 28 Jan 1959.
>>>Darcy Grant was born on 28 Nov 1060.
>>>Gary Dale was born on 18 June 1962.
IV Habermehl, Doris (3 Jan 85)
IV Doris, the youngest daughter of III Albert, was born on October 22, 1933. On November 22, 1952 she married William Theodore Ermel (b Nov 1929). They have made their home in Hurst, Ontario. They have five children whose names are as follows:
>>>Daniel Alexander was born on 4 Sept 1953. On 16 Feb 1974 he married Annette Doucet (b 4 Dec 1955) and they have three girls and one boy namely, Ottilie (b 27 Jun 1974), Sabrina (b 13 Mar 1977), Charlene (b 11 Apr 1979) and Joshua (15 Aug 1980).
>>>Martha Charmaine was born on January 11, 1956. On April 19, 1976 she married Denis Gagnon (b 26 Aug 1951) and they have two children, Denis (b 6 Aug 1976) and Jennifer (b 11 May 1978).
>>>Terrance Frederick was born on September 6, 1957. On September 1, 1979 he married Melanie Sundquist (b 11 Oct 1960) and they have a son Dustin (b 10 Jun 1983).
>>>Dawn Cheryl was born on May 17, 1961. On December 18, 1981 she married Gregory McBride (b 3 Jul 1961) and they have a daughter Rebecca (b 2 Jun 1982).
>>>William Theodore jr was born on April 21, 1966.
III Habermehl, Abraham (6 Oct 86)
The second son of II Wilhelm was III Abraham. He was born near Baden on November 13,
1876. In 1897 he married Katherina Schwantz (see Schwantz family information) and they lived
in homes in Hespeler, Zion, Cole's Mill and Baden before settling on the farm near Kossuth. As a
young man he had worked on a farm farther up the road one, in later years occupied by Leonard
Burton, and frequently passed by this farm which he admired because, while it was small, it had
fence lines almost completely clear of trees. In later years as an older man he used to tell his
grandsons that he regretted this fact because there was little shade to rest in while hoeing turnips.
On one occasion he walked from here after his day's work to visit his future wife in Hespeler
arriving there at midnight only to find that she was furious with him for coming to call at that hour
and waking up the whole family.
He was licenced to preach in both 1899 and 1900 by the conference of the Mennonite
Brethern in
Christ Church (now the Missionary Church) held in Hespeler and functioned as class leader or
assistant pastor in the Hespeler church for several years. Because he did not feel that he could
subject his wife and growing family to the privations and stresses of a beginning pastor's life in
small churches he did not become a full time pastor or ordained minister but he enjoyed pastoral
work and conducted services until the very day of his death, serving in the Glen Christie Union
church from 1920 until 1933 and then in the Howitt Memorial church from 1933 to 1954. Both
of these churches were between Hespeler and Guelph and both have since been demolished. He
died on May 2, 1954 and is buried in the Wanner Mennonite church cemetery.
His picture appears with a group of the ministers of the Ontario Conference of the Mennonite
Brethern in Christ taken in 1917 and reproduced in Burkholder's A Brief History of the
Mennonites in Ontario (p. 189).
His wife died in 1959 and is buried in the Wanner cemetery. They had eight children namely:
Gordon, Albert, Clarence, William, Mildred, Lila, Marjorie and Thelma.
IV Habermehl, Gordon Elmer (4 Jan 85)
The oldest son of III Abraham was IV Gordon. He was born in 1898 and died as a result of
rheumatic fever in 1910. He is buried in the cemetery of the Wanner Mennonite church.
IV Habermehl, Albert Elton 5 Apr 87)
IV Albert, the second son of III Abraham was born on December 17, 1899. As a young man
moved to Alberta where he bought a farm in the Acadia valley. He left the farm, however, to
attend the Three Hills Bible School working part time in a bakery in Drumheller. After his
acceptance into the ministry of the Mennonite Brethern in Christ (later the Missionary) church he
held a series of pastorates primarily as a builder of new churches and was stationed in Bergen
Calgary and Edmonton. On March 27, 1930 he married Beulah Margaret Lockman (b 19 Feb
1908). She was the daughter of Phoebe Eby (b 20 July 1849) and Henry Lachman. She died in
1987 and is buried in Didsbury. They had four children Gordon, Melvin, Doris and Donald.
After his retirement from the active pastoral work they operated a retirement home in
where they still live.
V Habermehl, Gordon (26 Feb 85)
V Gordon the son of IV Albert was born on September 16, 1932, in Alberta. In he
Marie Gould of St. Mary's who was born on August 21, 1936. They lived in St. Mary's for a
number of years; later they moved to Bracebridge where he developed his own construction
business. They currently live in Utterton near Huntsville Ontario. They have four children Lyle,
Sheryl, Lynn and Dwight.
VI Habermehl, Lyle (13 Apr 85)
The son of V Gordon, VI Lyle was born in St. Mary's on July 24, 1957. His wife Cheryl was
born on February 4, 1956. They live in Port Sydney, Ont. where he is a salesman for Paslade.
They have three children namely Brandon, Tara and Katlin.
VII Habermehl, Brandon Lyle (13 Apr 85)
The oldest son of VI Lyle is Brandon Lyle who was born in 1979.
VII Habermehl, Tara Dawn (13 Apr 85)
VII Tara, the daughter of VI Lyle was born in 1981.
VII Habermehl, Katlin Ann (13 Apr 85)
The younger daughter of VI Lyle is VII Katlin Ann who was born in 1984.
VI Habermehl, Cheryl (13 Apr 85)
VI Cheryl, the daughter of V Gordon was born in St. Mary's on April 19, 1958. She is
married to
Jeff Brown (b 4 May 1956). Cheryl is a teacher of French and Music, currently engaged in a
Master of Music Education program in the University of Western Ontario. Her husband is a
teacher of Science and Music.
VI Habermehl, Dwight (13 Apr 85)
The younger son of V Gordon, VI Dwight was born on March 23, 1964. He is currently a
student at Liberty Baptist College where he is taking a Pastoral major with a minor in music and
spends considerable time travelling with the music team from the college.
VI Habermehl, Nancy Lynn (13 Apr 85)
VI Lynn the youngest member of the family of V Gordon was born on May 19, 1965. She is
student in Liberty Baptist College with a counselling major and a education minor.
V Habermehl, Melvin Elmer (6 Oct 86)
The second son of IV Albert, V Melvin was born on Sunny Slope, Alberta on November 26,
1935. On April 18, 1957 he married Marjorie Jean Evans, the daughter of Erskine Sanford Evans
and Elsie Salome Dreumier. She was born in St. Marys on August 24, 1937. They lived near St.
Marys. He is an electrician and worked for C P Rail and operated the farm as well. They have
four children namely Stephen, Dawn, Lee, Peter and Susan.
VI Habermehl, John Stephen (6 Oct 86)
The eldest son of V Melvin is VI Stephen. He was born in Toronto on November 26, 1957.
December 1, 1979 he married Nancy Gilchrist who was born in Ailsa Craig (5 Jan 1954) and they
have two children Elizabeth and Kathleen.
VII Habermehl, Elizabeth Jean Louise (13 Apr 95)
VII Elizabeth the daughter of VI Stephen was born on November 28, 1982.
