AAST Alumni Free Zone
While we are looking to make this site acts as an electronic club for all of the graduates, a new activity is established here, The AAST Alumni Free Zone which will be an open area for all the graduates to send their contributions to be viewed here.
These contributions may be an image, a sketch, poem, article, a new ideas or experiences or any other type of suitable contributions. We are looking also for a suitable name for this area ( Zone ). Many names can be applied but sure we need your opinions in that, the names can be " Al-Khawarizmy " which is the same of the magazine of the students at the Academy. Some colleagues sugessted to establish a zone with the name "Al-Omda Cafe" referring to the well known ( Al-Omdah Cafe ) in "Abu El-Arab" street at Miamy.
Really it is fantastic to get those ideas from you and to start receiving your contributions to this page.
For submitting your contributions please send it by Email to AAST Alumni or send it by Post to the following address:
P.O. Box ( 529 )
Ain El-Basha - 19374 - Jordan