Well, I am in CollegePark, so I figure I should include something about my
college. I go to the University of
Colorado at Boulder. It is the prettiest campus on Earth with the possible
exception of Georgetown University.
I am an undergraduate in aerospace engineering. CU has an excellent engineering
program, both graduate and undergraduate.
I can plug some other things about CU, like its
marching band and
its Minority Engineering Program. I am a member of at least one engineering organization,
The American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics. CU has a student chapter here on campus. I haven't
yet gotten around to joining that, but I will. Eventually. I am also
the current president of Pi Sigma Alpha, the CU chapter of the National Political
Science Honor Society. I know, I am an engineer, and I am not supposed
to be interested in politics. But I have my
friends Pawel and Elena convinced that someday I will have a seat
in the U.S. Senate. Let's see, first I have to raise about ten
million dollars.
I am now a fifth year senior--a super senior, yeah!! I survived five finals last May. Ouch. I'm doing Senior Projects this coming year and honors in political science. Maybe by some miracle I will be able to maintain this level of performance. Probably not, though.
Send me email at...
© 1997 mcampos@ucsu.colorado.edu