VII Habermehl, Kathleen Brianne (13 Apr 85)
The second daughter of VI Stephen is Kathleen Brianne. She was born on August 20,
VI Habermehl, Dawn Kathleen (13 Apr 85)
The daughter of V Melvin is VI Dawn. She was born on April 14, 1960, in St. Mary's where
continues to live. On February 23, 1979 she married Howard Rumble (b 7 Aug 1957). They
have two children namely Melissa Jayne (b 2 June 1979) and Brian Alexander (b 19 June,
VI Habermehl, Nancy Lee (6 Oct 86)
The daughter of V Melvin is VI Lee. She was born in St. Mary's on March 1, 1962 and is
to Bill Pickle. They live in St. Mary's and have a daughter Jessica Lee born on June 17, 1983 and
a son, Daniel John born on July 9, 1985.
VI Habermehl, Peter Melvin (6 Apr 86)
VI Peter the son of V Melvin was born in St. Mary's on June 13, 1963 and is currently living
Toronto where he works as an insurance adjuster.
VI Habermehl, Susan Jean (13 Apr 85)
The youngest member of the family of V Melvin is VI Susan. She was born in St. Mary's on
September 4, 1968.
V Habermehl, Doris (5 Jan 85)
V Doris was born on and adopted by IV Albert and his wife on . She is married to John Garland and lives in Didsbury, Alberta. They have three children Stephen, Melissa and
V Habermehl, Donald (5 Jan 85)
The youngest son of IV Albert is V Donald. He was born on 1948. He married Judy
of U.S.A. She is a patient in the nursing home in Didsbury and he lives in his parents' home
IV Habermehl, Clarence Sylvester (6 Jan 84)
The third son of III Abraham, IV Clarence was born on November 19, 1901 when the family
in the corner house at Cole's Mill outside of Hespeler. As a young man he operated a garage and
worked in the furniture factory in Hespeler. Later he operated a construction business and during
the depression delivered bread for Murphy's bakery. He sold life insurance for Mutual Life and
was a weaver in the Dominion Woolens and Worsteds plant and then in the Artex Woolens mill
until he retired in . He build his home on what is now Hammet street in Hespeler on a lot
purchased from the Murray farm. In 1923 he married Vera Waumsley (see Waumsley family).
They had two sons Fred and Herb. In 1949 they moved to the house that belonged to the
Waumsley family on Ontario Street where they still live. Known as Godee to his grandchildren he
is active in taking care of the lawns and sidewalks of several friends. For most of his adult life he
has been an active member of the Baptist Church in Hespeler, having served for many years as
deacon and Sunday School superintendent.
V Habermehl, Frederick Charles (6 Jan 85)
The older son of IV Clarence, VI Fred was born on April 27, 1927 in the home of his
grandmother Waumsley opposite the foot of Ontario Street. After completing high school he
graduated from Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto in 1949. On June 14, 1950, he married Alice
Moore, the daughter of Rose and Tom Moore of Toronto (see Moore family). In 1953 after
spending four years working with La Bonne Nouvelle mission in New Brunswick he returned to
university to complete degrees in philosophy at McMaster and Toronto. From 1958 to 1963 the
family lived in Bolivia under the auspices of the Baptist Overseas Mission Board working in
Oruro and Cochabamba. From 1964 to 1968 he taught in the Niagara Falls Collegiate. In 1968
he transferred to Niagara College where he became the dean of the School of Health Sciences and
Principal of the Wellandvale campus. They have four children Margaret, Deborah, Catherine and
VI Habermehl, Margaret Elaine (6 Apr 87)
The eldest daughter of V Fred, VI Margaret was born in Moncton, N.B. on June 17, 1951.
attended schools in Drumbo, Bolivia, Toronto and Niagara Falls graduating from A.N. Myer high
school. In 1974 she graduated from McMaster University and worked at the Bank of Montreal in
Vancouver for a number of years. Subsequently she was employed at the Hong Kong Bank in
Toronto. In 1984 she married Robert Thistle of Toronto and currently manages the office in the
business he operates.
VI Habermehl, Deborah Rose (6 Jan 85)
VI Debbie, the second daughter of V Fred was born in Campbellton, N.B. on January 12,
She attended schools in Hespeler, Bolivia, Toronto and Niagara Falls graduating from A.N. Myer
high school. She attended the University of Western Ontario from which she graduated in 1977.
In 1978 she graduated from Althouse college and taught the following year in Moncton N.B. She
returned to Ontario and on August 19, 1979, she married Ralph Tackabury. They have a son
Jonathan Mark born August 1, 1980 and a daughter Sarah Rose born November 10, 1984.
VI Habermehl, Catherine Alice (6 Jan 85)
VI Cathy the third daughter of V Fred was born in Kitchener on January 4, 1957 when the
lived in Drumbo. She attended schools in Bolivia, Toronto and Niagara Falls graduating from
A.N. Myer high school and attending Niagara College for one year. She works at the Chef
Boyardee plant in the falls. On December 24, 1979 she married Stuart Craig son of Les and
Elizabeth Craig of Niagara Falls. They have a daughter Tabitha Elizabeth Alice born on July 19,
1980 and a daughter Deidre Dianna Margaret born on November 15, 1984.
VI Habermehl, Jennifer Mickal Vera (5 Apr 87)
VI Jennifer, the youngest daughter of V Fred was born in Niagara Falls on May 5, 1965. In
she graduated from A.N. Myer high school and after a year at McMaster University, she
completed the Social Services Worker Program at Niagara College in 1987.
V Habermehl, Herbert Allen (6 Jan 85)
V Herb the second son of IV Clarence was born in the home of his parents in Hespeler on June 23, 1930. After completing high school in Preston and a year at the University of Toronto, he worked in the Dominion Woolens plant in Hespeler. He returned to his education and in 1954 graduated from the Provincial institute of Textiles in Hamilton and worked for a number of years with the Geigy Chemical company. In 1951 he married Louise Marshall Groat and they made their home in Port Credit until he returned to university when they moved to Hespeler. They had two children, Lucille and Ralph. In 1963 Louise died and is buried in the New Hope cemetery in Cambridge-Hespeler. In 1964 he graduated in chemical engineering from the University of Waterloo and accepted a position in Drummondville P.Q. with company. In
the same year he married Anne Brubacher daughter of Urias Brubacher. They made their
home in
Marion where he worked for a number of years with the Xerox Company and is currently
employed with the Burroughs company. They have one son David.
VI Habermehl, Lucille Annette (6 Jan 85)
V Herb's daughter VI Lucy was born in Hespeler in 1954. She attended schools in Hespeler
Drummondville graduating from high school in Marion N.Y. She spent a year in France with the
Christian Literature Crusade. In she married Ralph Vander Mark and they live in Florida.
They have two sons Andrew and Daniel.
VI Habermehl, Ralph Philip (6 Jan 85)
VI Ralph the son of V Herb was born in Port Credit on August 1958. He attended school in Drummondville, P.Q. and Marion, N.Y. After completing high school in Marion he moved to Florida where he is employed as a paramedic. On he married
Joanne and they have a son Philip James.
VII Habermehl, Philip James
VII Philip was born on February , 1984 in Florida.
VI Habermehl, David (6 Jan 85)
The youngest son of V Herb is VI David who was born in Marion, N.Y. on December 21,
He attends high school in Marion and is an accomplished violinist studying at the Juliard school in
Rochester, N.Y.
IV Habermehl, William Paul (9 Jan 85)
IV Bill Habermehl, the fourth son of III Abraham, was born on April 21, 1904 on Queen St.
Hespeler. In 1924 he married Merle McLoed of Preston. They had four children Albert Leroy,
Franklin and twins Donna and Donald. She died Nov. 12, 1940. On Jan. 5, 1942 he married
Lydia Derford and they lived in Washington, Ontario, where he operated a Watkins retail business
for many years. They had two sons, Leonard and Wayne. In 1969, after the boys were grown
and when he retired they moved to Didsbury, Alberta where he died on May 18, 1983. His wife
makes her home in Didsbury.
