This page is dedicated to the, one and only, Aitchison College
and its students around the world. Aitchison days still remain vivid in my memory. I gotta tell you, I had the most amazing high school days during my time there. WHOAH! I met some really great friends (yars and jigars) and together "our gang" ruled Aitchison! We did some much exploring around school and lahore. And then there were pungas, after school fights at the riding school, bunking classes, poondi rounds, making life hell for teachers and some students, picking on nerdy kids (who, by the way, now attend Harvard, MIT, Yale, Stanford, Oxford etc. etc.), and yes! getting canned (3 times in a day once) on a regular basis, was all part of a care-free life. Yup, loved each n' every moment of it and I am pround to be an Aitchisonian who had the "overall" experience, back in the days of purple haze. I also discovered Pink Floyd there. But, that was just another brick in the wall.
Anyway, before I get all carried away, I am working on this page and you will see it improve, slowly but surely. If you are/were or planning to be an Aitchisonian please send me some "E-Dak" so that I can put your info. on this site. This info. will be updated into "Aitchisonians Online".
It can include your Name (duh!), Current University/Workplace, Email, Sex (ignore this if unchanged), and HP address (if u got one.)
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I would like to bring all my Aitchisonian brotha's togheta
, once again, no matter where they are in da world..... will
help them find long lost hoomies and bond from where they last know I'm sayin'....", said
Mr. Banday in a brief interview.
Mr. Banday took
his Senior Cambrige examination in 1991 and decided to leave afterwards, primarily due to "outstanding grades". He was last seen sleeping bitchin' about how he wants to get the hell outta Amherst and move to California. But somewhere down the road, you will find the man back to where he belongs. Hence, the term "Jithoh di khoti, othay hi an khaloti" can be safely used to describe his future hangouts. PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!!
© 1997&1998
Salman Banday