Welcome to my home page. I graduated from The University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing in 2000, where I was a member of the PENN Navy ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps). I got out of the Navy in 2004, worked at a clinic for a year, lived in Denver for a year, and am now back in San Diego. I work at Rady Children's Hospital. I love it!
Here are me and my darling siblings. On the right is Rachel and me when I visited her in Boulder in 2004. On the left is my brother, James, and me in our working uniforms in 2004 just before I got out of the Navy. He is a Navy pilot! Click here for a page dedicated to pictures of him and other family members!!
2003 Family Reunion pictures! NC
GROUP My friends from Virginia who hate being called 'the Group.'

Obsessive Amounts of Pictures
Mark and Kathleen finally tied the knot! Come see pictures from the beautiful Sept 2001 wedding. (Blah, blah, blah, get out while you can...)
Emmaphants on Parade! the ulitimate fix for my Emma Hughes addiction.
Gif Collection
Beginner's Guide to HTML
Kids Domain a great Clip Art stash
The Icon Factory
Geocities/Yahoo File Manager.
Penn Wharton Club of San Diego
Southern California Penn Alumni Homepage.
Daily Pennsylvanian
school newspaper.
UPENN Nursing School
Here are some links to help you on your quest, whatever that may be.
World Wide Web Search Engines
San Diego County Public Library Link
County Public Library link.
Washington Post
USA Today webpage
Navy Times a Navy newspaper
Coolsigs Find great e-mail signature files.
NMCSD Naval Medical Center San Diego web page
World Famous San Diego Zoo
4SanDiego 4 Anything!
Joke a Day Supplier of my daily jokes.

Here are some weather sites. These help me plan my day.
San Diego Weather Channel
Businesses that interest me....
Sunshine Kids Foundation : my new friends here sent me to NYC on a "working" trip.
Make a Wish Foundation.
Midwest of Cannon Falls a web site with interesting ornaments etc.
Wick's End Candles and gifts
Killington Resort Ah, yes, Vermont skiing!
IN-N-OUT burger if you've never been to California, you just don't understand.
Contiki Tours I went to Ireland August 2003!
My friends are very strange most of the time. If you think you can handle it, click here for some links to them.
Navy Page!! Check out pictures from my summer '99 Hospital Cruise!
Find me on MySpace and be my friend!

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This homepage is maintained byElizabeth
Last modified November 18th 2006