V Habermehl, Albert Leroy (9 Jan 85)
The eldest son of IV Bill, V Roy was born in Preston, Ontario on January 6, 1925. He
Doris Alma Hart (b. 17 Feb 1925) of Preston on Feb. 6, 1943. After returning from overseas
service in world war II he became town clerk in Preston. After the amalgamation of the
communities he became city clerk of Cambridge until his retirement in 1981. He has been active
in community affairs including the Legion and the Amputees association. They have four
children, Dianne, Allan, Ted and Robin.
VI Habermehl, Dianne Doris (5 Apr 87)
VI Dianne, the eldest daughter of V Roy, was born in Preston on December 27, 1944. On
23, 1967 she married Ronald Patterson Bain (b. 23 May 1939) and lives in Galt. They have two
children namely Ronald Eric who was born on January 14, 1968 and Michelle Diane who was
born on December 16, 1969.
VI Habermehl, Allan Leroy (9 Jan 85)
The eldest son of V Roy is VI Allan who was born in Preston on January 26, 1949. On May
1976 he married Carmen Anette Keller (b. 2 June 1955). They have three children, Scott, Chad
and Amanada.
VII Habermehl, Scott Allan (5 Apr 87)
VII Allan the son of VI Allan was born on January 3, 1979.
VII Habermehl, Chad William (5 Apr 87)
VII Chad the son of VI Allan was born on February 26, 1982.
VII Habermehl, Amanda Marie (5 Apr 87)
The daughter of VI Allan is Amanda who was born on May 16, 1983.
VI Habermehl, Edward Ray (5 Apr 87)
VI Ted, the son of V Roy was born in Preston on February 10, 1950. On February 26, 1971
married Sheila Elizabeth Smellie (b. 17 Aug 51). He lives in Cambridge-Preston where he is an
undertaker with Stager-Barthel. They have two children Lisa and Paul.
VII Habermehl, Lisa Marie (5 Apr 87)
The daughter of VI Ted is VII Lisa who was born on March 30, 1974.
VII Habermehl, Paul Edward (5 Apr 87)
The son of VI Ted is VII Paul who was born on September 27, 1976.
VI Habermehl, Robbin Reid (5 Apr 87)
The youngest son of the family of V Roy, VI Rob, was born on January 27, 1954 in Preston.
is with the Canadian Armed Forces Band and lives in Ottawa. On September 27, 1974 he married
Rita Marian Dallaire (b. 18 Feb 54). They have three children, Matthew, Sean and Lori.
VII Habermehl, Matthew Reid (5 Apr 87)
The son of VI Rob is VII Matthew who was born on April 12, 1978.
VII Habermehl, Sean Jeffrey (5 Apr 87)
The second son of VI Rob is VII Sean who was born on October 9, 1980.
VII Habermehl, Lori Diane (5 Apr 87)
The daughter of VI Rob is VII Lori who was born on May 1, 1982.
V Habermehl, Franklin (5 Apr 87)
The second son of IV Bill is V Frank. He was born in Preston on April 4, 1930. On May 1,
he married Helen Crawford Johnston. Her son David Johnston (b. 28 June 53) married Sherri
Hohl and their children are Shane and Randy. V Frank lives in Plattsville and their children are
Terry and Kevin.
VII Habermehl, Terrance (5 Apr 87)
VII Terry the son of V Frank was born on June 7, 1960.
VII Habermehl, Kevin (5 Apr 87)
The second son of V Frank is VII Kevin who was born on July 6, 1966.
V Habermehl, Donna (5 Apr 87)
V Donna Habermehl, the daughter of IV Bill, was born in Preston on April 12, 1935. On October 19, 1959 she married Henry Kurtz who was born March 24, 1924. His two children by a previous marriage are Diane (who married Ernest Pederson and has children Kevin and Kelly) and Beverly (who married Fred Hoffman and has children Casey and Charlene). They purchased the farm of IV Albert in the Acadia valley where they lived for a short time. They now make their home in Calgary. Their children are as follows:
>>>Sandra Kurtz who was born October 10, 1960 and married Keith Knudslien. They have children Clinton (b. Oct 1980) and Ginny (b. April 1982).
>>>Steven Kurtz who was born on November 12, 1962.
>>>Deborah Kurtz who was born on May 19, 1965.
V Habermehl, Donald (9 Jan 85)
V Don the son of IV Bill was born in Preston on April 12, 1935. He lives in Kingston and is
not married.
V Habermehl, Leonard Gordon (6 Oct 86)
V Leonard the son of IV Bill was born in Washington on September 7, 1943. On June 25,
he married Joan Carol Wagler who was born on Oct. 27, 1944 and they live in Baden, Ontario.
He is an electrician and inspector for the city of Cambridge. They have two children, Stephen
Ray and Julie Ann.
VI Habermehl, Stephen Ray (5 Apr 87)
VI Stephen the son of V Leonard was born on July 6, 1969.
VI Habermehl, Julie Ann (5 Apr 87)
The daughter of V Leonard is VI Julie Ann who was born on July 6, 1966.
V Habermehl, Wayne (9 Jan 85)
The youngest son of IV Bill is V Wayne who was born in Washington on April 15, 1949. He
lives in the family home in Didsbury, Alberta and is unmarried.
IV Habermehl, Mildred May (9 Jan 85)
The first daughter of III Abraham was IV Mildred who was born on the "little farm" near St. Agatha in May 1906. In 1928 she married Alger Hilborn who was born on August 31, 1903, and they lived in a home near Kossuth and then on a farm above school 24 until they moved to Hespeler in 1955. She died in 1973 and is buried in the Wanner church cemetery. They had four children as follows:
>>>Velda Hilborn was born on June , 1930. She married Russel Moffat of Preston where they make their home. They have four children, Judy who married Terry De Silva and lived in Bermuda for a time but more recently has returned to Canada, Roger who lives in Cambridge, Sandra who married Frank and lives in Galt and has a son Jeffery (b 1983) and Pamela who lives in Kitchener.
>>>Keith Alger Scott Hilborn, born Jan. 1, 1937, married Melanie Gibson. She was born in New Liskeart on October 2, 1942. They live in Niagara Falls. They have three children, Scott Cameron (b. 6 June 1965), Timothy Andrew (b. 14 June 1967) and Sarah Mills (b. 9 Feb 1974).
>>>Glen Hilborn who married Gwen in 1980, was born on April 19, 1938, and lives near Preston. They have a son Dale Franklin (b. July 1984).
>>>Sharon Hilborn was born on August 10, 1947, and married Lorne Schakel and
have an
adopted son Gary and a foster son Stephen.
IV Habermehl, Lila Winnifred (9 Jan 85)
IV Lila Habermehl, the second daughter of III Abraham, was born in Kossuth on
After completing high school in Galt she attended Stratford Normal School and taught in a rural
school near New Dundee. After completing a second year of normal school she taught at the
Ratzburg school and then moved to St. Mary's where she continued to teach for many years
pioneering the concept of "opportunity classes" or special education and many young people were
greatly influenced by both in their education and through her work in the church there. She
retired due to ill health in 1966 and died in May 1967. She is buried in the Wanner church
IV Habermehl, Marjorie Isobel (9 Jan 85)
IV Marjorie the third daughter of III Abraham, was born in Kossuth on October 20, 1912.
lived at home on the farm and travelled to Hespeler each week for many years to give piano
lessons there as well as at home. After he father's death in 1954 she moved to Hespeler living on
Queen St. until she purchased the house at 59 Adam St. where she still lives and although partly
retired continues to teach some pupils.
