My how time has flown. It doesn't seem that long ago that Kathleen and I met in our Freshman dorm. Here is us in 2003, still amazing friends!

KC and BK: friends forever! This picture is from summer '97 when I got to visit her in Arizona. The one on the right is of her and me in uniform at the Navy Spring Ball Freshman year.

Here are links to my motivated friends who have made their very own homepages!

The Wedding of the Century web page. Mr and Mrs Schnouser....
Mark's Web Page - Green Ant
Lori's Homepage!
Sanjay's Homepage my sophomore suite's GF (Graduate Fellow) and neat guy too!
Aloura's Homepage. I don't know why she goes by this, it's not her real name.
Liz's Homepage...aka "Volvo Girl!"

THE GROUPOriginal Virginia Chapter

This is Kathleen, looking very cute, Freshman year.

This is Kathleen, Pat, and I at Hill House Dorm. I am playing with the new timer feature on my camera and had to run around the table and jump into the picture.

This is me Freshman year about to fire a musket in the Continental Colorguard.

My suite from Sophmore year doing a community project. We got the paint the inside of this apartment.

My suite again on a Paintball trip in the Poconos.

We entered a Halloween pumpkin carving contest and this is what we ended up with.

Page last edited 11/19/2006