Fun Links!

Best radio in Charlottesville!
Listen to the best radio from Austin!

The Houston Chronicle always has great weird news. It's not in a special section; they just like the crazy stories.

The Astros , who will hopefully re-sign Clemens and Beltran.
The Lynchburg, VA Hillcats are the single-A affiliate of the Pirates, and my favorite minor league team. They play in a great little stadium where you can get front-row seats even with first base on the day of the game for $7. And they sell beer in pitchers. And once I got to hit water balloons with a bat on the field in between innings. Gotta love it.

Reading lists in various academic subjects, like literature, political science, and history. (This link is not working right now, but it just worked a couple of days ago.)
A grad student's aesthetically-pleasing site full of great book reviews (and also knitting ideas).

Digs Magazine: an e-zine with advice and information about cooking, entertaining, decorating, reading, and movies.