IV Habermehl, Thelma Irene (9 Jan 85)
The youngest member of the family of III Abraham was IV Thelma. She was born in 1914
died of injuries as a child in 1916. She is buried in the cemetery of the Wanner Mennonite
III Habermehl, John (17 Sept 85)
The third son of II Wilhelm was III John. He was born on February 17, 1879. On March 12,
1902 he married Anna Shantz. She was born on July 1, 1878. They had five children, namely
Ephraim, Salona, Ivan, Norman and Elvina. He died on May 3, 1962 and she on July 11,
IV Habermehl, Ephraim (17 Sept 85)
The eldest member of the family of III John was IV Ephraim. He was born on 28, 1903.
September 30, 1933 he married Luella Witmer who was born on September 14, 1908, the
daughter of Abram Witmer and Matilda Strickler. They have one son, Levern. They lived for
many years near Fisher's Mill outside of Hespeler until they moved to a senior citizens' residence
in Kitchener. Their grave marker is already in place in the Wanner cemetery near Hespeler
although they were in good enough health to attend the family reunion in July 1985.
V Habermehl, Levern (17 Sept 85)
The son of IV Ephraim is V Levern. He was born on March 4, 1939 and lives in
IV Habermehl, Saloma (17 Sept 85)
The eldest daughter of III John is IV Saloma. She was born on October 11, 1904. She lives
Kitchener and attended the family reunion in June 1985.
IV Habermehl, Ivan (17 Sept 85)
The second son of III John was IV Ivan. He was born on November 14, 1908. On
November 12,
1938 he married Ruby Heintzman. She was the daughter of John Heintzman and Edith Weiler
and was born on July 23, 1911. They lived in Kitchener and had two sons, namely Ronald and
Brian. He died on March 1, 1966.
V Habermehl, Ronald (17 Sept 85)
The eldest son of IV Ivan is V Ronald. He was born on April 19, 1941. On December 15,
he married Bonnie Hangartner. She is the daughter of John Hangartner and Betty Swindall and
was born on October 22, 1945. They have three children namely Cathy, Roger and
VI Habermehl, Cathy Jean (17 Sept 85)
The eldest daughter of V Ronald is VI Cathy Jean who was born on July 18, 1963.
VI Habermehl, David Roger (17 Sept 85)
The son of V Ronald is VI Roger who was born on January 16, 1966.
VI Habermehl, Christine Ann (17 Sept 85)
The youngest member of the family of V Ronald is VI Christine who was born on December
18, 1970.
V Habermehl, Brian (17 Sept 85)
The second son of IV Ivan is V Brian. He was born on January 23, 1948. On May 17, 1969
married Marcella De Naeyer. They have two children Dwayne and Derek.
VI Habermehl, Dwayne (17 Sept 85)
The eldest son of V Brian is VI Dwayne who was born on June 16, 1972.
VI Habermehl, Derek (17 Sept 85)
The second son of V Brian is VI Derek who was born on May 29, 1974.
IV Habermehl, Norman (17 Sept 85)
The fourth member of the family of III John is IV Norman, who was born on January 14,
On June 26, 1937 he married Alice Frank. She was the daughter of Charlie Frank and Anna
Kumpf. They lived in Kitchener and had one daughter Marlene. IV Norman died on May 18,
1841 and his wife on September 21, 1965.
V Habermehl, Marlene (17 Sept 85)
The daughter of IV Norman is V Marlene who was born on September 11, 1938. On
7, 1959 she married Larry Victor Crabtree. He is the son of Albert Crabtree and Florence Maude
Grant and was born on July 13, 1936. They have one daughter Kathryn Elizabeth Crabtree who
was born on February 16, 1969.
IV Habermehl, Elvina (17 Sept 85)
The youngest member of the family of III John was IV Elvina. She was born on July 26, 1917. On July 10, 1937 she married Roy Harry Fetter. He was born on April 11, 1915 the son of John Fetter. They lived in Toronto and had five children as follows:
>>>Donald Fetter was born on March 10, 1943. He married Sharon Morris on October 14, 1967. She was born on November 6, 1944 the daughter of Robert Morris. Their children are Theresa Louise (b 18 Nov 1970), Jennifer Leanne (b May 25, 1972), Richell Dawn (b 2 Sept 1976) and Stephen Donald (b 18 Mar 1983).
>>>Gerald Fetter was born on July 20, 1944. On September 2, 1967 he married Marilyn Marie Dufour. She was born on February 7, 1948, the daughter of Joseph Dufour. Their children are Karen Marie (b 29 Aug 1971) and Christopher John (b 9 Feb 1975).
>>>Carol Ann Fetter was born on March 20, 1946. On May 14, 1966 she married William Malcolm Hopkins. He was born on May 20, 1946 the son of William Hopkins. Their children are Tanya Serena (4 Feb 1970) and Kevin Ian (b 27 Jan 1973).
>>>Robert Fetter was born on April 26, 1947. On June 3, 1978 he married Linda Morris the daughter of Robert Morris who was born on March 20, 1952.
>>>Wayne Fetter was born on March 24, 1950. On July 3, 1972 he married Vivian
Oldroyd who was born on May 16, 1953, the daughter of John Herbert Oldroyd. Their children
are Stephanie Kristen (b 24 July 1978) and Jason Wayne (b 28 Jan 1982).
The husband of IV Elvina died on October 21, 1957. On August 5, 1959 she married Albert Fetter the son of John Fetter who was born on March 29, 1919. They had one daughter namely:
>>>Katherine Fetter was born on December 8, 1959. On August 25, 1979 she
married John
McPhee who was born on September 27, 1947, the son of John McPhee. She has a stepdaughter
Lisa Rene (b 26 Feb 1973) and a daughter Janice Agnes ( 20 Mar 1981).
III Habermehl, Katherina Elizabeth (26 Feb 85)
III Elizabeth or Lizzie the daughter of II Wilhelm was born on October 21, 1881. She married Menno Hunsberger and they had two children, as follows:
Melvin born in ??? married Verna Good and had three children, Roy, Morris and Jean. They lived in New Hamburg.
Ada, born on March 9, 1908, married Rufus Martin and had two children namely, Elmer who married Alice Heinrich, and Lloyd. They lived in St. Jacobs.
After the death of her first husband III Lizzie married Jonathan Martin (Eby 4358). She died
1963 and is buried in the Mennonite cemetery at Three bridges.
III Habermehl, William (12 Apr 87)
The son of II Wilhelm, III William or Bill was born on July 24, 1883 and died in . He
married Linnean Sauder. They had seven children namely Harvey, Jeremiah, Barbara, Catherine,
Caroline, Moses and William.
IV Habermehl, Harvey (12 Apr 87)
The eldest child of III William was IV Harvey. He was born on July 7, 1908 and died in the
same month.
IV Habermehl, Jeremiah (12 Apr 87)
IV Jeremiah or Jerry, the son of III William, was born on Dec. 6, 1909 and lived for many
years in
Breslau where along with his brother he operated a butcher's business. My Uncle Jerry never married but he was a good man. He always was there to drive my mother and I around or to take us visiting. He worked at Electrohome for many years. He took over the breslau house(next to the hockey stick factory) and it was a center point for family activities. He let his sister Katie and Hermie live there and it was a sad day when the family had to sell the house after Jerry died. He drove a 1957 Chevy for over 17 years and he died shortly after selling it. He was a genourous, kind and personable man and I miss him.
IV Habermehl, Barbara (12 Apr 87)
IV Barbara the daughter of III William was born on Dec. 16, 1910.
On October 5, 1935 she married her first husband Arthur Percy Henderson. Her second
husband Emil Welland was born June 25, 1910 and they were married August 19, 1960. She has
four step children namely Larry, Betty, Diane and Douglas.
IV Habermehl, Catherine (12 Apr 87)
IV Catherine or Katie, the daughter of III William, was born on Sept. 14, 1912. She married
Herman Hopf (Hauff) and lived in Breslau. Their son is named Don. Don had a son Donnald and
daughter Cathy
IV Habermehl, Caroline (12 Apr
IV Caroline or Carrie, the daughter of III William, was born on Feb. 17, 1914 and died 16
Nov 71. She married
Kuschnereit and they lived in Kitchener and had two sons as follows:
>>>Larry Kuschnereit was born on May 6, 1939. He is a plumber/gas fitter who has
worked for J.
M. Schnieders for over 30 years. On May 27, 1961 he married Marjorie Fischer who was born
on Apr. 17, 1940. They have two sons: Scott(BA, MA History) was born on July 8, 1966 and
Mark(BSc) was born March 25, 1970.
>>>Frank Kuschnereit (BA, MA Psychology) was born 5 Sept 53. On 17 March 84
he married
Glenda Layman who was born on 26 Dec 56. Frank is a Captain in the Canadian Army. They
have three daughters: Kristin - 29 Aug 84, Amanda 21 Jul 86 and Alisha 26 Nov 92.
IV Habermehl, Moses (12 Apr 87)
The son of III William, IV Moses or Mose was born on May 29, 1916. He lived in Breslau
he operated a butcher's business for many years later moving to Kitchener. He married Alice
Sauve (b. Sept. 21, 1922) on Feb. 10, 1940. They have one son Janes who was born on May 15,
1941. He married Donna Eberschlag (b. May 25, 1943) on Sept. 29, 1961. They had two
children, Terry Lawrence born May 11, 1962 and Jody Lune born May 16, 1965.
III Habermehl, Levi (26 Feb 85)
The son of II Wilhelm, III Levi, (sometimes spelled Levy) was born on December 8, 1885 in
Baden, Ontario. He married Martha Herner who was born on March 27, 1890 in Cullam, Illinois,
the daughter of Herner and Jenny (Snyder) Herner. They had a farm near Guernsey, Sask. They
were married in the Sharon Mennonite church there on March 24, 1908. She died in Watrous,
Sask. on April 13, 1930. After he death he married Lena Quintaine. He died on November 28,
1963 and is buried in Guernsey. He had seven children namely William, Edith, Gordon, Florence,
Clifford, Irene and Della. The story of his pioneering in the west is recorded in the history of
Plunkett, Sask.
IV Habermehl, William Isaac (21 Apr 85)
The eldest son of III Levi is IV William. He was born on March 22, 1910, on the home farm.
June 16, 1934 he married Florence Elmira Phillips, the daughter of Tom and Alice (Hill) Phillips.
They farmed near Didsbury, Alberta before living in Calgary. He later worked at Manitouwadge,
Ontario and Fraser Lake, B.C. where he died in 1967. They had a family of five children namely,
Evelyn, Audrey, Darlene, Lyle and Donald.
V Habermehl, Evelyn Deloris (21 Apr 85)
The eldest child of the family of IV William is V Evelyn. She was born on November 2,
On August 29, 1952 she married Allan Duncan. Other information will be added when it becomes
V Habermehl, Audrey Eileen (21 Apr 85)
The second daughter of IV William is V Audrey who was born on June 10, 1936.
V Habermehl, Darlene Rachel (21 Apr 85)
The third member of the family of IV William is V Darlene who was born on August 19,
V Habermehl, Lyle William (21 Apr 85)
The fourth member of the family of IV William is V Lyle. He was born in Didsbury on March
1940. He married Barbara Ann the daughter of Allan and Viola (Fike) Duncan of Calgary. She
was born on July 25, 1941. They have lived in Ashcroft, Peachland and Westbank B.C. They
have a family of four children namely, Dan, Joseph, Lana and Julie.
VI Habermehl, Lyle Daniel (21 Apr 85)
The eldest child in the family of V Lyle is VI Dan. He was born on July 20, 1968 in Ashcroft
VI Habermehl, Joseph Andrew (21 Apr 85)
The second child of V Lyle is VI Joey who was born in Kelowna, B.C. on January 26,
VI Habermehl, Lana Dawn (21 Apr 85)
The third child of V Lyle is VI Lana who was born in Kelowna B.C. on August 9,
VI Habermehl, Julie Ann (21 Apr 85)
The youngest child of the family of V Lyle is VI Julie who was born on January 3, 1975 in
Kelowna B.
V Habermehl, Donald Keith (21 Apr 85)
The fourth member of the family of IV William is V Donald. He was born on July 22, 1942
Didsbury, Alberta. On September 4, 1965 he married Phyllis Arlene, the daughter of Sydney and
Irean (Grettum) Thompson of Camrose, Alberta. He is a supervisor in the copper and zinc mine in
Smithers, B.C. They have two children both born in Ashcroft, namely Sherryl and Robert.
VI Habermehl, Sherryl Lee (21 Apr 85)
The eldest child of V Donald is VI Sherryl who was born on April 19, 1966 in Ashcroft,
VI Habermehl, Robert William Sydney (21 Apr 85)
The second child of V Donald is VI Robert. He was born on September 21, 1968 in
Ashcroft, B.C.
IV Habermehl, Edith Eileen (21 Apr 85)
The second child in the family of III Levi is IV Edith who was born on March 12, 1912 on the family farm. On April 15, 1933 she married Fred Easton in Watrous, Sask. They cleared the land and made a farm in Carrot River, Sask. where he was active in local affairs and where she became known for her beautiful quilts. She died in November 1978 and is buried in Carrot River. They had a family of two children as follows:
>>>Eleanor Mary was born on November 23, 1933. On March 4, 1955 she married Russel Allan, the son of Norman and Ethel (Cummings) Allan. He was born on November 6, 1936. She is manager of a co-op store in Simpson, Sask. They have two children Deborah Gail (b 15 May 1957) who married Gary Gross on Oct. 5, 1974; and Mardel Jean (b Sept 8, 1958) who married Dave Saretsky on July 7, 1984.
>>>Stella Edith was born on March 18 1937. She was a teacher. On August 1964
she married
Julius Vermes, an electronics technician born in Budapest. They have two children namely Paul
(b 1 Apr 1967) and Christopher ( 2 June 1969).
IV Habermehl, Gordon Elmer (21 Apr 85)
The third member of the family of III Levi is IV Gordon who was born on the family farm on
March 22, 1914. On December 27, 1942 he married May Walsh of Didsbury the daughter of
Robert and Mary Jane (McCaig) Walsh. They farmed near Cremona, Alberta raising foxes. Later
they lived in Calgary and are now retired on a farm near Winfield. They have a family of four
children namely, Della, James, Stella and Raymond.
V Habermehl, Della Mae (21 Apr 85)
The eldest child in the family of IV Gordon is V Della who was born in Dilke, Sask. on January 23, 1932. On February 23, 1962 she married Philip Carol Selinger. They live in Calgary and have a family of six children as follows:
>>>Edward Anthony was born on February 2, 1964.
>>>Michael Andrew was born on January 18, 1965.
>>>Roseann Barbara was born on February 1, 1966.
>>>David Leo was born on March 31, 1967.
>>>Frances Marie was born on May 21, 1968.
>>>Annette Margaret was born on October 11, 1970.
V Habermehl, James Elmer (21 Apr 85)
The second child of IV Gordon is V James. He was born on June 1, 1950. On October 27,
he married Teresa Louise the daughter of James and Dorothy Wilkins of Calgary. She was born
on June 27, 1950. They live in Nelson B.C. they have two children, Karen and Donna.
VI Habermehl, Karen Dawn (21 Apr 85)
The eldest daughter of V James is VI Karen who was born on September 7, 1979.
VI Habermehl, Donna Lynn (21 Apr 85)
The second daughter of V James is VI Donna who was born on July 25, 1983.
V Habermehl, Stella Mary (21 Apr 85)
The third member of the family of IV Gordon is V Stella. She was born on December 30, 1952 in Calgary. On June 27, 1973, she married Earl Sanderman (b 2 Mar 1953), the son of Gerald and Gladys Sanderman of Three Hills, Alberta. They lived in Calgary and have two children as follows:
>>>Tammy Lynn of was born on May 6, 1974.
>>>Shane Jeremy was born on September 26, 1976.
V Habermehl, Raymond George (21 Apr 85)
The youngest member of the family of IV Gordon is V Raymond. He was born on November
1954 in Calgary. On September 10, 1981, he married Judith Jane (b 6 Oct 1942), the daughter of
Joseph and Esther (Lord) Sterling. He has a son Sean and a step daughter Lori.
VI Habermehl, Sean Gordon (21 Apr 85)
The son of V Raymond is VI Sean who was born on August 23, 1969.
IV Habermehl, Florence Helen (21 Apr 85)
The fourth member of the family of III Levi is IV Florence. She was born on the family farm on October 31, 1916. On February 3, 1937 she was married in Plunkett, Sask. to James Stroheber. They farmed near Plunkett for 30 years before moving to Watrous and then to Burnaby B.C. where she worked in the Burnaby General Hospital. They are now retired and living in Regina. They had three children as follows:
>>>Marlene Jeanette was born on May 6, 1938. She married Wayne Bjorndahl of Watrous (b 14 Feb 1935) the son of Norris and Mabel Bjorndahl. They have four children namely, Sterling Grant (b 15 Sept 1958), Bruce Wayne (b 22 Feb 1961), Keith Glen (b 12 Dec 1966) and Norris James (b 30 June 1969).
>>>Vernon James was born on July 13, 1940. On December 5, 1975 he married Georgina Mundy the daughter of James and Ann Munday of Watrous. They have a son Scott James (b 16 Aug 1984).
>>>Judith Irene was born on July 7, 1947 and died on June 17, 1967.
IV Habermehl, Clifford John (14 Oct 85)
The fifth member of the family of III Levi is IV Clifford. He was born on January 12, 1920 in
Guernsey, Sask. On October 16, 1941 he married Katherine Zoney in Regina. She was the
daughter of Ignatius and Catherine (Toth) Zoney and was born in Young, Sask. on December 2,
1920. They had six children namely, Carolyn Louise, Janice Martha, Donna Elaine, Kenneth
Clifford, Norman Leonard and Bradley Keith.
V Habermehl, Carolyn Louise (14 Oct 85)
The eldest member of the family of IV Clifford is Carolyn who was born in Watrous, Sask. on February 27, 1943. She was a teacher. On August 31, 1963 she married Robert Orvil Bartel who was born in Drake, Sask. the son of Art and Lydia (Ediger) Bartel. They live in Quesnel, B.C. where he is a heavy duty mechanic. They have two children as follows:
>>>Catherine Marie Bartel who was born on March 20, 1064.
>>>Karen Dawn Bartel who was born on May 3, 1965.
V Habermehl, Janice Martha (14 Oct 85)
The second daughter of IV Clifford is Janice Martha who was born in Watrous, Sask. on August 20, 1944. On May 20, 1966 she married William Henry Dobson the son of Norman and Bertha Dobson. He is a truck driver and they live in Regina, Sask. They have three children as follows:
>>>Constance Cherryl Dobson who was born on March 1, 1967.
>>>Clifford Shawn Dobson who was born on September 12, 1968.
>>>Patricia Nadine Dobson who was born on November 15, 1974.
V Habermehl, Donna Elaine (14 Oct 85)
The third daughter of IV Clifford is Donna Elaine who was born in Watrous, Sask. on December 30, 1948. On August 24, 1968 she married John Arthur Bourgeault who was born on January 27, 1947 in Watrous, Sask. the son of Joseph and Alexena (Finland) Bourgeault. They live in Swan River, Manitoba where he is manager of the Credit Union. They have a son and a daughter as follows:
>>>Michael Shane Bourgeault who was born on February 28, 1970.
>>>Loren Rae Bourgeault who was born on November 6, 1973.
V Habermehl, Kenneth Clifford (14 Oct 85)
The fourth member of the family of IV Clifford is Kenneth Clifford who was born on
11, 1952 in Watrous, Sask. On July 21, 1979 he married Patricia Gay Forsberg a nurse born in
Macrorie, Sask. on November 29, 1955 the daughter of Lloyd and Gay (McDonald) Forsberg.
They live in Consort, Alta. where he is a veterinarian. They have two children namely Craig Allan
and Anne Patricia.
VI Habermehl, Craig Allan (14 Oct 85)
The son of V Kenneth is VI Craig who was born on February 17, 1981.
VI Habermehl, Anne Patricia (14 Oct 85)
The daughter of V Kenneth is VI Anne Patricia who was born on November 4, 1983.
V Habermehl, Norman Leonard (14 Oct 85)
The fifth member of the family of IV Clifford is V Norman who was born on February 21,
1957 in
Watrous, Sask. On August 11, 1979 he married Monique Veronique Desorcy who was born in
St. Boniface on January 2, 1955 the daughter of Gerard and Marie Desorcy. They live in Provost,
Alta where they are both veterinarians. They have a son and a daughter Jason Daniel and
Michelle Anne.
VI Habermehl, Jason Daniel (14 Oct 85)
The son of V Norman is VI Jason Daniel who was born in Watrous on May 1, 1980.
VI Habermehl, Michelle Anne (14 Oct 85)
The daughter of V Norman is VI Michelle Anne who was born in Provost, Alta on March 10,
V Habermehl, Bradley Keith (14 Oct 85)
The youngest member of the family of IV Clifford is V Brad who was born on February 26,
in Watrous, Sask. On October 21, 1978 he married Lorna Leslie Farago the daughter of Leslie
and Edna (Kienlen) Farago who was born in Viscount, Sask. on August 22, 1960. He is a farmer
in Watrous, Sask. and they have a daughter Kimberly Dawn who was born on May 12, 1981.
IV Habermehl, Irene May (21 Apr 85)
The sixth member of the family of III Levi is IV Irene who was born on September 20, 1920 at Watrous. On November 1, 1952 she married Ralph Crittenden (b 7 Jan 1911), the son of William and Margaret Crittenden of Jackson's Point, Ontario. She taught school prior to her marriage. They farmed near Imperial, Sask. They had a family of five children as follows:
>>>Gordon Leslie was born on September 13, 1953 at Imperial. He raises hereford cattle with his brother. On November 7, 1981 he married Shirley Mooney.
>>>Howard Norman was born on July 13, 1981 at Imperial. On March 5, 1977 he married Sharon Emigh (b 13 June 1957). They have two children, James Michael (b 28 Dec 1980) and Grant Leslie (b 5 July 1982).
>>>Joan Faith was born on October 9, 1960 in Imperial. On May 12, she married Dennis Abday of Regina. She works for Sask-Tel. >>>Joyce Emily was born on October 9, 1960 in Imperial. On January 30, 1982, she married Garth Mang. Prior to her marriage she worked at the University of Regina. She had a son Alan Paul (b 5 Oct 1983).
>>>Jill Florence was born on October 4, 1967 in Imperial.
IV Habermehl, Della Minnie (21 Apr 85)
The youngest member of the family of III Levi is IV Della. She was born on January 6, 1929 on the home farm. In 1958, she married Charles Hubensky (b 22 Oct 1926) and they have lived in Chilliwack and Wells B.C. They have two children as follows:
>>>Dale Charles was born on March 2, 1960 and died in a logging accident at Haggen Creek, B.C. on January 26, 1984.
>>>Leah Ann was born on January 22, 1961 in Chilliwack.
III Habermehl, Amanda (26 Feb 85)
The daughter of II Wilhelm, III Amanda or Mandy was born on July 21, 1888. She married Allan Brubacher and they had three children as follows:
>>>Albert who married Eva Becker and lived in Kitchener.
>>>Delton who lived in Preston.
Habermehl, Anna Barbara (10 May 87)
III Barbara, the daughter of II Wilhelm, was born on August 3, 1891. An infant grave
bearing the
name Edward Habermehl in the cemetery of the Shantz church is apparently that of her first child.
She married Christian Kropf. The census information for 1871 indicates a Jacob Kropf aged 29
whose wife is Lusana aged 27. Their children are Christina (5), Jacob (3) and Joseph (12 Sept
1871). If this is the same Christian Krupp he would have been born about 1866. A book
published in 1969 Kropf Family Book,
however, includes the information that Chris L. Kropf was
born on October 26, 1888 and died on October 29, 1961. On November 12, 1911 he married
Barbara Habermehl. She was born on August 3, 1891 and died on November 23, 1968. They
had a family of three children as follows:
>>>Viola Kropf was born on Feb 23, 1913 and married Paul Korrach on 6 Jan 34. He was born on 27 Mar 06 in Walda, Germany the son of Michael and Maria Korrach and died in Orrville on 16 Oct 80. They have three children. The eldest is Violet Korrach (b 5 Oct 35) who married Clifford Hodgkinson (b 12 Dec 29) on 4 Sept 54 and lives in Toronto. Their two children are Kevin Clifford Hodgkinson (b 25 Jan 58) who married Sandra Louise Johns (b 13 Feb 59) and has a son Michael William (b 19 Jan 85) and Craig William Hodgkinson; the second is Frances Korrach (b 5 Apr 44) who married Donald Angerman (b 12 Aug 41) on 16 May 64 and has a son Darren Angerman (b 11 June 65); and the third is Arnold Korrach (b 12 Sept 53) who married Kathy (b 20 July 57) on 15 Sept 79 and has a son Paul William Korrach (b 18 Jun 85).
>>>Clarence Kropf was born on Feb 25, 1916 and married Margaret Linseman (b 6 Nov 16) on Feb. 6, 1937. They have four children of whom the eldest is Elaine Yvonne (b 28 July 37) who married Thomas Bulmer (b 12 Jan 30) and has five children namely Bradley Thomas(b 10 June 58), Gail Ann (b 6 July 59), Jeffrey Allen (b 21 Nov. 62), Robert James (b 7 Feb 64) and Michelle Jane (b 16 Jan 70). The second is Richard Clarence Kropf (b 8 Jan 42) who married Linda (b 8 Mar 46) and has a daughter Michelle (b 7 Jan 72). The third is Terrance Thomas Kropf (b 13 June 43) who married Helen Keelan (b 2 Jun 42). The fourth is Roger John Kropf (b 5 May 49) who married Barbara Litrenta (b 20 Nov 51) on 11 July 81 and has two children namely Patrick Michael (b 30 Jun 84) and Kathleen Nicole (b 2 Apr 86). The fifth is Michael Robert Kropf (b 30 Mar 51) who married Cleo Voisin (b 25 Mar 53) and has three children Tara Michele (b 27 Jul 72), Erin Marie (b 27 Sept 77) and Colin Michael (b 25 Jun 80).
>>>Lloyd Alexander Kropf was born on Jan. 2, 1921. He married Mary Alexandra
Brenner (b 18
Feb 21) on Apr. 18, 1942. He died on 30 Dec 77 and is buried in Kitchener. They had a family of
ten children as follows: The first is Linda Arlene Kropf (b 19 Jul 43) who married Gordon Joseph
Weber (b 17 Mar 38) on 20 Aug 60. Their children are Rosemary Elizabeth Weber (b 17 12 Oct
63) who married Michael Matthew Christian on 21 Sep 85; Robert Gordon Weber (b 28 Jul 65);
Thomas Joseph Weber (b 13 May 68); and Sandra Marie Weber(b 22 Feb 73). The second is
Judith Ann Kropf (b 12 Sept 46) who married Robert William Odbert (b 19 Aug 43) on 24 Jul 65
and their children are Susan Marie Odbert (b 16 Nov 66) and Jennifer Lynn Odbert (b 16 Apr 74).
The third is Lawrence Francis Kropf (b 4 Oct 47) who married Trudy Wendels (b 12 Dec 47) on
19 July 69 and their children are Laura Kropf (b 18 Mar 68) and Larry Kropf (b 14 Nov 71). The
fourth is Keith Paul Kropf (b 19 Jan 49 and d 23 Dec 49). The fifth is Gregory Charles (b 14 Nov
50) who married Karin Brigitte Paczosa (b 27 Dec 46) on 24 May 69 and his children are Angela
Maria Kropf (b 29 Apr 70), and two stepsons Robert Farkas(b 30 Nov 65) and James Farkas (b 9
Apr 62). The sixth is Louis Paul Kropf (b 27 Mar 52) who married Ilse Kerling (b 5 May 54) on
24 Jun 72 and his children are Shawn Paul Kropf (b 27 Jun 73), Dwayne Louis (b 1 Feb 76) and
Jason Michael (b 24 Nov 78). The seventh is Stephen Lloyd (b 28 Sept 53) who married Brenda
Coghlan (b 22 Mar 53) on 25 Oct 75 and his children are Daryl William Kropf (b 26 Jan 78) and
Amy Lyn Kropf (b 11 July 79). Daryl William Kropf (s/o Stephen Lloyd Kropf and Brenda Coghlan) married Aimee Leigh Wagner (adopted daughter of Craig Wagner and daughter of Carol Diefenbacher) on August 23, 2003. They have a daughter, Aubrey Grace Kropf b 25 Feb 2001. The eighth is Lorraine Mary Kropf (b 10 July 55) who married
Barry Buchanan (b 15 Sept 48) on 21 Sept 74 and her children are Kristy Lynn (b 7 Feb 78) and
Kevin Barry (b 24 Nov 80). The ninth is James Joseph Kropf (b 1 May 57) who married Jane
Theresa Hausch (b 21 Oct 58) on 10 Sept 77 and his children are Jamie Christopher (b 24 May
79), Kimbery Ann (b 12 May 82) and Kelly Lynn (b 24 Jan 84). The tenth is Leonard Gordon
Kropf (b 8 Apr 60) who married Sherri Anne Watson (b 21 May 63) on 25 June 83 and his
daughter is Amber Nicole (b 11 Jun 85).
III Habermehl, Katherina (26 Feb 85)
The youngest member of the family of II Wilhelm was III Katherina or Katie, who was born on January 26, 1893. On January 27, 1915 she married Jacob Sauder who was born on August 18, 1885, and they lived in Breslau. It was on their farm that a number of family reunions were held in the early thirties because her father lived in her home. After the death of her husband she made her home with her daughter Edith in Lion's Head, Ontario until her death on April 7, 1974. They had eight children as follows:
>>>Clare William was born on June 2, 1915. On December 26, 1942 he married Alice Ann Tutton who was born on October 4, 1916 and died on February 7, 1952. They had two children namely, Nancy Ann Sauder (b Nov 4 1945) who married Scott Totzke (b May 6 1943) with children Scott William (b Sept 11 1965) and Steven Bradley (b Aug 23 1969); and Brian Clare Sauder (b July 16, 1949) who married Antonina Czudyjowyce (b Dec 25 1945) on June 3 1972 with children Jennifer Marie (b Feb 24 1975) and Tina Christina (b Apr 17 1979).
>>>Nelda Marie was born on November 6, 1916. On March 3, 1941 she married James Bergy (b July 23 1916) and lived in Breslau. They had seven children namely, Laurel Marie Bergey (b May 23, 1941 d June 16, 1957); James Murray Bergey (b Oct. 2, 1946 d Nov. 7, 1977); Judy Catherine Bergey (b May 25, 1948) married Kenneth Wallace (b Feb. 24, 1950) on July 15, 1972 with children Jennifer Catherine (b Aug. 16, 1978) and Leslie Marie (b July 26, 1981); Doreen Elaine Bergey (b Oct. 28, 1950) married Gerald Stuebing (b Feb. 14, 1948) on Apr. 24, 1970 with children Rebecca Lynn (b Nov. 15, 1974), Andrew David (b Mar. 8, 1978) and Gerald Arthur (b Sept. 24, 1982); Glen Allen Bergey (b Sept. 28, 1951); Donna Jean Bergey (b Oct. 22, 1954) married Barry Berscht (b Sept. 13, 1954) on June 14, 1974 with children Christopher James (b Oct. 29, 1980) and Daniel Joseph (b July 6, 1983); and Keith Gordon Bergey (b July 24, 1958).
>>>Orval Henry was born on November 3, 1917. On April 15, 1944 he married Elizabeth (Betty) Stan (b July 19, 1923). They had two children namely, Diane Elizabeth Sauder (b Aug 15, 1946) who married Reginald Darnell on December 28, 1963 with children Timothy Shane (b July 15, 1964), Kevin Reginald (b Oct 11, 1966) and Christopher Robin (b Oct 4, 1967); and Larry Orvil Sauder (b Apr 18, 1951) who married Carolyn Doreen Burnett (b Jan 26, 1954) on April 26, 1975 with children Krystal Dawn (b Dec 23, 1979) and Jennifer Elizabeth (b Apr 19, 1983).
>>>Marjorie Elizabeth was born on January 17, 1919. On June 28, 1941 she married Walter Zeiman (b Apr 23, 1918 d May 30, 1971) and lived in Preston. They had eight children namely; (1) Terry James Zeiman who married Maureen Higgins on Sept. 11, 1982 and then married Irene Krzak (b May 11, 1951) on July 27, 1974, with children Marjorie Louise Zeiman (b Mar 7, 1963) who married Joseph Douglas Meier on Sept. 11, 1982 and has a son Jeremy Joseph (b Oct. 21, 1983); Tracy Maureen Zeiman (b July 18, 1964); Terry James Zeiman (b Nov. 16, 1965); Kimberly Dawn Zeiman (b Jan 7, 1975); Scott Elliot Zeiman (b July 17, 1978); and Jonathan Walter Zeiman (b May 14, 1980). (2) Sheila Darlene Zeiman (b Nov 18, 1944), who married James Shepherd (b Nov 28, 1941) on May 11, 1968 and has a son Kevin James (b May 27, 1969). (3) Sharon Marlene Zeiman (b Nov 18, 1944) who married Gary Taylor on April 23, 1966 and then married Edward Memmott (b July 19, 1941) on Oct 12, 1979, with a son Michael James (b May 15, 1979). (4) Karen Marjorie Zeiman (b Feb 20, 1949) who married Douglas Bernier (b Sept 22, 1948) on Nov 24, 1967 with children Jeffrey Douglas (b June 20, 1968) and Lisa Marie (b Feb 26, 1970). (5) Linda Irene Zeiman (b Aug 5, 1950) who married James Green (b Apr 28, 1946) on Sept 8, 1973 with children J.G. Richard (b Oct 1, 1976); Judd Walter (b Apr 15, 1980 d June 30, 1980); and Lindsey Lee (b Jan 5, 1982). (6) Bonnie May Zieman (b May 10, 1952) who married Frank George (b May 17, 1952) on Aug 21, 1976 with a son Christopher Lee (b Aug 16, 1976). (7) Elaine Ann Zieman (b Feb 1, 1954) who married Randy King (b Apr 15, 1952) on Oct 14, 1972 with a daughter April Ann (b Apr 23, 1977). (8) Eleanor Kay Zieman (b Feb 1, 1954) who married George Cherry (b Feb 10, 1955) on Jan 27, 1973 with children Randy Michael (b May 28, 1972) and Kelly Lynn (b Oct 1, 1976).
>>>Alice Leonora was born on March 11, 1922. On October 21, 1944 she married Charles O'Donoghue (b Sept 28, 1920, d. 12 Jan 02) and lives in Kitchener. They have two children namely, Tamra Diane O'Donoghue (b Mar 16, 1945) who married Leonard Andrechek (b Oct 27, 1943) on July 24, 1965 and has a son Colin Edward (b July 1, 1972); and Gary Charles O'Donoghue (b Aug 30, 1946) who married Beverly Ann Brunk (b Apr 25, 1951) on April 8, 1972, with children Michael Vernon (b Feb 18, 1977) and David Charles (b Sept 13, 1980).
>>>Gordon Jacob was born on September 12, 1924. On February 16, 1952 he married Gladys Marion Hope (b Dec 30, 1928). They have three children namely, Kevin Mark Sauder (b Apr 3, 1956); Annette Louise Sauder (b June 2, 1958) who married Steve Laslo (b Aug 12, 1958) on October 2, 1982; and Cameron Grant Sauder (b Nov 22, 1960).
>>>Carl Lavern was born on October 11, 1925. On September 27, 1952 he married Mildred White (b Mar 18, 1929) and has two children namely a stepson Dennis Leon White (b Apr 17, 1949) who married Debbie Adamson (b July 15, 1972) on July 15, 1972 with a son Shawn George (b Oct 14, 1975) and then married Irene (Bullock) Trianne (b Jan 13, 1955) on December 16, 1983 with a son Dennis Adam Joshua Carl White (b Oct 16, 1984); and a son George Lavern Sauder (b July 10, 1953) who married Rhonda Beaudin (b May 13, 1960) on November 22, 1976 with children Carrie Ann Christine (b Apr 29, 1977), Mindy Lee (b Feb 14, 1979) and Jeffrey Carl Ronald (b May 3, 1981).
>>>Edith Irene was born on December 13, 1928. On June 19, 1948 she married James Hill and they lived in Lion's Head. They had four children namely, Shirley Irene Hill (b Aug 12, 1950) who married Robert Andrechek (b June 4, 1948) on June 19, 1971 with children Eran Robert (b Feb 1, 1974) and Shawn James (b Feb 25, 1977); Douglas James Hill (b Dec 13, 1952) who married Marlene Denk (b July 7, 1953) on July 28, 1973 with children Lucy Ann Katheryn (b July 29, 1978), John Douglas (b Sept 17, 1981) and Emily Sue (b Aug 26, 1984); Pauline Alice Hill (b June 30, 1955) who married Larry Leonard (b July 31, 1952) on August 28, 1976 with a daughter Alicyn Pauline (b Apr 2, 1978); Murray Robert Hill (b June 3, 1959) who married Jacqueline Rosemary White (b Mar 16, 1957) on September 8, 1979 with children Jessica Michelle (b Aug 3, 1984). After the death of her husband on Feb 25, 1978 Edith married Emerson Hisey (b Apr 12, 1925) on September 8, 1982 and continues to live in Lion's Head, Ontario.